National Socialist German-Bros, what's it like to live in Germany these days with your views?

Is it hard to keep your love for the Füher's message in your head for now?

Other urls found in this thread:üchse Precision/Pro Tuning/Ansicht.html?Artikelnummer=175661&lsn=RECOMM_ENG_ADS_KUNDEN

All forms of communism, including national SOCIALISM, are fucking cancer and should be purged.
Capitalism is freedom.

A fucking leaf.
Idiots like you should be purged.

Oh look a "muh true conservatism" leaf. You are weak.



Truly the cancer of Sup Forums


Saying I should be purged because your diet commie leader threw the fucking match and cucked Germany for decades? Go prep the refugee bull Hans, y'all don't even have sausage and beer at Oktoberfest this year, faggot.
>conservatism is the same as capitalism
Are you role-playing or do you not know basic economics? Maybe if you took a break from shitting yourself from diet pills and HFCS you wouldn't be so dehydrated and would have cognitive function. Or is it the common core? Who knows.

why are you trying to get germanbros baited into being arrested? you know they aren't allowed to talk about these things

As for your question Ameribro, i guess it depends.

I was born far to late, all the shit that plagues my nation has been here since before i was born. We didn't suddenly get trouble with shitskins and commies last year with the so called "refugee crisis"