So how are we going to deal with the gender pay gap issue? How can it be solved?
So how are we going to deal with the gender pay gap issue? How can it be solved?
>japs trying to shitpost
If this was true, why would any business ever hire a man?
Accept that women are an inferior, less productive part of our population, and they will always choose less useful jobs, devote less time to society and only want to spend a short time in low effort jobs until they can marry and retire so even trying to educate them is thus a waste of resources.
>beta english teachers pretending to be japanese
Even the Clinton foundation pays women less.
Easy. Instead of learning feminist dance therapy, we steer young women to the STEM fields.
Even then, 5-10 cents "difference" will remain, because women care more about their free time, while men care more for the money. Which means the later do more overtime, and give more effort to reach higher pay-grades - which is also a mayor part of this.
also sage
Haven't you heard?
Genders aren't real, gook.
because women are doing less work
enforce a 50% women quota to work in the coal mines etc.