Should gay/trans people be allowed to adopt children?
Should gay/trans people be allowed to adopt children?
Your question boils down to, "should people be allowed to adopt children?"
No. They will pass their mental illness down to them.
No, unhealthy, causes nothing but problems for the children
Plus there's always the fact that apart from the poster boys for gay adoption, usually the kids end up molested or forced down the tranny path at an early age.
The destruction of the traditional family has had ramification already and it's a sinking ship that will get worse and worse
every child has the right to a MOTHER and a FATHER
Never seen you before.
Too bad Scalia is dead and Hillary will be appointing liberal Supreme Court justices, huh?
Straight people don't adopt children and it's better to have parents then live in a fucking orphanage. Nobody from Sup Forums would adopt orphans because they think it would make them "cucks" raising another mans child.
Yes, they will eventually. It's a none issue. Right wingers can bitch all they want, that just garners more sympathy for trans/gay people from society. Besides there's too many orphan kids, it would certainly help.
Nice orthogonal claim. But that's also true.
Yes, singles as well.
Well, there you have it, OP.
>should any person be able to adopt
Taking this to its logical conclusion that being human is the sole criterion for adoption, would you be alright with a registered sex offender adopting a kid?
Christ, people can be stupid.
Funniest post by a Canadian, yet.
In this world? Should doesn't even fly anymore.. Don't be surprised when peddos get rights in the near future too because >muh luv is pure
Civilization has died. We live in a state of global barbarism. There's nothing you can do about it now.
Why are we having these threads again? Is there some different conclusion we are meant to have?
Or perhaps something with which to distract ourselves so as not to be a problem?
No, it boils down to, "should mentally ill people be allowed to adopt children?"
Can people with downs syndrome adopt children? If so, then sure gays and trans should be able to as well. If not, then I don't see why one receives preferential treatment over the other.
Sure as long as they can support them. Why shouldn't they?
Nope, nope nope.
Do you realize how many gay - but especially trans people - had what PC culture calls a "difficult childhood"?
Not even only most of times, but almost exclusively, this comes from their parents sucking at raising their child, or having a few marbles loose. Or both.
And now you want these people who had a crippling defect planted into them by their parents, adopt children?
> it's better to have parents then live in a fucking orphanage
Let's face this sentence. Its bull. Some people never should have had children, while others never should be allowed to raise them either. Gay people, I could agree with, but Trans will make their kids live in a hell that doesn't compare to an orphanage.
Delivering orphaned children to, at best, mentally ill guardians and, at worst, degenerate predators is obviously worse than them being wards of the state.
Gays already have the ability to adopt in many places.
Studies show children raised by same sex couples do not come just the same as those raised by straight couples. (They don't turn gay.)
Personally, I think what we should be doing is barring people with personality disorders, criminal records, or who are in poverty from adopting. Most trans people wouldn't be able to adopt because gender/sex dysphoria comes with a laundry list of co-morbid mental illnesses.
>Studies show children raised by same sex couples come out just the same as those raised by straight couples. (They don't turn gay.)
t. fag