How would Sup Forums approach this situation in order to maximize butthurt?
>what's 'cisgender'?
>so it's, like, a normal person?
How would Sup Forums approach this situation in order to maximize butthurt?
thank you my greatest ally for this glorious post.
>walk up
>present self and say nothing
>they slap
>punch them in the godamn face
>file charges for assault
>ask for free slap
>get slapped
>immediately haymaker her in the jaw
>run like hell
Anyways that's my fantasy
ayyy hivemind
"So which one of you do I get to slap?"
Scream "NOT ASKING FOR IT" before punching her
Ask them why they aren't slapping each other.
Go stand right in front of them and say nothing while looking at them until they lose their shit.
But that would be harassment, user.
I fully support you guys. I have a cousin that's mentally ill too.
>walk up
>present self and say nothing
>they slap
>file charges for assault
End of story.
> sorry my eyesight is bad, thought it said free slags. Have a good day cunts!
>white guy in a button-up shirt looking through foliage by the river
Can anyone make out what that shit on the bottom says?
probably nothing. Pretentious and useful academia drones are nothing but both literal and political whores.
The only thing I could be tempted to do is to bull their overzealous table sheet and take it with me.
I could only bring myself to do that if they challenged me.
>ugly dykes
>free slaps
no thank you
Only with signed consent form
I'm black, so I'd say I identify as a white male and see what they'd do
Buncha pussies
So you guys like pipe bombs?
Says something about signing a form
This could work, they forgot to include trans-race criteria.
[something something] to receive a free slap, one must sign consent from. Those who do not fit the criteria are not [something something]
When they refuse you service you could complain about racism, as is your culture.
>Punching a woman ever.
Kill yourself.
Youd get charged with assault not them. Men defending themselves are still the ones blamed. I had to spend 2k to win my domestic violence case
>looks at this white knight faggot
If you don't hit them, how will they ever learn discipline? Even muslims figured that shit out millennia ago.
Tell them I identify as a teenage Chinese girl with a 10 inch penis and a college degree.
It isn't Jew rat.
Protesting on public property.
They're Feminists, so that means they want the same rights as men. So if she hits me first, I'm going to use my rights to hit her back
im trans-nigger and you should treat me that way
I will do them the greatest insult an enemy can suffer: to be ignored.
equal rights for women. equal lefts as well. then a couple of short jabs
Why does everyone feel the need to give the mentally ill attention?
The Amish learned the right way to handle this a long time ago. Shun them.
Get slapped
Moan loudly
Ask for more while adjusting crotch
Read the small print at the bottom of the sign you idiot.
Is this from the actual green party website or whatever? Can we torpedo these annoying hippies with this?
> @greenparty_ca
a FUCKING leaf
I'd do it and I'd aim to break bone and ruin her life
>If you hit your enemy, they win
Sure for assault and battery. Every time.
wait wut?
Feminist ≠woman
Roll up in a wheelchair and homeless man clothes then ask them to tell you about your privilege and shit or something.
Came here for this, leaving satisfied
Maybe in your cuck state that's how it works. Try living in a state with stand your ground laws.
Why is it always some faggot as 'leaf' poster gotta be a complete bitch each and every thread
Just think of the malformed autistic manlets who would actually volunteer for this. They're taking advantage of an underclass of emotionally crippled, self-hating losers who have only ever hurt themselves and probably cry themselves to sleep every night. People so desperate that they would sellout themselves, their parents and their entire race just to fit in somewhere. They don't want to be slapped, they'd much rather have these girls touch them in a nice way, a way that no girl has touched them before. But they'll take it like the little bitch-boys they are, telling themselves it's what they deserve for being born evil, and hey, at least I got touched by a girl, right?
It's really sickening when you think about it.
>neopolitan complexion
>See booth
>Furrow brow in ponderance
>Drive to sex store
>Get the absolute largest dildo I can find
>White dildo, obviously
>I'm talking a horse cock length dildo of a white penis
>Walk up to the booth
>Whip out the massive dildo and slam it down hard on the table
>They look at me in horror
>"This is a physical representation of my privilege, now slap me you bitch."
>They prepare to slap
>Turn around 1080 degrees at the speed of privilege
>Whap them both on each turn, for a total of six dick poundings
>They are literally knocked unconscious by my privilege
>Throw the dick through that flimsy ass backboard
>Literally destroy their demonstration with my privilege
No, you're not supposed to hit a woman you manchildren.
So it's okay to act like a nigger? Fuck off with your autistic double standard
Well said. Also, checked.
>Implying 3rd wave feminists should be treated as actual people
Just keep walking like they don't exist.
Look at them, so proud of themselves… top quartile in their class - DeVry women's studies program.
I would cave her face in so hard it would knock all women back to the kitchen forever.
Don't be a cuck.
If women want to be equal then they shouldn't get special treatment.
Free slaps for being a cisgendered white male?
Sign me up, it sounds kinky. I want those two dykes to slap my face and call me a disgusting cisgendered white male.
That would be me. I'd probably go home and masturbate because a girl touched me. And not wash my face for a month.
>Walk up
>Remove pants
>"I've always wanted a free dick slapping. You two aren't the greatest looking slappers I've seen but hey, beggars can't be choosers."
Is it weird that I would actually allow them to slap me?
You have to go back.
I would make a Roman Salute, put some pepper spray on them and then proceed to beat them with my dildo
Replying to a bait post but I need to say this anyway.
If a woman steps into a man's world, she'll get treated as a man until she steps back out.
Meaning I'd knock her out so quick with such force that women around the world would be blasted back into the kitchen at speeds breaking the sound barrier. Women across the globe would feel the shockwave from my fist. It'd be a smackdown unknown to even the men in the middle east.
I don't intend to hit a women, but it goes for anybody. You hit me, I'll hit back harder. If that person happens to be a woman, I will not make an exception.
Call the cops claiming they are being racist.
You're better than that. I know you are. You may be fat and ugly but these are only reflections of how you see yourself. Learn to respect yourself and your body, educate yourself on things that matter, learn a trade. Remind yourself every morning when you wake up that you want a good, beautiful woman to marry and grow old with and a horde of healthy white babies to carry on your legacy. The only thing holding you back is you. Change this mindset and they will cum.
I dated a girl for 6 months who would slap and degrade me daily. Was traumatic. Never considered hitting her back at the time, but now I'm curious what would have happened.
As a man, its hard to imagine being that weak. My wife and I talk about this all the time. When we have the classic "what would you do if we switched bodies" discussion, my answer is that Id masturbate, touch my tits, etc (actually Id go run until I pass out, get up, and repeat till I wasnt such a fat fucking cow).
Her answer is that she would just pick shit up, break stuff, throw cinder blocks around, shit like that.
>call the police because someone said something mean
Oh how I pity you pathetic faggots.
>How would Sup Forums approach this situation in order to maximize butthurt?
set up a table next to them with a sign "Free Slaps" for dumb cunts
What's it say? It's too small and blurry for me to make out.
sounds like Napoleon complex
thank you based aussie
Same thing I do when I pass somebody listening to NPR with thier window down.
Flick my lit cigarette into thier lap and slip away while they are freaking out.
I'm not baiting. Under NO circumstances is it okay to hit a woman, if I see you do that shit I'll beat the fuck out of your neckbeard MGTOW ass.
Women are not equal to men, I wouldn't beat the shit out of a kid for some minor infraction like slapping me, and I wouldn't do the same to a woman for slapping me.
Tell the dyke with the glasses that there's no such thing as cisgendered. Tell the spic that she has to go back.
Women want equality? Give it to them leaf cuck. By beating a woman you are giving them the feminism they so desperately want. Its 2016, stop being a sexist pig.
>I had a girl for 6 months who would slap and degrade me daily. Was traumatic. Never considered hitting her back at the time, but now I'm curious what would have happened
You'd go to prison and rightfully so. Same as if you'd beat the shit out of a kid for calling you a faggot and slapping you. Women are weak, just walk away you fucking idiot.
Not in montana.
We are a preferred arrest state, back when I was a sheriff's deputy we arrested women for striking their husbands all the time.
It was about 50/50 that the woman initiated violence and everything that ensued was self defense.
Once showed up on a call to this bigass redneck trucker literally sitting on this chick who was freaking the fuck out.
He came back from a haul and she got it into her head he was seeing another woman and swung a frying pan at him so he slugged her in the jaw and sat on top of her until we got there.
Night in jail for you sweetheart. (Montana law demands primary agressor is arrested and spends 24 hours in jail, male or female)
Thanks leaf. Youve done alright today
>We are a preferred arrest state, back when I was a sheriff's deputy we arrested women for striking their husbands all the time.
Congratulations on promoting the decline of white men and the west.
>Pardon me, did you just say something to me eh? I'll have you know I graduated at the top of my class in the Canadian Politeness Force, and I've been involved in numerous secret runs to Tim Hortons, and I have over 300 confirmed friends. I am trained in welcoming warfare and am the most passive aggressive member of the entire canadian population. You are a person that I have yet to make friends with. I will talk to you with kindness the likes of which have never been seen before on this earth, mark my passiveness. You think you can get away with not saying thank you? Think again, neighbour. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of syrup drinking moose across the northern territories and your IP is being traced so you better prepare for the gift baskets, buddy. The gift baskets that not only contain Gift cards, but donuts from tim hortons too. You're gonna be befriended, guy. I can be nice anywhere, anytime, and can be nice to you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just if I write letters. Not only am i extensively trained in passive aggressive combat, but I have access to the entire moose army of the Canadian Maple Leaf Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to welcome your friendly ass right into the neighbourhood. You little neighbourino. If you had only known what friendly retribution your comment was about to bring down, maybe you would have eaten poutine with me. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're gonna let me pay the bill because that's how nice I am, guy. I will put you in the hospital and it will cost nothing cause our healthcare is free. I'll say sorry now, friendo.
fuck off
Fucking super underrated
Toppest kek
You seem frustrated buddy, ever thought that a safe space on tumblr might be a bit more your speed guy?
How can anyone be into this? This makes me sick to watch. That bitch would be forcibly held down and brutally raped, if she tried that with me. A man should always be on top.
Would you mind explaining how?
This is a photo of what a "helpless weak woman" can do to your face with 1 swing of a beer bottle when you arent looking.
Just cuz shes a woman doesnt mean she cant fuck you up. If one of them does such its assault, the law doesnt stop applying to somebody just because they have lady parts.
A crime is a crime, we were cops, we grabbed criminals and the law held them accountable, gender does not play into it.
Our judge was a tough old broad, she gave zero sympathy to women who tried to pull the "im just a poor little girl" routine.
Assault is assault.
Go sip on some tea and crumpets you slack jaw faggot
Exact thread was up this morning as I got ready for work.
Do you ever tire of never having an original thought, in your existence? It must be pretty boring to leaf your life.
Bulling gays like this is gayer than gay sex.