Is it hard to keep your love for the Füher's message in your head for now?
National Socialist German-Bros, what's it like to live in Germany these days with your views?
All forms of communism, including national SOCIALISM, are fucking cancer and should be purged.
Capitalism is freedom.
A fucking leaf.
Idiots like you should be purged.
Oh look a "muh true conservatism" leaf. You are weak.
Truly the cancer of Sup Forums
Saying I should be purged because your diet commie leader threw the fucking match and cucked Germany for decades? Go prep the refugee bull Hans, y'all don't even have sausage and beer at Oktoberfest this year, faggot.
>conservatism is the same as capitalism
Are you role-playing or do you not know basic economics? Maybe if you took a break from shitting yourself from diet pills and HFCS you wouldn't be so dehydrated and would have cognitive function. Or is it the common core? Who knows.
why are you trying to get germanbros baited into being arrested? you know they aren't allowed to talk about these things
As for your question Ameribro, i guess it depends.
I was born far to late, all the shit that plagues my nation has been here since before i was born. We didn't suddenly get trouble with shitskins and commies last year with the so called "refugee crisis"
You people are my hope. The only reason I have to continue existing. I thank you for carrying the flame. And giving me reason to live.
Those problems started decades ago, but they do get worse each year.
I always was some kind of redpilled, but when i first started looking into the whole WW2 story myself, and found out how much kike fiction i was told, it hit hard.
Hearing the Führers speeches, understanding his message, seeing how happy my people back then were and finally seeing the terrible outcome for my nation and the world because of our loss,
honestly that is a damn tough pill to swallow.
Be strong, Reichsbro. I share your feels. Don't let the bastards grind you down.
But i'm also not hopeless.
Sure we have plenty of brainwashed and/or braindead idiots that belive everything they are told and are to dumb to think for themselves. I travel alot and they are everywhere.
But i also see a spirit in my people, a will to live on, will to preserve our culture, will to get shit done and make things right again.
The white genocide is being organized from the very, very top, and many whites are on board with this global transitional phase for the NWO.
None of us are Hitler, we can't oppose it directly. So instead, focus on getting yourself to the highest position you possibly can on the Illuminati's global pyramid. Be happy, wealthy, and raise a strong family. That is the best thing you can do for your race.
That hurt to read m8, stay strong.
>praises Hitler, hates commies
Dude stop posting. For one, it's fucking cringeworthy, for two, you're gonna get arrested.
The only reason Hitler was mostly successful was because of his staff, and even then because it was a nationalist movement. I wish Hitler would have stayed a beta artist so Jews didn't have MUH HOLOCAUST to shame anyone who's patriotic for the rest of fucking time.
I wouldn't be surprised if that manlet cryptokike prick orchestrated that shit from the beginning so Jews could spread all over the world and have the Holocaust to protect them.
saw some documentaries on history channel the other day. was about a group of SS called something, they were behind keeping french separtists in line and getting rid of jews in france. after the war they faced trials and most got out as free men, like one was executed. they stuck together after the war, way into the 60s and 70s until they started dying off.
i imagine them just waiting for the remnants to pick up and start again. living in some end of the world mindset. then at the end finally realizing there wouldn't be another rising.
And today we have the most powerfull toll / weapon ever. Something our fathers and forefathers didn't or barely had.
The fucking internet.
All the information at the tips of our fingers. We just need more people to break free from the media brainwashing and start looking things up for themselves.
And we already see the results, much more people know that they're beeing fucked by "their own" leaders today than say 20 years ago.
Kill yourself you fucking dumbass
You are a bigger cuck than most liberals
i know how politics work. you go out in the media, get your name known, bribe influental party members and make sure upstarts get realize how corrupt the system is and hope they leave. none of those at the top care anymore. left and right. they get shit done so they can be re elected and keep that paycheck and other luxuries.
We can see nationalist movements gaining support in every white country.
And many more of our countrymen think like us, but stay silent because they fear our oppressive gouvernments and because the feel alone.
Reason for that is again the media, they never stop mentioning how evil and how few nationalists are. With the exact thought to indeed demotivate us.
Especially with kikes making ever-more ridiculous claims to support the 6 gorillion myth. Like the 42,500 "concentration camps" the US Holocaust Memorial Museum now claims existed... roughly enough for 142 people per camp if my math is accurate. And they literally think people are going to believe this shit.
A valid augment.Yet, Hitler and the German people tried to free humanity. They sacrificed everything. Don't condemn the Germans for losing that noble battle. Condemn the Jews for manipulating White nations to act against their own benefits.
First of all: It's not in this thread, but stop the meme that the Führer admired the mohammedan religion. If hundreds of thousands had come to Germany at the time and he'd have seen how those animals behave, he'd not only included them in the holocaust in the blink of an eye, but also demanded a final solution at least 5 years earlier.
But now to answer the question: It's not easy living in these times. You have to hide your power lever wherever you go. Even moderates criticizing Merkel's open gates policy won't work are branded as racist and Nazis. If you show up at right wing rallyes, you're likely to lose your job or tha landlord will kick you out of your apartment. It's like living in the fucking GDR.
But we all know the GDR ended one day. I think a great many more people are unhappy with the rapefugee situation than the official polls show. So the question is how much longer will we be oppressed by the current rapefugee regime? The longer that takes, the uglier it will be when the pendulum swings back.
Fine. And I have no problems buying this legally:
Not that I own one, but after all we're not as cucked as you might think. We have just the single largest percentage of childless women, which in return have a huge effect on the public opinion, since they preferebly infiltrate tv stations, education and the likes.
But we are not few, we are the fn majority that matters. (((They))) are few, they just use their media to pretend otherwise.
And they are fucking desperate, pumping out one Hoax movie after another, constantly "finding" new shocking "facts" about Hitler, trying to shit on nationalism and our pride and cultures while promoting their degenerate filth.
But they are loosing, more and more normies join us. While nobody who has woken up is going back to beeing a brainless tool.
So I'm planning to walk through the streets of Frankfurt waving the German flag and singing the German anthem on Oct 3rd. Will people join me or denounce me?
66% of Frankfurts population are foreigners.
March through Dresden and you will be proudly joined in a second.
I wish I could re-awaken the world. I wish I spoke German so I could translate the works of pre-war German authors who should be available in English but aren't. It's amazing to me how much the memory of pre-war Germany has been purged from the West in favor of just paranoia against Nazis.
this, you can be nationalist without all the safety net nurturing government gibs shit that is great if youre trying to get votes but fucks the nation in the long term
If you have a bachelors, study in Germany for grad school. It's free tuition and you can learn via immersion and classes along with your courses.
I'll have free rail travel in the state of Hesse, where should I head? If no where's good there, is there anywhere as patriotic as Dresden that closer and would be good to see for a day or two?
So in short Ameribro, yes seeing Germany from back then and thinking about what could have been hurts.
But it also is proof enough who was right in WW2 and who the root of all our problems is.
And one more great thing is seeing people from all over the globe agreeing.
Look at all the NatSoc threads and there are so many people from everywhere who don't belive in all the shit they're told and even agreeing that Germany was in the right. Especially if it's anons from Allied countries, that gives me a nice warm feeling inside and hope that our final battle is yet to come and this time it won't be us fucking white males that will annihilate each other for the kikes sake.
Next time we will stand together, Hail Victory to anyone around the globe that wants to help fixing the planet.
Sorry, I don't know Hessen. I'm from NRW north of Hessen. For a patriotic march here you'd have to organize a flashmob.
they likely added all the POW camps like the OFLAGs aswell. they often had 50 or less prisoners
Danke, Reichsbro! Sieg Heil!
They added everything. The way I remember it being reported, if there was an apartment building in the city where 2 jews were held overnight and died, it was considered a camp. Funny how the devastation of the war erased so much but they claim to have been able to find out the fate of 6 million jews, whose existence before the war is even contested, with no problem. Literally ridiculous.
*And this 70 years after the war, since this is a recent study.
I will, you do to bro. We are not alone and it's not embarresing to have feels.
I know it hurt to write it as well and we have to accept things as they are today.
But we need to get our shit together and improve things as a team.
Whatever Leaf, i'm sorry for you because you're a pathetic troll. Comparing Hitler to commies is laughable.
And no i'm not cringeworthy, i'm honest.
And no i won't get arrested for posting on Sup Forums.
I've thought about them as well, they truly had it worst, worse than those that died fighting. DeGrelle is the perfect example for this, he never gave up until he died. His "We Dreamed" video always hits me right in the feels.
I also thought about how the Allied soldiers felt after realizing that they fought on the wrong side :/
german anons.. what's the younger generation like, do they seem very ignorant in general or are they all hiding their power levels?
it was a tough pill to swallow to know that my grandfather was on the wrong side but i know he was only trying to do the right thing, you are right
It seems there are more holocaust victims every year. Even today people are still dying from the holocaust, otherwise we wouldn't get those fantastic figures.
I learned the total toll was 1.8 million in school. That was a number that could be substantiated from the Nazis' files. What came afterwards was purely made up. Especially the 6 million figure that came from an old prophecy that 6 million jews had to die before the erection of the Third Temple would be started.
Yup they always need to make their next story more shocking to reach people, but at the same time they dig their own grave deeper. Because the more absurd it gets, the more people will look into it and learn that pretty much all of it is just horseshit.
Thank you Vikingbro.
This whole meme that Hitler is the cause of the problem because he tried to prevent this whole mess is the dumbest ever. Like a last ditch effort at keeping ud divided.
Also this. Again it's jewish divide and conquer and we can use this against them. We need to get it into the muslims heads that only the jews profit if we fight each other.
I also don't have a problem with muslims as long as they're in their own countries.
And that was the exact goal of Hitler, keep a good relationship with the Arabs by keeping us seperated. Neither side back then wanted to live together, that's kike fiction again. And also again, watch DeGrelle talk about it.
Yeah, and when you see just how shameless the fictions are... like with Misha DiFonseca... she wasn't even jewish, and approached a publisher with a book saying she was and that she was raised by wolves... literally raised by wolves!!!... after her parents were killed in the Holocaust. And they claimed they believed her, and when it was proven she lied (as if proof was needed), the publisher actually sued her for her share of the profits! Shameless! Pretending they didn't know all along... and of course Elie Wiesel was there to support her, claiming that sometimes imagined things are more real than real things, or whatever his lame excuse for his own crap books is. It's unbearably sleazy. They have no decency. It's just a cash cow for jews. They turn the tap and money pours into their greedy hands.
>We need to get it into the muslims heads that only the jews profit if we fight each other.
I think they know, but they see how indifferent our societies are to their being bombed, and resent us for it. They know the jews control us, so they're stuck fighting us because our people won't fight the jews. It sucks for them and us, really. We need to get our house in order.
Where did you listen to original speeches?
Yeah, that shit nearly makes me think the niggers might have a point with their genetic PTSD thing.
To see our people so happy, smiling, crying, Hitler earnestly trying to help his people to a brighter future... and then everyone got an extreme brainwashing, the ones that fought for our people got executed in sham trials, half the women got raped by filthy commies...
And now we have degenerate central with so many believing the German people don't even deserve a future, hating their own people.
I'm honestly considering moving to one of those Nazi-villages. Pic related.
"Fun" fact: They had to remove the real sign that was the model for the painting, because a sign pointing to Paris, Vienna, and Braunau is apparently Volksverhetzung (incitement to hatred). Geography is literally banned.
fuck off you nonwhite canadian quarter inuit quarter nigger quarter syrian quarter chink, pol is a safe space for the last remaining natsoc germans
>a fucking
>L E A F
You can do the start brother, everyone of us should improve himself by excercise or studying. Learning a new language is a splendid way to do just that.
Just get up, go to the next book store or use Youtube or something and start learning German. Just say fuck this gay world and start doing it brother.
Knowing multiple languages has many uses and could also help you with other things in live.
Not particular familiar with Hessen but in general, looking for a smaller town / village would be good i guess.
I live in the city and while that has advantages it also confronts you with all the fucked up shit as well. Living outside is definitely more peacefull.
You're welcome Bruder, stay safe and happy and never give up :)
Something of both, it's just that ignorant people are very vocal and smart people don't tell every idiot their opinions.
I believe you. And i belive your grandfather had good intentions.
But he or rather his leaders made a grave mistake and as a result today yours and all the other Allied countries are just as fucked up as the Axis countries.
But again, this should be a valued lesson plain to see for everyone today that they fought on the wrong side / for the wrong reasons. And therefor i won't talk shit about your country / people, if we want to turn things around we need to work together, accepting that mistakes were made in the past but we won't be as easily fooled as our forefathers.
>a sign pointing to Paris, Vienna, and Braunau is apparently Volksverhetzung
I'm sure it isn't, it's just the local county trying to make living as hard as possible for those people. If they had gone to court, they would have been able to keep the sign. But going to court costs money, which in the one case is paid by the people, and in the other case comes from tax money. So my guess is that's why it wasn't done.
>Hitler and the German people tried to free humanity
Nope. They didn't care about anyone but Germany and Germans. And that's ok but worship of the Füher by non Germans is ridiculous.
This has been a damn good thread. Your words have moved me, German bro. Stay strong and seig heil! Our day is coming.
German national socialists are pretty fucking retarded these days when you watch their rallies etc. It can't be easy being retarded in Germany, you get taken advantage of sexually by migrants.
What you see at rallies are just the ones that have nothing to lose. There's lots more, but they are smart, they keep their mouth shut because they know they are otherwise out of a job.
Like i said, ridiculous and easy to see through the bullshit.
Only few of 'em know. I've talked to muslims that were born here or immigrated as little kids and they're beeing fed the same shit as we are.
Seriously most of them didn't knew there were muslims fighting with the Reich, instead they've been told that the ebil Nazis tried to kill them as well.
It's hilarious if you show them videos with muslim SS members and their faces just drop, realizing that they've been played for fools
Seriously, we can reason with muslims and blacks, it's only the bloody jews that keep us divided by mixing us together.
Youtube alone has tons, they're just blocked in Germany. Simply go to some site like Prroxfree, pick a US proxy server, go to Youtube and look for Hitler speeches, DeGrelle speeches or just type in Holohoax, there are tons in all kinds of languages / subtitles.
Yea some days it's really bad having to see this degenerate filth, but we can't give up.
And yea maybe living in a place like this would be good, but as the other user said, "our" gouvernment is trying to fuck them hard. Before moving somewhere we need to steel our minds and accept the shit we inherited. And then find the best solution.
False. Hitler was an Anglophile and even praised the Japanese for their nationalism and dedication to serving their country. Wanting a strong and proud German ethnic race is not the same as having disdain for everyone but yourself.
Gå med Nordiska Motstånds Rörelsen broder
why are these slutty grils saluting sideways?
Why don't you just shove a jar of jam up your ass? It's about as cool and useful as that cult.
Finally watching the greatest story never told and even after spending so much time on here my eyes are opening further
stay strong brother
Again, there you see how desperatly they're trying to keep the lid on their silly lies. Banning common sense stuff just helps our cause, we can always argue with that. The more they ban the more we have :)
Middleground Croatia, there's more than black and white. Of course Hitler mostly cared for his own people, but there are plenty of times even he himselfes directly talked about or pep talked other nations. But his whole approach in Germany was "Hilf dir selbst" (Help yourself) so he couldn't just talk for other nations like he did for Germany.
Go watch Hitlers "European Army" video.
There he mentions many of our friends and allies, even France. And he calls the Commie Jews the Weltfeind (worldenemy)
Nice, if i could make you happy, this makes me happy :)
I had moments like that here as well.
Some user wrote something and i just think "fuck yea user, if you were here i'd buy you a beer or hug you or something" haha
Ignore the troll
I've never been to any rally, i'm smart about it. First i need to improve myself before i can improve my country.
Learn brothers, read shit, talk to people close to you, get your families in order. That the first and biggest step, if more people do that we'll get there in time.
Yup, almost his exact words, thank you Britbro :)
You to brother, keep up the good fight.
The more you know the less dependant you are on other peoples "information"
@fucking leaf
NatSoc is not communism, Hitler was a staunch anti-commie. The Reich will rise again
And there's something i'd like to add to the whole "hiding your powerlevel" talk.
Because plenty of people don't seem to get it.
Hiding your powerlevel means not spergin out at your workplace / school.
Or to go on rants on YT, Facebook or some shit under your real name.
You can't just blow up on people ranting away that Hitler was the good guy or that evil kikes are behind every shit. Even tho it is the truth.
This will alienate people and turn them against you or make them think you're nuts. Not because they think that themselves but rather because it has been drilled into their heads to react like that.
This will mess up your life because "our own" leaders are pushing any legal or illegal option to surpress us, precisely because we are correct.
But that doesn't mean either that you can't ever talk to anyone and only lurk on pol you know.
You just need to slowly guide people to see the truth. Be calm, know you facts, understand that they are confused.
After all, here you are telling them the opposite of what everyone else told them all their lives.
And don't mindlessly talk to anyone, start with your family, friends or other close people. People you can trust at least as far that you know they won't turn you in because you said something wrong.
And then most will see your point, or at the very least will be completely confused because you just wrecked all the info they've been fed and your arguments made total sense.
I can openly talk to all my family including my grandparents, all my friends and even some coworkers. And they all agree. People today know something id wrong, they just can't place it because all their precious media and celebs constantly tell them how great everything is.
it's somewhat the same here in a way actually. Hitler is ridiculously popular here. but it's absolutely taboo to speak of him in public, with strangers, or outside academia. when i was in college, at some point, EVERY class would turn into a Hitler discussion at some point without fail.
every time someone mentions hitler here some dumbass blurt out ''he was actually jewish'' or half jew or whatever the fuck and say he hated himself more than jews.
or they say "he's just a disgruntled failed artist" which is hilarious, as if that's a reason to kill jews. i think his art is quite good
Exactly, and it's like that pretty much everywhere. They made Hitler larger than life with all their stories.
You have people in every country that don't know half their presidents or some of the most important people that their countries ever had, but all of them know about Hitler.
Now if you can show them some stuff that Hitler wasn't the most evil human ever and was right about a shitload of things their whole world view will collappse as if they're drowning in jet fuel.
The entirety of our modern societies with all of it's degenerate teachings is build on just a few things.
The evil world conquering Nazis and how united freedom bested them lmfao.
And how therefor every white man should act like a cunt.
Then there's the whole feminism, sexual liberation shit our women are fed.
That they somehow need it to be happy while in reality all of them are unhappy and selfhating.
And number 3 is racial tensions.
Evil white males and how every brown, black and yellow race was oppresed because the was kangz and shit.
How all of them are oppressed minorities even tho each of them alone outnumber whites. They have to either hate the white man or be dependant on the white man.
So all we have to do is to show them that they're history is used as propaganda to fuck their brains.
How woman would be much happier if they would act like woman again in healthy relationships with their men and families.
And that the "minorities" have a 3rd option. Be themselves in their own countries without the white man oppressing / aiding them.
Don't forget that he wanted to kill everyone not blonde, even tho neither he nor most other high ranking NS men were blond lmfao.
Those reasons are dumb as fuck and easy to refute.
Like i said above, that's just peoples conditioning in overheating mode, trying to sustain the narrative.
> mfw when the Zyklon-B turned out to be breddy gud
its fuckin hell. once i realised there will never be the feel to live in a homogeneous society like hitler germany i felt shattered. theres only me and my family and nothing more.
things here will get ugly sooner or later. even people i consider left oriented or liberal feeling theres something not going well. im just sad that i dont see the faces of all these balloon holding clappers when shits going down. i would like to take their head and rub it in the shit theyve been brought onto germany
honestly with how much we learned about Hitler in high school it's nearly unintentional red-pilling. all Americans know Hitler in and out from talking about him nonstop in history class, along with the lies that go with that, but most couldn't name half the us presidents. it takes very little research to reveal the lies. the jew exploitation of wwii with movies that are filled with lies to make money too. have you seen the boy in the striped pajamas? most people take that as absolute truth. i had a jew history teacher that made us watch it in class with that 'OMG nazis are bad mkay' ending
I feel ya Fritz.
Stay strong brother, next time we'll fight together side by side.
What German city would you recommend for a 20-something cis gender white male to travel to?
>boy in the striped pajamas
mfw the only effect that movie had on my highschool class was to make "Jude" a popular pejorative.
mfw people in the schoolyard would run around yelling "Dreckiger Jude" at people they didn't like
mfw the teachers said nothing
I still can't fucking believe that you can't listen to Hitler's speeches and stuff like this in Germany. This censorship is fucking unbelievable and third world tier.
I wish that one day Germans will have enough of being restricted by their government.
Even in Italy we can't praise the Duce by law, but we can talk about him and fascism and we have movies by "Istituto Luce", and actually even if you yell "Viva il Duce" no cop is going to give a shit, secretely many Italians still love him.
>Poland and Germany divided Czechoslovakia - everything is normal, all is well.
>Germany and Russia divide Poland - the Communists want to take over the world!
Politics - is a very funny thing.
It's amazing how little research is really required to see that the entire history was fabricated.
What's even more amazing is that the jewluminati have enough power to keep something so important in the dark for so long, and so well. They must really be a force to be reckoned with. We'd better mind our p's and q's with them, boys.
Yup, like i said, the more shit they add and the more the try to force feed it to people, the easier it get's to see the truth.
And nope, haven't seen that movie but i know what it's about. I avoid those shitty movies, don't want to waste my time.
I'd only watch it with blue pilled fags to redpill them with facts.
Well ok, i'd watch a Hoax flick if they'd include the Holocoaster, masturbation machines and bear / eagle vs kike cage fights lol.
Nur mal aus Neugier: irgendwelche Waffenstudenten hier?
Thank you James, i'll wait for it :)
Nice haha
Yes it is easy, and one of the main reasons why they could stretch the lie that far is because older generations didn't have alternative news sources.
Which also brings us to thisThe reason it's censored so harshly here is because we understand the language.
To most people that don't speak German, it sounds harsh. And Hitler was a very emotional speaker so to anyone unable to understand he's easily sold as a comic book super villain, also they can tweak the subtitles or flat out lie and people won't notice.
However if you do understand it, it's like he slaps you in the face with a fistfull of truth. I can't even count the amount of people whom i'vw showed the "I fought the Bank" video, natives and immigrants.
And absolutely everyone was completely assblasted because suddenly everything made sense.
And to my shame i haven't seen many Mussolini speeches, so i don't know if he drops as much redpills as Hitler.
Care to share some Italybro ?
Oh and i'm happy you're not as badly censored / controlled as we are.
Not surprised tho, since nobody is lol.
The merchants just fear the krauts haha.
>a Hoax flick if they'd include the Holocoaster, masturbation machines and bear / eagle vs kike cage fights
Someone should make this movie under the pretense of it being a real Holocaust remembrance film.
>coming this fall
>from the producers who saw Schindler's List
>based on real eyewitness testimony
>the shocking events that turned the world against Germany
>get ready to oy vey
Serious question, how do we fight jews and domestic traitors? Should we pull a Breivik or what? I mean, there's not much jews, is it possible to simply ice them one by one until all the big ones are gone?
Right on the money shart in mart! We need t o get our fucking priorities sorted. We know who the real enemies are, but we keep letting them divide and cuck us. What will it take?
yeah, because of my brown hair and eyes i hear it all the time
''lol if hitler got his way u wouldn't be living''
anything that will make them rush their plans.
creating a barrier between us and muslims will make them rush their plans and make people realize they've been fed lies all along.
if people realize that there will be fingers pointing everywhere and most will go towards the jews.
if muslims are attacked they won't stand idly by, they'll attack back. when bombs go off in the capital they cannot hide it any longer.
this. Courage and strength to all my bros.