MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexican immigration authorities say 424 migrants from African countries arrived at the southern state of Chiapas over two days last week.
The National Immigration Institute said Tuesday that it has issued them 20-day transit visas that will allow the migrants to reach the U.S.-Mexico border, where they plan to request asylum. …
Immigration support staff in Tijuana has been aiding migrants from the Congo, Somalia and Ghana to arrive at the U.S. port of entry at San Isidro.
Trump better build that wall, it's going to need a moat filled with alligators too.
Good way to get your thread hidden. Don't do this. Bye
Thomas Nelson
>it's going to need a moat filled with alligators
In an hour they'll be shoes and belts. Good luck.
Jackson Lewis
>it's going to need a moat filled with alligators too.
Why the alligators? It's not like Black people can swim anyway
Austin Murphy
Very nice
Eli James
Dem some nice titties
Daniel Baker
pinche mayates
Benjamin Robinson
Started going back to mass. Was prepared for all the mestizos but was floored by the amount of straight out of Africa Africans. It's like we have to take one shipping container full of Africans for every thousand mestizos or something.
Daniel Sanders
Yes we all know mexico is an enemy nation.
Lucas Evans
Post more high-test goddesses.
Nathaniel Wright
Camden Bennett
Dumb post. Needs more big boobies in this thread.
Christian Cox
They are africans... no need for the alligators, the moat will be fine.
Robert Peterson
They wont come.
>What yall mean we finna cross a mudafawkin dessert n sheit dawg? I aint doing dat dat fucking raycus!
And they stay where they are. Just like they stayed in the south after they were freed.
Luis Baker
>They wont come. Just like the fucking Mexicans right? Our country is over. Europe is over. We are already dead.
Ayden Williams
>niggers come to mexico >niggers won't risk heading far north to get to burgerland due to them being dumb as fuck and people not being fond of niggers >niggers keep coming because it's a bit better than living in niggerland >niggers start settling down because warm and comfy >niggers start breeding with each other and the few we have living in the south >number of niggers increase >niggers spread and nig wherever they go >shiiiiiiiieeeett
if having those drug cartel psychos terrorizing honest people, now we get something much worse than cholos: fucking NIGGERS
Tyler Walker
topkeeeek it's over
Ryan James
Now you know how it feels to have your country fucking overrun by a bunch of uninvited parasites, you fucking piece of shit Fucking hate you fucks
Connor Nguyen
Who is that ?
Wyatt Parker
Even the sand people will feel the pressure from the dindus. North Africa is much better than sub-Saharan Africa.
Sebastian Rodriguez
That won't happen. Climate change will cause Africa to shrivel up. They'll stop breeding, but instead they'll emigrate to Europe. You think the migrant crisis is bad now, wait 20 years. Europe won't exist as we know it at all.
Jordan Hall
Noah Cooper
Benjamin Evans
who is this cream queen
Dylan Myers
>. They'll stop breeding, but instead they'll emigrate to Europe
Yeah that's what I'm imagining. They'll be flooding the gates of Europe and apparently America as well judging by OPs post.
Cooper Sullivan
>once niggers spread and see cartels don't want them on their turf they will be cleansed of the cities >nigger realize: shiiiiieeeeet let's go to burgerland >niggers get help from generous people because "poor people, they is good boyz" >niggers cross border and say hi to fellow jamal >US get a bit more blacked
wew, good thing they won't stay long in this shithole, cholos and psychos will annihilate them if they become a plague.
Yeah, i know,i don't give a shit, after all, im not invading you. I'm just here in my place, getting comfy and see how things unfold for everyone, including you. Good luck by the way
Jaxson Rogers
Didn't read but feel free to kill yourself
Michael Collins
Those are nice.
Blake Sanchez
There's already a river so actually we just need alligators.
Probably some saltwater crocs for the delta, maybe the whole gulf. Better safe than sorry.
Logan White
Isaiah Ross
Mexicans have the spirit to cross.
A dindu doesnt even have the spirit to get a job.
John Thompson
literally casus belli. Why the fuck haven't we brought democracy to Mexico yet?
Logan Davis
It's 2018. After realizing they would not cooperate with them, would not buy from them (because no money) and kept trying to ruin their business, the great cartels decide the didnus must be wiped out.
I one night all the narcos coordinate an entire wipe of all the immigrant dindu population before they manage to reach a white country where they would become a protected class and destroy it from within.
Unknowingly they have not only saved their business and their country, but also the world.
Henry Richardson
>dindus don't have the spirit to get a job
i give you that; however, and as surprising as it might sound, niggers will be motivated enough to give a shot when cartels start kiling them just because: well, you nigger and your presence in this place/town/village isn't pleasant: leave or die
Adrian Turner
Because your communist government loves what they are doing?
Jayden Robinson
They're literally crossing the Mediterranean, thousands of times wider than the Rio grande Not only that but they're getting fucking PLANE TICKETS ACROSS THE OCEAN
Austin Mitchell
I wish we were communist then at least the government might purge some of these subhuman leeches.
Ryan Gonzalez
How can you be comfy in Mexico?
I don't know much about the country's Mexico. Don't you have a factory so you can work on one of our stolen jobs for 2 tortillas a day?
But on a serious note, I've heard from Mexicans (now living in US) that in many areas you can't own anything nice like a luxury car, or it's immediately stolen. How can you be comfy with no luxury items?
Ethan Butler
either that or they will turn them, by force of course, into mules to smuggle the drugs into US, just like they've done to mexs (you cooperate or die: your call Zamorita... just think about it, you will earn some money and your life will be spared, what else do you want???)
Brandon Price
Be careful what you wish for user If the SJWs get their way, it'll happen And we'll be the ones purged, easily replaced by mestizshits and bantu groids
Nolan Rivera
but because niggers will be too stupid, they will die in the middle of it so not only they will fail their job but waste the drugs which will cost cartels more money they will kill them all
Julian Lewis
oh burger, always thining every single mexican living in the homeland is like your typical wetback. It's just a matter of not showing off, it is that simple (and not messing with the wrong people, as some mexs here and on Sup Forums have said to foreigners, so long as you mind your own business and avoid certain areas that you can ask any native about you'll be okay). I live at downtown and the only places where fucked up things happen is in the outskirsts (thieves and cholos). >Factory Oh no, i own a apartment block (not a huge one, but it cover everything i need) and have my own business. A comfy life and witnessing what's probably the fall of rome all over again (ironically, many of things that caused this were done by you, the other part by our own retards and niggers and sandniggers whose ideology is pretty fucked up...blowing themselves up...jesus christ....). Life is interesting.
Kayden Morales
I was about to say " no way they'd get rid of the whites, who would support the entire economy then? someone has to pay those taxes" but then I remembered SJW don't really believe in facts so they'd do it anyway later find out there's no more money left.
Juan Wright
i glanced at the OP pic really fast and thought this was a Jahans thread, disappointed.
Aaron Morris
We really should just nuke mexico
Easton Sullivan
> Developer in python for Canadian company >Two cars, decent house for a taco, 4k Tv and an Xone > 3 meter wall with wire on top plus a crossbow on the side of my bed (guns are hard to get to law abiding citizens) >Never get stole anything until now Walls do work burgers
Ethan Anderson
And this ia a problem how? We'll just throw all the white women at the nigrants. While they're burning coal, us white men will be diving in a sea of migrant chink pussy. Hell, the area I live in has seen an influx of chinese students like never before. Crime rates are actually lower since the eternal chink booted all the nogs out of the neighborhood.
Julian Jackson
>purging 60-70% of the population
The country would collapse entirely, there's a reason genocides are inflicted against minorities
Tyler Price
The ones who are getting purged are called the Republican party, every year they cut of a piece of the least cucky Republicans, which makes the median Republican more cucky.
Ryan Ross
>that fatass guatemala south of mexico
Build the wall higher, spics
>USA never increases
But according to the census bureau we're supposed to be 80% shitskin and have 1 billion people in 2100.
Matthew Stewart
>central america not surprised at all
Cooper Harris
>The National Immigration Institute said Tuesday that it has issued them 20-day transit visas that will allow the migrants to reach the U.S.-Mexico border, where they plan to request asylum.
Blake Jones're right...then they will certainly kill niggers
Joseph Scott
Never gonna happen, why stay here when free money and white women are just a couple of days away to the North?
Jacob Stewart
>please not Europe!
Asher Turner
well, given how many chinks there are, wouldn't that end up whites being assimilated and bred out of existence? So three groups: mixed, chinks and niggers
Logan Hall
so why do the US needs niggers so badly don't you have plenty, like 60% already?
Jeremiah Lee
Blake Watson
holy fucking SHIIIITTTTT
>keking hard
Matthew Johnson
hol up hol up lemme get dis straight
mexico is taking taxpayer money.... so it can ship blacks from africa into mexico.... and then pay to ship them to the US border.... ... so they can enter the USA
Christian Thompson
din din din din... exactly...humanitarian help: those poor nig nogs need da help, help that only US can give and given it's filled with racist whites others have to do it. If it's any consolation, they're stealing from us (what a surprise) to fuck you up in a way that i haven't seen before...clearly the high-ups on both sides of the border want this mess to get worse...
Justin Turner
>Don't do this. Bye Who the fuck frequents Sup Forums and talks like this
great, like we aren't already getting fucked up by the government, not nigs gonna screw us more.
wonder what's the end goal, hopefully unite US and Mexico to kick the niggers out back to Africa
Jason Johnson
This is where I'd actually hope the beans actually use cartel violence on blacks.
Daniel Foster
lol, that guy having done something like that isn't surprising at all (the girl that was running against him some years ago was better in that regard, but that party is also fucked up).
Easton Lewis
I regret nothing
Luke Miller
>use cartel violence on blacks. sorry gringo, cartels only care for themselves and look for they well-being, you should take care of your niggers
Dominic Lopez
it seems that the goal is to unify the countries, no borders and brainwash people (especially whites) into race-mixing (it's become more obvious over time, at first i didn't pay much attention because meeehhhh, but it is a bit weird and funny because, for what i've heared from some contacts on skype and on this board, a good number of white fall for it, it might change in the future, or maybe not...only time will tell). Like i said earlier: mixed race, chinks (too many to be outbred) and niggers (breed at crazy rates, not even pajeets can compete with those fuckers). Also, exploitation of everything and everyone.
James Price
top kek
Benjamin Hughes
Your government is never going to share the tax payers money with the dindus.
The cartels have money, the dindus wants some of dat gibs me dat! So they are going to start stealing everything they can find.
Grayson Hall
Nathaniel Clark
>So they are going to start stealing everything they can find.
Sorry Sven, Mexico is not like Sweden, we might steal from each other but we won't let a nigger do it and this isn't like the US where we get in jail for fighting back against a black person, there is a very small percentage of PC but not enough to worried about things like discrimination and stuff
Dominic Long
William White
how is this user not banned for posting pornography?
Angel Sanchez
>how is this user not banned for posting pornography? Everyone loves tits.
Ayden Mitchell
>Sup Forums >place where tons of degenerates take their frustration on others or post animu dolls
Camden Howard
Nathaniel Harris
except they rush to the US because they would actually get kicked out for overstaying their visas in Mexico.
Cooper Fisher
These aren't your domesticated, lazy dindus. These are savage African dindus who walk across deserts and cross oceans in order to get benefits.
Michael Bell
They are used to being forced onto boats. Its in their DNA. They are not used to crossing deserts regardless of living in Africa. Otherwise they wouldve up and left ebfore they got boat and plane tickets.