Sup Forums BTFO'd :D :D :D
Sup Forums BTFO'd :D :D :D
>not ctrl-left
>control left
>both prime
Checked. Meme it!
>41 is prime
Bump as this is an important topic
But Sup Forums is not alt-right
How has everyone on the board not seen this yet?
Direct link to Daily Stormer
They should detect the referrer header and redirect to a page full of Hillary hatefacts when the clicks are from hillaryclinton.com
>En Español
I really hate this woman
>My students are terrified of Donald Trump,’ says one teacher from a middle school with a large population of African American Muslims. ‘They think that if he’s elected, all black people will get sent back to Africa.'
>Democrats claim to be peaceful
>Democrats claim to be compassionate
>Democrats claim to be against war
>Democrats claim to support Islam
And yet the person they support is a psychopathic maniac killer
>Hillary Clinton The Racist
Hillary Clinton calls blacks "super predators" and says they "must be brought to heel."
Hillary Clinton praises Robert Byrd, former recruiter for the KKK.
Hillary Clinton praises Margaret Sanger, a woman who said minorities must be exterminated like weeds.
Hillary Clinton praises Margaret Sanger, a woman who led a quiet campaign of genocide against minorities using abortion.
Fucking lol, so many bluepilled retards are on watchlists now for clicking that link
>White Supremacist Alt-Right
Only some of us are White Supremacists.
Some of us separatists.
Some of us are realists, pragmatists.
Some of us don't give a shit.
Bitch is ignorant.
Anyway, thread theme;
This. I know there are people that run that website that lurk here. Though I doubt enough people go on Clinton's website for it to be worth it.
who is this cutie
I like how they ran some campaing to define/label alt right for their own political motives.
>sent back to Africa
I want to believe...
I like how they imply that right action in this case is to vote Hillary. Like instead of trying to teach these kids some common sense.
They should change the page it links to a video montage of the most degenerate liberal SJW shit that will turn moderate normies into hardcore right-wingers.
Alt right doesn't exist. It's a pretty sad attempt at the establishment trying to label anyone apposed to them as "raycis"
Kill yourself
Last 2 digits...all prime numbers.
Praise Kek
Love how she just writes off anything not on her side as the same old words as usual. Racists bigots hate group the same old canned responses.
Woman probably has helped reaffirm what she claims her students are afraid of. Liberals love to invent their own reality.
Sup Forums BTFO
Trump will be raped to death in Mexico
inb4 rayciss bump
AKA what I say it is
AKA everything is what I say it is
Does she know her little alt-right speech failed miserably, or no?...
>hate movement
We are a hate machine. Please get it right.
Did you agree?
thank you
Kek wills it
Help us to brand our enemies as the ctrl-left
The Left seeks to control all aspects of our lives and thoughts. We on the right offer an alternative.
>control left vs alt-right
>ctrl.left vs alt.right
we could play them at their own game
"To the friendship of the English-speaking peoples" m8
>less is more
Oh wow
"Ah, Bartelby! Ah, humanity!"
- Bartelby the Scrivener, by Herman Melville
in our dreams
Holy shit
>not being NumLock right
>White supremacist alright
Already they're pulling out the buzzwords to slander a movement that doesn't even exist. Did we just 4D chess check hilldog?