Donald Trump will meet Mexican president Pena Nieto
>all those butthurt shills in the comments
build wall.
Funny because it seems like it was your beaner President who invited him, so my guess is he's a scared little burrito
the wall got lowered 16 feet
Repe him to death Mexicans, for the lulz
My father laid it out like this. Mexico is just like the US in the sense that it is owned by globalist and globalized. This is just the globalist, and Mexico, who Trump has railed against, preparing for Hillary's loss. They know it's coming, so they're bracing.
what difference does it make
He needs more foreign workers.
>Peña giving the already defeated Trump his las shot at not rolling over and dying.
Based Amado Lider. It won't change anything, Trump it's gonna lose anyway, but now at least it won't look as embarrassing.
shut up you smell and greasy shitskin manlet
please mr. Preciso make Trump wait at least 4 hours in the reception room
>man who runs a company tries to save money
a dude tries to save money and the left criticizes him?
>Tomorrow Trump flies into the dump that is Mexico City.
>mfw thousands of beaner Mexicans welcome him with praise and cheers
>This leads to Trump winning over the Hispanic vote
>Can't Stump the Trump
fyi don't fucking respond to him its ctr or so
el chapo cant even keep his own children safe. did u already forget PV?
kek. Trump got this in the bag!
Lel, Prime 1 on 1 time for the God Emperor to get some paperwork signed for payments on the wall.
I think trump has no idea what the fuck he is doing. Why would he spend a single day in Mexico when the election is 70 days away. For further proof that Trump and Sons are fucking clueless is that Trump held a rally in Washington state today. In Washington. Let that sink in.
I can't wait to see what /pol is like in 2017 after Trump has lost. I can't fucking wait.
He's spending only a few hours there you fucking Mong. He's dropping a major speech in Arizona tomorrow night.
You must be new to following the trump campaign if you think he doesn't accomplish a massive amount of shit every day.
>muh 7D Korean Starcraft
The wall just got 10' taller Paco. And guess who's paying?
Mexico folks,you bet they are.
m8 it was just a fucking conspiracy
No, I'm totally serious.
His son is now in charge of the entire cartel, but He cannot get persecuted because He's now "dead", just think about it.
Happened with "El Señor de los Cielos" of the Juarez Cartel.
And thinking that the U.S. Gov. has no relation with the big cartels is just innocent.
the 29-year-old son of jailed Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, has been freed after he was kidnapped a week ago in Puerto Vallarta....
wtf are u talking about? his son is not "dead"
of course the US is involved, example:
Hey why so aggressive? Relax
he's going to be assassinated by the Cartel
>Trump goes to Mexico
>His plane lands on the airport
>A gigantic crowd is chanting and clapping
>They brought their donkey with them
>Trump feel safe gets out of the plane
>More cheers, clapping intensifies
>Suddently cartel members appear, they kneel to pay their respect to the Don
>Trump feels honored he go to reach to the crowd
>Sudddently the cartel members stand up with a big smile on their face
>They grab Trump and for him to knee down, they poor a liquid on him
>The Mexicans who brought their donkeys approach
>The donkeys are hard, rock solid
>The donkeys start raping Trump, the are thousands of donkeys
>The crowd chants 'violación'
>The cartel members grab Trump's daughter and start honoring them them furiously
>The crowd chants 'violación' even more
>Meanwhile Trump dies
>The crowd celebrates, the World celebrates
>The World is safe now
>Thanks Mexico
bump for the rape
Ahmed wtf. You don't waste donkeys on old geezers and plastic sluts.
Being this much of a fucking retard
Enrique Pena Nieto? More like Enrique Pena Medas.
When the master calls, the cuck have to come, bow down and kiss the ring.
Pay for the wall.
pay for nato protection
and stop being a EU leech pls
I think he should avoid trains
How many hours from now?
>look very much forward
Did the President of Mexico write this tweet for him?
make television great again
the ferocity of feels, everyone.
too bad this is nothing but fanfiction and feels never win
It's nice to have you here, Ghana, but you really shouldn't comment on things you clearly have no clue about. The burrito presidency holds absolutely no sway over the American presidency. If anything he's going to be the one kissing Trump's ass.
this is crazy, it's like the world has already accepted he will be president
OK speedbump
Tone down your rape fantasies, Mamadou
They're going to attempt to assassinate him aren't they?
I hope not. I really want this election to happen, even if Trump loses. If he gets killed we will eternally see messages saying "Trump would have won!" on Sup Forums
If he doesn't get killed you will also see this message. The elections are rigged.
Probably, yea. I am more nervous about how will sick Hillary do the debate. Not about how "she" will manage the country
She won't manage shit. Both her and Obama are 100% controlled.
Yea that's what I tried to imply, sorry
Clearly it's a diversionary tactic to make himself seem less racist.
If Hillary wins I will start selling my products in the US with lower prices, just to fuck with those couple of US producers left.
How is he racist?
Being white makes you a racist by default? Is that why everyone calls Poland a racist country?
Nice one, but us debt is already a terrible problem, I wonder how "she" will manage it.
Hahaha pick a side, faggot
>Being white makes you a racist by default?
According to liberals yes all whites are racist by default.
Not my problem. Already exchanged my savings into a house which I rent to people for money.
Jesus said that he killed himself to erase my first sin. Who has to kill himself to save me from this one?
Shouldn't you be planning your next jihad?
There is no saving yourself from it. You can either walk on eggshells the rest of your life kissing everyone else's ass or remain a racist.
Ok. Racism is not a sin. The Bible says nothing about it.
Compared to you, Mexico, Italy is Aryan as fuck.
What do you think of this neutral, unbiased headline, Sup Forums?
>Erratic Trump Launches Crazed Scheme To Save His Campaign By Going To Mexico
You must love your neighbor. If you live in a town why any minorities you're a bad Christian if you don't love them :)
Aren't you supposed to rape some girls right now Hassan?
Lol all the shitskins get to my amazing country by going through your shitty one. Since when did spics get the right to call anyone shitskin? You guys don't look much different..
What minorities? White polish Silesians or Pomeranians?
look asshole you have to love your neighbor but you are not required to let forigners become your neigbors. idiots like you make christians look like pussies.
Now that's when he accepted Mexican president's invitation like any sane person would have done. If he had declined they would screech how cowardly he is.
> ((( 9/11)))
Racism was a word invented by dirty commie Leon Trotsky
He's just doing this to attempt to pander to minority voters in the US. Fortunately anyone with half a brian isn't going to fall for it.
being white is systemic racism, duh
>He's just doing this to attempt to pander to minority voters in the US
Maybe. If he goes down there and acts presidential, and gets half-way decent press while making it clear to Mexico Pres that he is serious about stemming the flow, then Trump's credibility will go through the roof.
Leftists love rape fantasies
Welcome to Mexico! Señor Candidate Trump, I hear you are family man too. My wife 100% mexican, yours 100% american, right?
Who is a brian and why would you only have half of one?
Hope he remembered his bible.
Liberals sure love rape. Is that why they support Islam and scream about it all the time?
>Guys it turns out he is a great guy, and I won't be asking him to pay for the wall, he is just too nice of a guy, and we are Americans, we don't be bad to nice people guys
I will be in your country this Dec for a wedding.
Have a rare pepe as a sign of friendship.
donald trump is mexican cartel material
>inb4 Trump gets assassinated in Mexico by drug cartel
God emperor will be ok, he has his second amendment people working for him.
wonder if the mexican prez will explain nafta to trump so he'll finally stop making a fool of himself
Trump vs. Mexican Intellectuals
Who wins?
Does the secret service still protect trump when he's in a foreign nation? Do they still keep their firearms?
Yes, user. Especially then.
Change donkeys to refugee immigrants and Trump to France and you are 100% correct.
You muslims sure go into a lot of detail about the donkeys while describing your donkey sex fantasies
>Welcome to Mexico! Señor Candidate Trump, I hear you are family man too. My wife 100% Mexican (capitalized this for you), yours 100% American (capitalized this for you) , right?
>My wife 100% Mexican (capitalized this for you) , yours 100% American (capitalized this for you) , right?
No, his wife isn't 100% native American but as an immigrant to the USA she is just like every single other non native American so what's your fucking point lefty?
By the way... what percentage of The Mexican presidents and his wife's Spanish and not native south American...HAHAHHAHA faggot.
I don;t have a BAZINA powerful enough for how hard you just got slapped with facts and logic. Sorry if I hurt your feelings you intellectual you.
being that crazy and not in jail or in a mantal institution
you must be a /k/ poster
Fuck off Juán
build wall
mexico pays
He's gonna die. Fuck. DON'T DO IT DAHNALD!!!I bet Hillary is in on it too.
Whats crazy?
Is there a single incorrect thing in my post?
Trumps wife is an immagant like EVERY LAST PERSON in the USA who isn't native American
Mexico's president looks nothing like the native south American...nothing. His facial features like those of his wife scream he has Spanish Spanish blood from fucking Spain meaning he isn't 100% Mexican.
If facts bother you shouldn't you be lurking tumblr
instead of Sup Forums ?
>you must be a /k/ poster
What does this even mean?
I post on several boards, are you only here for Sup Forums.
Meanwhile, your sister.