>Adelle, the french lesbo qt from blue warmes color is dating a black muslim refugee
>a rich famous white girl would rather get split-roasted by some Calais poorfag ape then even consider a respectable white man
and you guys still defend white women, fuck you guys
Adelle, the french lesbo qt from blue warmes color is dating a black muslim refugee
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Lesbians aren't people user, you already know this
burn the coal....
there is no such things as "lesbians".
she is 100% getting fucked by this gorilla
looks like seydoux is my new frenchfu
this hits home because, as you should know, i am greek. and ive literally never heard of this fake blonde, but her instagram name shows she is of peloponisian decent. Possibly the ancestor of the great leonidas himself.
anyway, im not a manlet. im around 6ft. i thrust my cock in plenty of useless p00n, and i really could care less about this bitch, but...
shes, without a doubt, virtue seeking
like a fancy handbag, she wants to show off her fancy nigger friend so people see how "tolerant" and "open" she is to """"new ideas"""" or whatever you want to call it. shes doing this for attention purposes, and, most likely, she will never marry the stable, stead, hand of no color most (literally 29/30) women want..
at the end of the day, you have no exactly what will happen.. she burnt the coal..
>they always pay the toll.
also, shes """famous""" for what exactly?
you ever play that game with your friends where you """scoop""" your friends pec and be like "scoop" just to piss them off..
I was known as scoopy steve.. anyway, i wanna scoop her boobies.
>still prefering cumskin cunts over the superior asian female
lol, he's ugly too.
At least if you're going to virtue signal, just fuck a rich soccer player.
she looks and acts like a fucking nigger m8 of course she likes those fucking weirdos
Good lord, what an ape.
I just fucking wish we could make Taylor Swift do it.
no faget, she's mine.
i don't defend white women. fuck western society. i'm going back to thailand
>being the same type of disloyal fuck to your race as the nigger fucking coal burning whores
One side has to be the bigger person and stop. Might as well be the men. A lot of white women see white guys fucking Asians and Hispanic girls and out of daddy issues and spite they try and "get back" at us by fucking niggers, making the white guys mad and causing idiots like you to give up and just fuck more non-whites, perpetuating the cycle. Break the cycle, be the bigger person, stick with your race, or we are all doomed.
The majority of this board agrees that westernized white women are disgusting and the most degenerate of all women.
Look how ugly he is and you faggots say confidence doesnt work get wrecked.
>fishmouth syndrome
She's clearly an 80IQ subhuman just like him. They're perfect for each other.
taylor swift had a father that loved her..
dont think it will happen.
Who gives a shit
Doesn't this say more about white men than about white women?
She's famous for being a lesbian in a lesbian movie that had a meh/10 sex scene in it so the critics all creamed themselves
you're totally right, she was attention seeking as a lezzer and is attention seeking now
fuck her. if she was an actual coal burner i would respect her more but you don't go from liking soft feminine lipstick lesbians to dating harambe.
They aren't white. They have shit skin genes.
She's French man I don't know why you didn't see his coming. They love burning coal more than a West Virginian power plant.
why is that phone and tux floating?
>and you guys still defend white women, fuck you guys
There are plenty that are no niggers allowed.
The few that burn the coal always pay the toll.
Reminder that your goyettes follow the examples of these (((media))) celebrities
What did she mean by this? Posted 2 days ago
>obviously greek
come on bulgaria
Why do you care?
a west virginian power plant provides electiricty for thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of homes..
using it as an analogy is almost insulting to the innate power plants themselves.
How long till she find herself getting killed by him? Sup Forums is always right
>Taking a pic with somebody means you fucked them.
>and you guys still defend white women,
I never defended any female, ever, user
you made me find my dankmemes flashdrive for MFW
She'll show up dead and raped by the road side soon enough.
Coal burners pay the toll.
Why do you care that he cares faggot nigger lover?
They do love that coal though.
Almost no Swedish men race mix but stil a lot of the women are doing it. Loyalty gives you nothing. They spit you in the face instead.
>still defend white women
When did we do this?
Actually my feeling is he could do much better than her. He seems educated, wealthy and fit. He even has a sense of style. He shouldn't settle for such a plastic, fake and ugly woman.
The only ugly feature about hi is his nose, otherwise he's 9/10, more than her and more than any of us on Sup Forums.
No mate pols a bunch of anachronistic fright filled virgins hiding in dank corners crying to each other about niggers and towelheads taking all the white women. you tell your selves your still alone because the jews order is so but really your just scared little cowards hiding from a changing world.
Sup Forums is super critical of white women, don't know where you've been.
because why do you want to control what every one else is doing? is it because your a powerless little poffer?
This girl is the epitome of beauty for me.
>>a rich famous white girl would rather get split-roasted by some Calais poorfag ape then even consider a respectable white man
that's not what's happening.
it's VIRTUE SIGNALLING, bro. Google that shit.
virtue signalling is the only reason Facebook still exists
Don't be so sure of that. Racist is a powerful word for these people. Enough shitty articles call her a racist for only dating white guys and you'll see her get Blacked faster than any slut in history.
if you want to troll her
no, it's virtue signalling. It says nothing about white men at all.
is that young thug?
>She's French man I don't know why you didn't see his coming. They love burning coal more than a West Virginian power plant.
simply not true. you haven't spent any time in France, have you?
He's handsome.
Harambe would be a step up, don't insult his name.
no, she's an actress.
>French girls
Hahaha yuck.
There's a reason that 40% of married French women have cheated on their husbands . Nation of fucking sluts.
surely any sane person can understand that only dating/associating with certain people who happen to be white doesnt equate to racism.
she probably has StrongBlackWomen.ext ghost writers from some HBCU (historically black college) writing her songs circa 2013 til now..
>worth anything in the first place
nothing of value was lost
Rare and retarded she's dating him for attention to show how multi cultural she is
>Be me fapping
>here nosie on bed behind me and turn chair around
>Ann Frank is on all fours on bed wiggling ass.
>I nearly cum that instant but stop myself and walk over.
>Put cock inside feels amazing, and begin to thrust suddenly I begin to feel strange.
>Ann has transformed into a blonde 10/10 and a skinny white man is in corner masterbating.
>I am no longer in my room but a hotel room.
>my hand is on hotties ass and I look and notice it has become black.
>my penis has gone from three to sixteen inches
>I look at man and than at women and then at tv, an armed blackman was shot trying to kill a pregnant cashier by the police.
>I become angry and grunt and growl and hoot I no longer can articulate and I attack woman with my dick.
> I wreck the room and kill blonde and husband, I go outside to join my fellow apes.
>mfw, sex with ann frank turned me into the niggest.
plus it's obvious she's just a degenerate anyway.
this thread is garbage.
pol is just a rage machine. nothing intelligent remains here.
Even the French president has a mistress. It's an affectionate culture.
>tfw no qt french girlfriend
Merkel finds you that quickly? I guess the Germans are still efficient at least
She posted this on her instagram a few weeks ago.
Holy fucking kek. Germs truly are the most cucked.
I love the frogs now.
He's fucking hideous as well.
Lel, I've been trying to understand womem, but it seems like I never will.
Well, maybe she can afford to indulge her fantasies since she has no financial worries
Her parents are cousins. Like, for real.