Why is rapists in quotes but not criminals? Is she saying all Mexicans are criminals?? Raciss!
16 million? Where did that number come from?
Is she this desperate? Is she really afraid that she could lose if she doesn't make a statement on this?
>He said he promised to deport 16 million people, including U.S Citizens
Trump said he's going to deport U.S Citizens? Where exactly is he going to deport them too?
>being so desperate that she keeps repeating that misquote
Damn this must really have them worried. The fact that Trump is meeting with foreign leaders while Hillary is too busy napping speaks volumes.
WTF, I hate Hillary now
Trump was talking about illegal immigrants, is she saying all Mexicans are illegal immigrants?
i suppose if you deport a mom that dumped out 5 anchor babies
looks like panic mode
16 gorillion deportations on his first day in office
>Literally nothing but long ago debunked media slander and material to reinforce his base.
Good lord they do work for Trump.
everyone knows he was talking about all spics.
I just wish Hillary fucking dies
Is her entire campaing talking about trump?Seriously does she even say anything on what shes gonna do as potus?
Other than ban free speech, nope.
It an extension of their desperate illogic of conflating illegal immigrants with legal immigrants. They're setting the rhetorical conditions in their mind for amnesty and citizenship. If Hillary gets elected its game over.
Nope. Her only virtue that she can possibly attempt to lay claim to is that she is not Donald Trump. They gave up on trying to make her a positive figure.
Well, she literally said "We're gonna raise TAXES on the middle class!" recently.
> literally issued a press release claiming Trump promised to deport U.S. citizens
Will CNN fact check this? LOL
The name of the game now is to take control of the House of Representatives, you dumb faggot.
And that's all it will take to win...
If they are people who have been living illegally in america for decades and need to be deported, they aren't exactly proud mexicans.
>They gave up on trying to make her a positive figure.
>mfw it turns out Clinton was a Trump plant instead
>white women
So a bunch of tanned illegal latina 'whites' I guess
the point is you literally can not deport US citizens. Deportation means to kick someone out of your country and send them to their country of origin. As a us citizen, the usa is your country of origin.
>Democrats claim to be peaceful
>Democrats claim to be compassionate
>Democrats claim to be against war
>Democrats claim to support Islam
And yet the person they support is a psychopathic maniac killer
>Hillary Clinton The Racist
Hillary Clinton calls blacks "super predators" and says they "must be brought to heel."
Hillary Clinton praises Robert Byrd, former recruiter for the KKK.
Hillary Clinton praises Margaret Sanger, a woman who said minorities must be exterminated like weeds.
Hillary Clinton praises Margaret Sanger, a woman who led a quiet campaign of genocide against minorities using abortion.
The notion that the children of illegals are citizens is tenuous at best.
this is just getting better and better
Trump has been crushing it for the last week, even CNN had to breakdown and give him some fair coverage.
Holy shit she is butthurt lol. I'll bet she's frantically trying to arrange her own meeting with the Mexicans now.
6 months ago....
>Romney won
>Communication Director Jennifer Palmieri released the following statement
HAHA Hillary can't even be bothered to write her own statement. Probably didn't even write that tweet
Great fuckering fucks
>his giant border wall
kek, Hillary is quickly becoming the next Yeb
Honestly it would be hilarious if she becomes Jeb tier.
Checked. Make it happen kek.
>what ultimately matters is what Donald Trump says to voters in Arizona, not Mexico
Yes, because mexico is not apart of the United States...?
She will bring in 500% more muslims and Africans, raise taxes on middle class, ban guns, ban speech, and kill Americans like her husband did.
from some news poll, not even an exit poll
>muh 16 million
top kek
i thought only 11 million people were illegal immigrants
No, and this is her biggest problem.
in this context, white women means tumblr whale
no conservative white women have been polled.
If we're being honest, 11 million is a pretty vast underestimation.
> including children and U.S. citizens
shameless holocaust reference
her next statement will be "Trump wants to deport 24 million immigrants, that's 4 x 6 million, we can't let Hitler reach the White House"
Well that's the thing, Trump never said he was going to deport people who are documented.
Why is Hillary saying all mexicans who immigrate here are illegal? This sounds racist.
>he said illegal immigrants were rapists and criminals
>he has not said he was going to deport any US citizens
Why does she lie?
what kind of retarded shit is this? he's most definently planning on enforcing the current laws and deporting people who are in USA illegally
most illegal immigrants are documented because they overstay their visas
>waaaah trump is rayciss!!!!
this is what hillary's entire campaign has become
>n-notice me senpai!
madame crook thinks someone who lives in the US is a citizen, papers or not
Why hasnt anyone turned Hillary's logo into a plane and the twin towers yet?
Here's to hoping she...
(no, not that one you sick faggot, the drum kind)
oh yeah... and PRAISE KEK!
That's a lot of false info.
What do you expect? Her campaign is literally a bunch of liberals going REEEEEEEEEEEEE at Trump all day
this is the kind of shit they put out
>overstay visa
> still documented
>visa ends
>government immediatly destroys all records that person was ever in the country
think before you respond
If they are able to GIVE citizenship, then they can take it away
>more accurate AI shoop
Hasta kek councuerda :j
>we are still sending people out of school incapable of understanding the difference between "they're" and "their"
Can we just have a ban on contracting "they are" into "they're" so that people will stop doing this shit? Trump essentially said "Mexico is sending us drugs, crime, and their rapists," and ever since then he's been misquoted as saying "they're rapists" about all immigrants.
Pls tell me that's a vagina
I wish a nigga would deport anchor babies when mom is an illegal
>mfw i realize that the "theyre rapists" line in his first speech snowballled into the constant harassment by media that he experiences.
it was "their rapists", the implication isn't that they're all rapists
The butt-hurt is real.
shut up you autistic niggers, it was "they're rapists" because Trump himself released the full transcript in response to the controversy. The point is, he's talking about a SUBSET of the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT population.
>Trump himself released the full transcript in response to the controversy
The Supreme Court has never really argued over anchor babies.
google it you upside down nigger
> being this new to the Trump Train
So, is she going to Mexico to meet their President?
Maybe they think it will look worse for Trump if he is "threatening" more people than fewer.
Nevermind that having 16 million law-breaking foreigners in your country is worse than having 11 or 12 million law-breaking foreigners in your country...
No, he wasn't.
He was talking about rapists who are Mexican. He said their government aided them in crossing the border in to the USA, and suggested it was a negative thing for the USA.
fuck no, spics are even worse than super predators. Just catching a whiff of a slimeball hispanic fuck would make her retch. Personally I don't get how anybody could even stand at the though of going to Mexico, their stench would give me a constant migraine.
that's bullshit -- Obama had way more of the white vote than that.
In fact, Obama had more of the white vote than GWBush did, both times.
Her entire campaign has been reduced to "Trump supporters are single, childless men that masturbate to anime. And racists."
Oh and some drivel about equal pay for women, raising taxes on the middle class, and vowing to continue with Obamacare even though it's driving up healthcare prices and on the verge of collapse.
I honestly don't know why anyone would vote for her unless they're mentally retarded and on welfare.
why is left angel's breast on her stomach?
"Hillary Clinton puts quotes around her own posts?" "I'm going to start doing that"
If there was ever a Mexican wish that deserves to be granted its this one.
How about she minds her own fucking business
That was done more than a year ago, quite literally `