(((Leftists who dont oppose this)))

(((Leftists who dont oppose this)))

Isreal is a racist apartheid state with racial Jewish only settlements in the west bank. Its border walls wrap around the racial settlements in an obvious land grab.
This is why rockets are falling on their heads and why the rest of the west suffers terrorism for supporting Israel.

Leftist in the US are the only ones who do not oppose this imperialism. Why is this so?

If you support what isreal is doing to the Palestinians you are not a leftist. End of story.


>Leftist in the US are the only ones who do not oppose this imperialism
U have it backwards my friend, in the us the left is opposed to this and only in the us. In Europe the left is sucking israel's tits.

If 300 million Arabs cant even repel a small country tiny country with 6 million people, that has a GDP barely 1/4 the size of Saudi Arabias GDP, then you dont deserve any sympathy. Arabs are their own worse enemy. Blame your tribal shit incompetent leaders. If Arabs were functioning humans, theyd be united to overthrow the Jewish state. But your people are weak and divided by tribal lines. Your primitive culture doesnt value meritocracy, which is why despite having shiny new weapons as a result of oil money, Arabs have never defeated a non Arab power. The weak dont deserve to exist.

You are so off base I don't know where to begin....

Idk I've seen some Swedish bitch talking shit about Israel before.

Go fuck yourself mohamed

>implying Israel do this all on their own
>suggesting that them being by far the biggest recipient of US aid has nothing to do with it.

>Leftist in the US are the only ones who do not oppose this imperialism. Why is this so?
Leftists burn Israeli flags, are you delusional?
> land grab
pic related
> isreal
Learn to spell the country's name before you decide to pass judgment on it

>biggest recipient of US aid has nothing to do with it.

America actually hated and opposed Israel until the deposition of the Shah in Iran. Then we were forced to ally with Israel.

Fun Fact: We give Israel billions in aid, and then they are forced to use most of the money (roughly 3/4th) to purchase American military products with it.

>Implying America doesnt also give Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon and every other middle eastern country billions in aid.

Stop blaming Israel or America for your peoples incompetence. Butthurt Arabs who cant take criticisement is the reason the Arab world still lives in the 12th century.

sure, i am not talking in absolute terms but the majority (like Chomsky and such) are against Israel and in Europe the left is for it. Not 100 % of the them but almost.

Arabs the liberals love so much genocided and ethnically cleansed millions of non Arabs after Islamic conquest, and today they are still persecuted such as the Yazidi people. So why should we care about the palestinians cause when your ancestors were more than happy to commit genocide and ethnocide for Arab-Islamic imperialism? Arabs are the least innocent people in the world, and they are responsible for destroying the rich diversity of the middle east. They obliterated cultures and people who were descendants of some of the most ancient and greatest civilisations the middle east has ever produced.

The thing i approve kikes doing is destroying Arab hegemony. My only hope is that Israel will becomes the protector of near extinct culture that have been persecuted by the Arabs for more than a thousand years.

I think these terrorist attacks is helping the Israel cause.

Right... forget about Palestinians still having laws making it punishable by death to sell land to Jews... Ignore any facts Jewish rights are being denied by Palestinians, which would explain why they have to set up their own communities...
Jews don't belong there. It's not like Jews are a distinct people, culture, group identity, ethnicity and a religion with deep spiritual and genetic roots in that land... It's not like Jewish identity developed over a period of over a thousand years in that land... It's not like they deserve self determination like all the other nations of the world...
Every leftist knows that all Palestinians are fully committed to the international socialist revolution that will usher in a world of equality, without borders, religions, national, ethnic, or class distinction... Israel stands in the way of all that, So down with Capitalism/imperialism/Zionism!!! Help support Palestinian identity, territorial integrity, Islamic supremacy, and Arab economic hegemony, for the international socialist revolution! or suffer the consequences of terror...

You ever wonder why we just dont zerg rush Israel its because you exist you jew puppet as long as your disgusting nation the middle east will never know peace.

But liberals actually do hate Israel. Their politicians continuing to send aid to Israel is part of their cognitive dissonance.

Right, cause the middle east knew peace before Israel... If Israel was gone, Islam would have no problem with the west, like there's nothing Islam find offensive with anyone but Israel...

Yes it was peaceful and then Israel happened and it all your fault thats why we have every right to kill you white pieces of shit for being such loyal slaves to the jewish cancer, oh Im so glad we are ruining all off your countries in Europe consider it your punishment.

Islam has existed for over a thousand years and our countries were alright before Evilrael showed up and ruined everything baiting you suckers into attacking us and destroying our countries.

What do you care if we are islamic? All you want is oil and we give you oil but why do you give a shit what happens in our area? Fuck off european shit! Why cant you white people just leave people alone for god sake fuck!

The aid to Israel is a commitment made by a liberal president, Jimmy Carter. to offset Israel taking on risk in giving up the Sinai to Egypt.
The US is a signatory on that peace TREATY. It's an ongoing treaty obligation... The $3 billion was supported by the American military industrial complex since all of it comes back to US manufacturers and employs Americans... It gives US leverage over Israel... Beyond that, keeping Israel conventionally strong, makes it less likely to resort to nukes, which makes the world safer...

>The midle east has never known peace
So fucking what it was way better before you Hebrew shits came back it was so nice when you Jews were in Europe and we had the ME to ourselves so nice.
>Mudshits think the only reason Arabs are fighting each other is because of the Israelsi
We arent fighting eachother.
>yet theyve been fighting each other for hundreds of years over tribal and sectarian differences
Shut the fuck up kike you jews are territorial psychos that butcher Palestinians for no reason.
>Was it the Israelis who made the Arabs rebel against Ottomans during the 20th century, and effectively destroy the last middle eastern empire?
Why would we want to be ruled by Turks?
>Was it the Israelis who fueled sectarian conflicts between Shias and Sunnis for nearly a thousand years?
Big deal
>Was it the Israelis who compelled Arabs ethnically cleansed millions of non Arabs throughout North African and the middle east?
Thats history a game of conquest and destruction, I will not start on Europeans changing the racial makeup of entire continents.
>Your people have never know peace, because of your primitive tribal and religious culture.
HAHAHHHA you people think its alright to fuck 3 year olds and that all nonjews are not people you jews are the crazy fucks on this planet, even now you racist bastards fuck up our countries using your puppets even though we did nothing to you at all once the Six Day War was over its always you ALWAYS YOU THAT INSTIGATES ALL THE VIOLENCE ALL THE KILLING ALL YOUR FAULT.

Oh but sure do call us Arabs inferior typical kike psycho inflating their nonexistent superiority, you wouldnt be shit without your puppets jew piece of shit at least we worked to get where we were from the start all you did was parasite from every civilization in:
North Africa
Middle East

Yet you talk about inferiority if you were so superior you could beat the euros in direct warfare rather than psychological warfare like a coward.

>In fact the creation of the Jewish state should have united all Arabs against a common foe.
That was the Six Day War but your puppet of course protected you jew shit.
>A thousand years of interbreeding has also left Middle easterners with dysfunctional behavioural traits and low IQ

Arab are inferior fucking jew psycho.

The middle east has never known peace. Mudshits like to think that the only reason Arabs are fighting each other today is because of the Israelis, yet they forget that theyve been fighting each other for more than a thousands years over tribal, religious and sectarian differences. Was it the Israelis who made the Arabs rebel against Ottomans during the 20th century, which effectively destroyed the last middle eastern empire to have global influence? Was it the Israelis who fueled sectarian conflicts between Shias and Sunnis for nearly a thousand years which decimated the population of the middle east? Was it the Israelis who compelled Arabs to ethnically cleanse millions of non Arabs and non muslims throughout North African and the middle east? The Arabs were always prone to violence, sectarianism and tribalism. Your people have never know peace, as a result of your primitive tribal and religious culture. It has nothing to do with the state of Israel. In fact the creation of the Jewish state should have united all Arabs against a common foe. A thousand years of interbreeding has also left Middle easterners with dysfunctional behavioural traits and low IQ

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Sure, keep lying to yourself... I recently read a National geographic article from 1905 or so... It was about all the sectarian violence in Beirut between Christens and Sunnis and Shiites... Sectarian violence has been going on forever...

Its way better than the shitstorm you caused in our area of the globe fucking jew cancer. Those stupid white people ruined this world by not killling all of your centuries ago, you know the real reason why you cowards wouldnt dare come back here without your PUPPET THE BRITISH EMPIRE giving you land you never even fought for even those weapons came from another puppet America. It was because we ran you kikes out of the ME and it was great, now I wonder if we should have slaughtered all of the white people back then considering how they being your best puppets are destroying us.

Palestinians didn't do that. There are tons of Christian Palestinians (mostly diaspora now)

Gaza has the shape of benis :DD:DD

Im not Jewish.

but they don't belong on Palestinian land. They already have Israeli land and they're expanding into Palestine with settlements.

Be a good little white jew slave enjoy extinction.

>you people think its alright to fuck 3 year olds
no Ahmed, that's just Muslim psychologically projecting their own pedophilia on the Jews by misinterpreting texts they can't even read.
The "3 year old" reference is about absolving the victim of sexual abuse of losing her "virgin status". It by no means absolves the perpetrator of his crime... Those crimes and consequences are clearly described in other sections of the law...

fucking kikes am I right, countryman?

next you'll be saying they
>kidnap 12yr olds in the middle of the night
>gas entire villages
>poison agriculture and drinking water
>seize land with access to water
>knock disabled people out of wheel chairs
>bomb children playing on the beach
>execute unarmed suspects
>murder pregnant women
>bribe and corrupt global politics
>did 9/11

srsly it's too late for America, they are so divided they can't even see how they're being fucked in the ass by Israel.

Until Israel and zionism is wiped off the map, the world will never be free of war and corruption. It's the life blood of Israel.

Yh sure it is lie to goyim its right there in your book of evil jew psycho.
I am a Iraqi on vacation lad.

what if i want to see the whole area nuked?

i hate muslims and jews equally. why should i be opposed to jews killing muslims or the other way around?

why dont you jews just gas the muslims and start making soap out of them to wash the streets?

you would be setting a good example to the world (for the first time in your history

There's 1000s of Christians
>Druze, Zoastrians etc etc etc
literally the birthplace of modern religion and the leftovers are still thriving.

the Muslims in Palestine are against (((ISIS))), AlQaeeda, Al'Nusra
>(((ISIS))) kills Palestinians on site
(((ISIS))) literally declared Palestinians as the enemy of Islam

It's not Palestinian land. That has yet to be determined BETWEEN THE PARTIES. Largely because Palestinians refused to accept the partitioning of Palestine. Accepting and defining the borders of Palestine would have extinguished their claims to greater Palestine, from the river to the sea. Palestinians refusal to limit their definition of Palestine strictly to the West Bank and Gaza, Left an opening for Israel to create its own facts on the ground...