I'm all for black lives matter, but what the hell is sitting down during the national anthem supposed to accomplish?
I'm all for black lives matter, but what the hell is sitting down during the national anthem supposed to accomplish?
i support his action because it is his right to do this shit but I think he should come up with solutions instead of throwing a hissy fit.
he needs to think twice about becoming muslim tho
The fairest of us all also happen to sit when they piss
The only reason to support BLM is if you want a race/civil war in the near future.
Got you to talk about it so I think it worked
what the hell is standing up during the national anthem supposed to accomplish?
Keep his dwindling career in the spotlight in an attempt to stay on somebody's roster.
mfw i look exactly like colin kaepernick. like wtf. id post a picture if i wasnt scared of the feds or weirdos.
btw im not for black lives matter. i also think kaep is being a little bitch, thought technically nothing wrong with it.
dude he's an amazing QB. fuck the 49ers. he's smart to try to get out of there. he's basically the better version of cam newton.
Nobody would've given a shit that he sat down if he didn't spout hypocritical nonsense.
>Oh boo fucking hoo I make millions playing handegg and was raised by two great adoptive white parents after my black dad left by coal-burning mom. But let me concern myself about irrelevant issues without understanding statistics and evidence. Look at my emotions, watch me as I cycle through them!
Cam Newton couldnt do this
ok but one good year doesn't mean much, kaep was kinda carried that year anyway. cam newton keeps getting better every year and carries the offense
A publicity stunt because he knows he's barely hanging onto his job. He's just trying to stay relevant in the public eye.
Is this Colin?
if youre a panthers fan then fuck you. the panthers lost to the falcons, probably the worst team and franchise in the NFL.
>Losing respect
>Boycott of Sponsors
>Pissing of Teammates
>Curses from Uncle Sam
>Getting in the News
I can only piss while standing.
Come on Crappedick, give it a rest. Take a seat.
im a dolphins fan, cam newton is just better than kaep. from the eye test and statistically
He's a laptop stealer
wtf i love #blm now
Why is everyone so butt hurt over it? It's a fucking song. No one gives a shit about that or a stupid piece of cloth
I mean I do but I don't support them.
And the Constitution is just a piece of paper.
>I'm all for black lives matter,
Stopped reading there
and the President is just a person
and the white house is just a building
>t. increasinly nervous fan
ok? lol
Please tell me you play fantasy football with that breadth of knowledge.
>I'm all for black lives matter
Go back to Africa, moon cricket.
It is. Literally wouldn't matter if the population didn't give a shit about it. It's not magic. Go write Saudi Arabia a constitution
and our country is just a piece of land
if i were to play this year i would pick kaepernick number 1 overall. either him or derrick henry
I like it, freedom of speech. How many of you would lose out on that type of income in order to make a statement?
and our aircraft carriers are just boats
ok this guy is legit troll lol
What makes you think this nigger is going to lose money over this? Where is the actual evidence for this?
Just shut the fuck up you nigger loving Frenchie.
It's a dumb statement.
wow are you kiddding me....... derrick henry will be the best runningback in the league by far. he's the biggest one by far
>he's smart
Of all the things you can say about kap this is perhaps the least truthful. Man wasted his talents by being a fucking idiot.
He'd have won at least 1 super bowl if he had a half brain cell in addition to his innate talent.
Just because I don't agree with the statement, doesn't mean that it didn't require incredible courage.
haha, now what Sup Forums?
What courage does it take to buy into a popular trend?
I'm being trolled. Fuck.
Have you been following the fallout? He is done.
Also not an argument.
>Sup Forums hates non whites and doesn't want them to assilmate because MUH white genocide
Why do you care? You want him out anyways
Provide actual evidence of him losing money over this, not your Bolshevist speculation. If it's so obvious you'll have no problem posting a source of some kind.
You have none. He'll be fine. Who is going to take his money? Pussified, brow-beaten white people who are scared to absolute death to be called racist?
Just shut the fuck up. You're stupid. Fucking Canadians.
Leaf doesn't understand what contacts and guaranteed money is.
Come on, you don't think it took balls for him to do that? Be honest now. He knew it would piss off the media, 3/4 of the country if not more, his team mates, his sponsors. Putting his income on the line was brave.
putting all the attention on you and getting likes on Facebook
He was done playing long ago. His contract states his ass can sit on the bench and he will still get paid.
Piss off the media? The media in this country is in the pocket of the BLM supporting left. His sponsors are terrified, like most white organizations, of being labeled racist. That's a far worse tag than unpatriotic in our climate. Patriotism is damn near a slur in this country.
I know I'm being trolled, just so you know, but normies are this stupid, so fuck it.
It proves they need to go because they don't want to be here as much as you want them out anyways.
is this guy mexican or what is he?
You still get paid more when you play.
and your words are just wind
He's literally a 15 year old white girl. Raised by white parents, white priveleges, doesn't live in a mudhut in Africa and makes 19 million but the second he loses attention:
>Ugh mom you just don't understand I'm being repressed!
Fucking idiot
nah my words actually mean shit
Fine, your words are just shit.
Well for one if you do it your new islamic BLM cunt girlfriend might suck on your peepee cause you a good boy.
He's half nigger. His nigger daddy, like the majority of nigger "fathers" ran off, and so he was raised by his white mom. But he still identifies with his nigger side because why wouldn't he? The red carpet is rolled out for niggers in this country. It's like a golden ticket if, if you actually know how to cash in the ticket. And it's nobody's fault but niggers themselves that most of them are just too unintelligent to know how to cash in the ticket.
no no no no no
my words are relevant. important
Actually his mom put him up for adoption and was raised by a white couple and had a great upbringing.
Too bad he turned out to be an insufferable, ungrateful cunt
Nope, you are just gusting up some shit wind, Breezy.
This story should be a warning to any white couple thinking of adopting a black baby.
They will never see you as anything other than the white devil. Black people (even halfsies) will most times side with other blacks even when it's retarded. They're pack animals.
you're wrong and you know it.
If we get close enough you sound just like the indian ocean.
dude please
>100 million+ in da bank
>guaranteed to ride the bench now until traded or retire
>Doesn't give a fuck if no carreer/endorsements after football
>Doesn't give a fuck if the Klan put a hit on
Not the brightest NFL quarterback...
threads on Sup Forums
Man you gotta feel like cheese when you try to be a martyr for a cause you don't even fucking know any facts about.
But from what I can make out, he want's polic e officers to not be afforded due process.
He was raised by white parents and is acting up like an insecure teenager. If he doesn't appreciate the US he could move to his sand-country.
All my libshits on Jewbook are like "but it's his FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT".
This isn't even close to a constitutional matter. No government is punishing him over it. Whatever happened to the "freedom speech isn't freedom from consequences" motto that liberals chanted so smugly when it was a guy having to leave the company he owned because he said something racist or donated to an anti-gay foundation?
I think he's having an identity crisis.
This guy was raised by adoptive white parents, had a white mother and looks to be 60%+ white genetics. Why the fuck is he whining about BLM? what a cuck
>Right to work
>Right to contract
>Freedom from GOVERNMENTAL censoring and prosecution based on speech
He has no more "right" to be on that field than I do. He has a contract with a morality clause and he can sent to the front lines of the BLM
I'm all about rights but you autsits so damn stupid. You scream "rights!", but outside the contract, he doesn't have shit.
Cam Newton is Super Nigger 5000. Kaep is a dude that can run fast and throw hard. That's it. Dude can't make a solid read to save his life, his throwing mechanics are atrocious, and he's inaccurate as fuck.
One year wonder propped up by Harbaugh.
He'll be in the CFL soon.
>but what the hell is sitting down during the national anthem supposed to accomplish?
Make Us Think.
15 minutes of fame before he is cut
it's freedom of speech when leftys do it
refuse to bake a cake for a fag and your business gets shut down
Your all for black lives matters? Go fuck yourself cop killing doosh. There are other ways to fight police brutality...why not start by talking about black on black crime. Fuck off.
Collin pls go
more NFL niggers will protest, causing more unrest during an election year.
You do realize that the NFL and NBA are the niggers leaders, right? None of them give a fuck about Messy Jackson or Al Charlatan.
Jesus Christ so much this
I know this is Sup Forums and jewish influence is implied, but it isn't even questionable in professional sports or media in general.
Because professional sports are the only arena blacks have any power or importance
his employers can kick him out if they want to, mr thank you for your service.
The reason people rage here is because they lost the cultural war, everyone knows that the player who says fuck niggers or admits he is a white nationalist has a higher chance of getting kicked out than him.