Does participating in Sup Forums make the user more or less intelligent?
We discuss politics/current events/ideology much like ancient philosophers.
Or are we using each other as lube for our mental masturbation circle jerk?
Does participating in Sup Forums make the user more or less intelligent?
We discuss politics/current events/ideology much like ancient philosophers.
Or are we using each other as lube for our mental masturbation circle jerk?
If you spend a month on this board, you will leave more informed and smarter than before you arrived.
It depends on your point of view.
Not more intelligent, but less biased. Spending too much time here makes you biased in another way, though.
Sup Forums also is obviously not good for mental health, so try to limit your usage.
I've been here for years so I can't really identify the effects.
Sup Forums is a gym for the mind. Whenever I see a post here that I agree with I will spend some time researching and forming an argument against it.
I like that. I usually will look up something I'm not familiar. Unfortunately it's usually some fringe NatSoc economic policy
I don't don't know if this board would make someone more intelligent, but the person would become more knowledgeable.
All knowledge is good knowledge, even if it's views you disagree with and views which are false or perpetuated by fear and bigotry, for it makes you aware of them and the issues they stem from.
With intelligence you learn to dissect knowledge, and I firmly believe this board does provide a lot of information and views.
a lot of the people who end up here learn to question everything, including what they believe. This is invaluable, as well as this international community can provide views and news like no other source can.
board full of trump tell me
true. but when does a healthy skepticism turn into jaded distrust for everything?
M8, we are the hottest thing in politics right now
Yes it's healthy
You know what's unhealthy? Conservatism. Just look at Glenn Beck
You know what's really unhealthy? Liberalism. Look at those degenerate fucks
Jane Goodall learned a lot from living with chimpanzees
She could have just visited Detroit
A little piece of Africa in the USA
Shame the alt-right is so cringey. Milo is a tacky gay jew, Alex Jones is insane, and Sam Hyde isn't funny. The alt-right are adults with arrested development
don't cut yourself on that edge
You think that's the alt-right?
Head on over to TRS
Obvious bait
It's got to do with expectations in my opinion. We're expected to be told lies so to fit in better, everyone and all corporations care only about self interest, this is expected. To lie to people is the natural way of things, so to question this should be natural too.
To look at it in another light: As people mature they learn to doubt themselves and their knowledge, they start to realize how they're lacking, where they're misinformed or just simply ignorant. It's a step towards becoming a better person, and people do this for their own sake. This mentality is then turned outwards toward the world, for some things might be self caused but others might not be, people learn to question what they're being told as well, not just themselves.
I hardly see even a moral standing within it all any more, just a pursuit for the truth.
Learn more
it's more pictures of frogs. hard to take the alt-right seriously when it's mascot is pepe
you cant improve your natural iq ITS GENETIC YOU SHILL
No, retard. The IQ isn't how smart you are. It's how well you did on an exam. You're talking about innate ability, which I don't think you can achieve without study.
IQ scores do not measure genetic potential. You can prepare for them.
Stop being such a gay faggot.
Check out the Daily Shoah
Skip to 2:24:10, listen until about 2:28:00
A great introduction to them. I loved this segment in particular
I mean its not an echo chamber because I see endless debates in every thread.
So its good to have your views and opinions challenged. Makes you grow wiser
stop being civil, we want normies out
Depends on who you are and what you take away from the discussions.
There's a lot of complimentary wank going on here by a group of people who think everyone is like them.
>It's not an echo chamber
Does agreeing with you participate in making it a hug box ?
In anycase you're a dick
god damn this board is full of retards
Pretty sure its unanimously agreed upon that Sup Forums kids in general are
"Really smart but also really weird fags"