Wait, people here actually think this was a good casting decision? He was god awful...

Wait, people here actually think this was a good casting decision? He was god awful. Nothing about this worked even a little.

he was the best part of the movie. now fuck off faggot

When I saw his negro lips move as he ate the candy, I knew he was a shit choice.

Light was much worse than L

it was ok for ten mins and then he went full chimp

I know youre a white cunt with no friends cause you're too stupid to see everyone else was fucking awful

What was good about this performance?

Okay, given that ridiculous fucking picture you just posted, I'm going to assume we're not talking about acting so much as we're talking about "OOOOH, IT WAS JUST LIKE THE ANIMU". Who gives a fuck? He sat stupid in a chair, that does not make the performance compelling. Nothing he did came across as remotely authentic or genuine. He didn't sound like a real person, he didn't behave like a real person. It was fucking garbage all around.

it's mostly the writers fault honestly
like one minute he's throwing candy everywhere like a babby and the next he's speaking like a proper englishman. there was no subtlety in anything
and then he dresses like a gangster and has to conceal his face? and then has a breakdown when his buddy dies? awful

Yeah I hated him. The trembling and his mental breakdown at the end was terrible.
Ryuk was the best you faggot.

>I know youre a white
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

Your men are turning into women, and your women are getting blacked.

Get ready for your extinction

>like one minute he's throwing candy everywhere like a babby and the next he's speaking like a proper englishman.

And that's the problem. I really could give a shit that he's black. HOWEVER, if you're going to get creative with the casting, don't make him behave like the anime character. This guy was supposed to be from New York, right? What the fuck kind of young black man in Bed Stuy behaves like that? If you're going to make him autistic, make him behave authentically autistic or something. If you're going to adapt it, then FUCKING ADAPT IT.

What was the point behind making L a jihadi?

Well he does have autism.

No. At least he was white. N was shit. FACT.

white women are the least likely to racemix but yeah modern men are fucked

Stop trying to ruin a decent thread with your bait.
He was hiding his face.

He was the least of the movies problems. Shitty plothole ridden writing and poor character directing sink the movie.

you sure it wasn't the writing?
i cant really say one way or the other on his acting given his script was obviously shit.

The acting wasn't the problem, it's that the character they wrote wasn't L. If he had been the detective who replaces L after his death instead of Near it would have been an improvement on the original.

He played L chimpy/impulsive rather than autistic/calculated

it's possible his character is meant to be an amalgamation of L and other characters such as Near and Mello.
the writing is still shit even if that's the case.

You assholes deserve all this shit for wanting live action anime.

Shit directing. I've seen this guy in other things and he is good therefore this is the logical conclusion. Everybody else except Shea Wighum and especially the fag playing Light was absolutely god awful as was the entire movie. Anybody who disagrees is probably trying to bait anime fans, of which I am not one, or a just obviously race baiting. Or there is the possibility you just have the shit fucking taste of an edgey 13 year old.

>wanting live action anime

said no one ever, except maybe the Asian market

The biggest problem with this movie overall is that it seemed unsure of what it wanted to be. I can't claim to be a fan of the anime, but I do remember watching enough episodes on adult swim to get the basic gist of it, and this seemed to be half in and half out in terms of whether or not it wanted to be a straight remake or a westernized adaptation of the source material. I remember back when they first announced the casting, the director had an interesting quote about how there were uniquely Japanese themes in the original that, to his thinking, they would have to find some kind of American analogue for, and that sounded interesting. The problem is that's not really what we got. Yeah, L is a black guy that allegedly grew up poor in the Northeast, but that doesn't really influence the character in any meaningful way. He could have been a rich white kid, or a half french/half Japanese guy and come of exactly the same. He just seemed like a smart guy that was acting like a cartoon character for no particular reason. Like, what about his upbringing would have caused him to speak and behave that way? What are the steps required to go from being a poor black guy in Brooklyn to weirdo basket case that squats in chairs like a weirdo and talks like vaguely British aristocrat? And yes, it matters, because if it didn't then what was the point of making him a black dude from New York as opposed to a lanky pale effeminate dude with bags under his eyes? It's completely arbitrary. If a character is going to have outlandish quirks than there needs to be a reason for it.

Rubbish. On Sup Forums and elsewhere for years people have been begging for stupid live-action versions of perfectly good anime and it always turns out shit.

No one wanted it or asked and it was still disappointing.
[Spoiler]I only watched a 20sec webm though

I honestly can't judge him fairly. He was fucking ABYSMAL...but it's impossible to tell if that was the performance or the writing and directing. I've seen him in other movies where he was good.

But there was a lot of terrible shit in Death Note, so I don't think you can pin it all on his performance.

I've never seen the anime or read the comic, but he and his character completely ruined the movie for me. I can't tell if he or that stupid Demon were the worst/most unnecessary parts.

I didn't mind him or the girl. He was way too old for the role though.

>Yeah, L is a black guy that allegedly grew up poor in the Northeast, but that doesn't really influence the character in any meaningful way. He could have been a rich white kid, or a half french/half Japanese guy and come of exactly the same. He just seemed like a smart guy that was acting like a cartoon character for no particular reason. Like, what about his upbringing would have caused him to speak and behave that way?

No, L in this movie has origins similar to the manga L. He was an orphan at some rich secret orphanage, and the orphanage trained him to be a detective.


Watari drove to that orphanage, it was in Merica.

I don't think anything about this movie was good, but L is not a real person and doesn't act even remotely like a real person. Light in the manga/anime also is a sociopath which is far what you'd expect a real (or normal) person to do.
There are way better complaints than muh realism

>Being this fucked in the head

>I can only see race

why all the talk about casting race/nationality/etc?
it's not like the story of Death Note (any version) actually has any foundation on those things
is Sup Forums full of sjw's or something?

speaking on race though i think blaxploitation films need to make a comeback.
i feel like an all-black production staff and main cast on death note would've done a better job and race would have actually mattered when Kira was going out of his way to punish killer cops and the police/court powers that allow them to get away with it.

Ryuk was the worst written, best cast. Ryuk is supposed to be funny, not threatening

Ryuk is threatening as a red herring to advance the core plot of the film. if they get a sequel i assume Ryuk will return to his source material personality.

unironically this

Shills make shitty threads bored retards reply.

Nothing that comes from the hollyjew had ever been good.

Black cock obsession is real user and lots of white girls have it ;)

It kind of makes sense. In the anime L is a white guy around a bunch of Japanese people. So him being a black guy amongst a bunch of white people kinda works.


this still described the movie perfectly

Yes, white people are directly responsible for all of the evils of this world. Who owns all the banks? White people. Who has a disproportionate presence in politics? White people. Who shoves themselves into as many media creations as possible? White people.

>I don't see "race" at all ever because it's definitely not real, just skin color and nothing more.

Him being black matters nothing. Original L was great because he had charisma and an air of mystery around him. Manga authors could've made him black from the start and it would still work due to other factors. Netflix L is neither mysterious nor charismatic, he looks like the same brand of virgin loser as Light. Except Light got laid.

Isn't L British?

He's mixed.

>(((White people)))

How many Manga's have there second main protagonist as a black guy? I can't think of many

more like he was better than anyone else, because at least he vaguely resemble his counterpart

>be ultimate best detective ever
>nobody takes your word on a mystery for some reason even though the suspect admitted his own guilt to you
>decide to just blow his brains out after that doesn't work

What a deep and interesting character

>Who owns all the banks? White people.

Thought that was the Sam Hyde ted talk for a sec