This is downtown of a major United States city

>This is downtown of a major United States city

How fuck are we?

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who fucking care?


No shit it's full of beaners. Are you 12?

Do Mexican gang bangers fuck with civilians?

Niggers do, but I don't think spics are that bad.

meh does the camera move at some point? every city has it's own little districts, at least it's actual diversity and not that french assimilation version bullshit. the midwest is german farmland, so what if a corner of LA is pueblo tier

when l went to california 2 years ago l saw way more chinese, Koreans, vietnamese, Filipinos etc. than anything

why do you only pick on those brown beaners while leaving chinks alone?

>tfw spic

not downtown but an adjacent hispanic neighborhood

Better than niggers. Now how do we assimilate them.

you were either in Stockton, Chino or Corona

73% of Central America and Mexico families are on welfare

32% of East Asian families are on welfare

17% of South Asian families are on welfare

this is why people hate you bean niggers and not the chinks

holy mother of god, it's like seeing some of the fucked up parts of mexico...oh burgers, now i understand the hate you have towards wall, build taller and stronger than any other built thus far...

That's cause you went to the civilized part of California. Also Mexicans are subhumans

Pick one

Hi there my Asian friend

What? More like Irvine or Westminster or Sacramento

Pretty fucked ese

making 100% of them assimilate into american culture is simply impossible; a quarter of them might do, but that's it, trust me the vast majority of people crossing the border illegally won't let go of their traditions or the way things should be done (socialism is one of them). They come from the shittiest part of the country (outskirts of many cities and countryside, being the last one the worst due to all the awful things going on). Stubborn and sometimes dangerous when you try to make them see that their ways do not work in US (this might, as some of you have probably experienced, lead you to a discussion and a fight, even other mexicans here have it tough trying to reaosn with them).

They dominate parts of orange county as well

Probably if you're in the wrong area, just like blacks you'll most likely get a random bullet. I watch LA news every night and always hear about shootings, always non-whites.

Is the stereotype of rich, white OC dead?

It's still alive but only in South County and Newport Beach. Irvine is absolutely full of FOB Asians and the North is Hispanic.

Not yet.

Where are you from senpai?

I remember when that show The OC came out, a lot of people complained about it showing parts of the OC, where ever the main character or his cousin came from, being a shitty area.

Not black enough and not shooting each other so I know it's not my city.

This. I've been to Mexico, and I've been to LA... Middle class Mexicans are just like anyone else.

Imagine if America dumped all their meth'ed out rednecks into your country, how would that make you feel?

When Trump says Mexico isn't sending their best he's telling the truth.

Pretty much this. The beaches are still held down by whites.

Santa Ana, holmes.

America looks like some kind of multicultural dystopia

>Warren Sapp jersey

Bruh talk about memories

Chino isn't in OC

Damn, how are things there?

Real Mexican gangs, not the cunty fuck young pussies, do not want attention. Murdering people is a sure fire way to get unwanted attention.

I live in a gated community next to asians. So it's quiet for the most part.

That's pretty disgusting but I still hate niggers more.

most americucks even on Sup Forums claim this is okay because "they aren't muslims" so i say let america become a nation of little brown goblin people.

The funniest part is that they think that they are mestizos.

.I strongly believe that your "privilege" caused this, you started to get lazy, comfy, selfish and stopped working while there`s hardworking races everywhere but If 73% of them are in welfare you made the wrong choice AGAIN

I think they might mean Chino Hills; it does rub against Diamond Bar (home to quasi affluent gangbanger parents) Walnut (Little Manila) and Rowland Heights (where every lane is a turn lane).

When I lived in LA everyone told me, a dumb leaf, that the most dangerous people on the streets were the young kids because they have nothing to lose and are often high out of their minds.

Kids as young as 12 could gun you down for nothing more than it builds their rep.

LA fag here. Can confirm

Here's the thing. The spics occupy much of the city, and if you are white, black or asian and you go into certain neighborhoods they will harm you, and possibly kill you.

This is nothing less than occupation of our land by a hostile army.

Do Europeans get sad when they visit California thinking it's filled with hot blondes, surf bros, college students and beautiful models/celebrities?

Soon sempai soon.
First OC, then SD, then America will all be brown

I honestly see very little Spanish blood in most Mexican Americans. If anything they are indio.

And such country doesn't give white russians a visa.

I am a Californian and I get sad whenever I leave my house and get to enjoy diversity

Certainly. People don't take America as European anymore

LAfag here. Thats just Broadway, it was originally a major theatre spot like the Broadway in New York, but is now mostly hole in the wall businesses catering to poor Mexicans. The entire West side of downtown is completely gentrified now, luxury condo buildings going up everywhere.

Lots of gang initiations are to randomly attack or even kill people.

It is filled with those things, just not downtown LA.

How shitty passport do you have to have if you can't visit basically every country without visa?

True. There has actually been a quota on places like Russia, Germany, etc since the 1990s.

They literally want to limit the number of white people who can come to our nation.

Rich white OC here
We're still holding down the fort
The enemy is at the gates but we're used to it

>these people are idiots and will work for nothing
>Why you so lazy white people?

Pick one. Your people exist to be exploited and have so little self respect and esteem for yourselves. No wonder the rich elite want to bring you people into the country by the truckload.

You're basically slaves. Almost the right color for it too.

>why didnt you stop ut

California isn't a part of the United States.

They were right. The stupid fucking kids have no ethics of any kind. Kill you for a days bragging rights. This has been nurtured through successive generations of less and less parental involvement. Some illegal crossing the border to find a job isn't who we need to worry about. It's the criminals living in Mexico masterminding the nonsense. It's the young fuck American kids with Mexican patterns who want to live a life of criminality for stature. Those are who we need to worry about.

I've lived in LA and New York and I can honestly say I felt way safer in New York City.

LA is a nightmare.

The fuck.. Sauce?

this shit is in orange county

I imagine it's something like Paris Syndrome.

Coronado here
San Diego has fallen



>How shitty passport do you have
I have Russian passport, that's enough.

I lived in LA for 19 years, walking to school through a neighborhood that is 45% Latino and

I got rejected 8 years ago when I wanted to visit my brother for the first time for Christmas, but before me they granted a visa to a shitskin albanian with 2 wives and fuck knows how much children lol. There I said, wtf! I hate Usa now and i never applied again.

which beach city and how did you got your shekels

depends where you're at. Stay in Samo/Hollywood/Burbank/tourist parts of Downtown and it's pretty much the lovey dovey TV stereotype. Otherwise it's either the worst Congos this side of Detroit, or places that would make most of our Mexican posters fucking scared. Too many fucking Indios.

I love using the word Indio, it stings illegals so much more than beaner or spic, because its a curse that reminds them even their own fucking countrymen hate them.

t. Mohammad Naser Elsayed Elneny


I got a 'person with special skills' visa which cost me a lot of money and time to finally get.

The only non-GLOBALIST theory I could come up with as to why they limit work visas for educated whites is that we would compete with American educated whites...

Mexicans on the other hand... Well they're basically the slave class, and you need them to do the shit Americans wont do.

The Asian thing throws a wrench in this theory, as Asians are often highly educated and trained and they seem to get in no problem. So maybe it is race based.

no one thinks of america as a white country anymore

what part of california?

something that actually happened to mea long time ago in a theater:
>watch movie called "transporter 2"
>in movie a rich guys son gets kidnapped
>I yell "Whats the difference?"
>entire audience bursts out in laughter

hundreds of PEOPLE walking by, minding their own business, not being loud, not being assholes, NOT BEING NIGGERS

Really depends on the area man, Paris' primary tourist spots are in residential areas full of North Africans, LA's tourists spots are legit cut off from the poor and majority of the brown people.
We get so many stupid fucking tourists who only go to Venice Beach, or Hollywood, or night clubs. It's fucking sad, they don't even realize what a shit hole this city is.

Most Asians coming over are filthy rich.


At least 2 of them.have trigger disipline

>t. Spic about to get his stinky bean ass deported

yup, just imagine how fast they breed

>tfw 5'10 manlet in LA
>tfw enough to be a fucking king in most places because of mexidwarfs everywhere

I hope Trump will replace all the shitskins with Eastern Euros.


I got my shekels from daddy like everyone else here

>no niggers or muzzies in sight
What's your problem?

I wish they knew how much that their home country hates them. And how badly they never want them back.

Do you guys think the hatred plastic paddies get from actual Irishmen is as bad as what Chicanos get from actual Mexicans?

It baffles me how people shill for beaners. There is literally no justification for keeping these parasites around besides "hurrr at least they aren't as bad as niggers".

Newsflash, these people still fucking suck. They hate white, Anglo-America and will never assimilate. The vast majority are either welfare dependents or criminals. They are predisposed to socialism and corruption.

Mexicans are not natural conservatives. They are parasites.


No problem with Mexicans personally, just I want to live in a country where I don't get marginalized by my own government, who forces me to be a minority.

Quick question for LA fags.
How fast are the Arabs moving in and displacing the Jews on the westside of LA/OC (aka Beverley Hills and Newport Beach)

Yeah, I guess the waves of poors from Vietnam, Taiwan, China, and Korea are over.

Same in Canada - the Chinese we get are all the sons and daughters of factory owners and the like.

Trump knows a thing or two about using Eastern Euros...

Mexicans can stay in their own country, they do not belong in ours.

The nouveau riche are just as bad as the poor
You cant buy class

Oh Serbia. They hate Russians and Serbians for political reasons, no matter what. That's sad, if I'm russian - that doesn't mean I support the politics of my country.

NAH, BORN AND RAISED in northern Cali
and white


I find people from actual Spain are pretty cool though. And people from Chile. Maybe Pinochet is responsible for them being more based?

A lot of American flags on Sup Forums are really just spics. Don't let them fool you.

I'm from an inland white city but I head to the beach often. There's a relatively small number of Jews in Newport/Laguna and an extremely disproportionate number of Muslims on the beaches. Other than that I don't know.

Most of those guys have integrated into society. The nouveau riche on the other hand...