OK Nazis. I can understand nationalism, racism, etc...
But Socialism? It's a system that's failed time and time again. Justify this you shits!
OK Nazis. I can understand nationalism, racism, etc...
But Socialism? It's a system that's failed time and time again. Justify this you shits!
Other urls found in this thread:
nazi germany was capitalist
controlling corporations so they don't become giant and start using it's influence do control your government should be a minimum, 100% savage capitalism souds as dumb as communism
Then why national socialism? For fucks sake, come on
capitalism is a form of socialism.
national socialism was just to take the banks and businesses from the kikes.
once they were dealt with they put back capitlaism.
They weren't Marxist socialist dummy
Have you ever read or at least heard Hitler speak?
He mentioned it countless times, socialism itself doesn't work, but having a unique feeling of being part of a homogenous people does very well affect people's behavior.
and since Germans are neither niggers nor Slavs nor any other subhumans they have these feelings and he tried to establish a system where the rich and the poor cooperate and don't see each other as enemies
Capitalism's historical trajectory is globalism and all the kikebertarians here are confused
We are socialists because Germany and america have proud white working class traditions and the interests of labor and the nation are the same
Capital needs to be controlled and reigned in a national and corporatist economy. Labor doesn't, and it's the lifeblood of our race and, in Lincoln's words, precedes capital and thus deserves greater consideration
Capitalism is atomization, socialism means the welfare and solidarity of our race. Anyone who disagrees isn't a fascist, but in rockwell's words a reactionary that wants to hold on to their money.
Capitalism has failed everytime it has tried.
Socialism always works, it's capitalism that always fails
if you redistribute your enemy's wealth, they win
>you will never meet Adolf Hitler
end my life
There's other kinds? Never bothered looking since socialism historically fails hard
Look nigger. We can argue about the semantics after we secure our future. Fuck
no.it wasn't.for capitalism you need a free market with capital investments
this guy right here
It failed because it wasnt real socialism; real socialism has never been tried
>Capitalism's historical trajectory is globalism and all the kikebertarians here are confused
I thought I was alone!
I always speak out against capitalism for this right here and people always blast me like well its better then socialism.
I'd rather suffer with my people then have an abundance and shit loads of 3rd world free loaders coming and taking my tax dollars anyway.
this must be the picacle of leftist socialist propaganda.
>please go to Venezulela
there's no capitalist burgeois system which might oppress you
pejorative word used by soviet propaganda to reprime those who had other political view than socialism
my country ejoyed the bennefits of socialist for almost half a century.why don't you go in North Korea to be free.
>socialism:making people equal poor
Socialism has been tried and is yet to fail
My country suffered horrible poverty until we became socialist. Go to Singapore if you love capitalism.
>pic related
It isn't Marxist Socialism m80
State control of industry is not capitalist. Therefore National Socialism is... well, national socialism.
Yes, even anti-marxist socialism still demands a state-controlled economy.
But you will get to meet and fight for Western Civilisation with Trump
Even better
Heres what you dont understand.
My country is socialism for brown skinned people they decide to randomly ship here to give them homes and food with my tax dollars while I have to bust my fucking ass at work to pay for them.
Thats our countries form of capitalism.
It's because the average pol user isn't a fascist but a libertarian that came to reject equality because of americas culture war
If you ever read marx he praises capitalism as progressive for breaking down national and feudal barriers, so he supported free trade and such. That's the entire point because it's supposed to create an international working class.
That didn't happen, today the workers are nativist and holding on to their national identities in response to destruction of unions and the inequality in ability of labor and capital to cross borders in our day. It's their last holdout, meanwhile capitalism is rootless and importing shitskins because they have no union traditions, are cheap, and otherwise fuel eternal growth unlike white people.
Codreanu was a self described national christian socialist you fucking idiot
Nazi's failed because they weren't AnCap, just like we will eventually fail for not embracing the anarchocapitalist ideology.
I went to a Trump Rally in Tampa
(no exaggeration) thousands of people were outside trying to get in, it was high energy
I suppose its enough reason to live
Singapore is years ahead my country is right now.I would like to go there if i would speak chinese l and if it was closer to the old continent
Let Hitler here explain Capitalism for you.
The faults of socialism are greatly lessened in a homogenous society.
>one of the better examples: "Scandinavian Socialism" that Komrade Sanders was so fond of.
Slackers can be shamed into productivity within the tribe without fear of the shamers being called "racist" or some other "ist".
Leeches feel worse stealing from their own people, rather than some faceless "other" who pays into the tax pool.
It is not without flaws of course, but arguably preferable to the current state of (((capitalism))) that we experience today.
And North Korea is years ahead of anywhere. Except of course the Western Media outlets
Also hitler in mein kampf used the word bourgeoisie negatively and the party described the german conservatives as reactionaries. Goebbels sympathized with the Strasser brothers and of course there's the SA which speaks for itself.
Being a national socialist means having a nuanced view of race and class. All fascists did.
National Socialism is not a globalism it's localize Nationalized Business and work and people.
>>White Lives Matter.
I would fuck that statue