Have whatever opinions of him, but his heart and mind were in the right place
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If by "right place" you mean "Hillary's pocket," then yes, they were
Fuck off shill
Shill detected
>Is a communist
>Heart and mind is in the right place
Pick one.
>have no concept of economics
>mind in the right place
Can someone shop a big wad of cash sticking out of his pocket?
Bernie thought he could help people, but it was in the fashion of how a child thinks. Id preferred him to the candidate Hillary though, who's heart is in the wrong place, wants death and destruction and dosent care who is involved but will smile to your face.
Bernie didn't plan to back down, then after a meeting with Obama he did, stop and really think about that. If you watch Bernie from that moment on he used different words and acted almost intimidated or scared.
For all we fucking know the Clinton Death List could have been whisked in front of him and said "your wife can be added just as easily Bernie"
I saw him at my university. He had real conviction. He's just spineless and cowed to the Clinton mafia.
>Distrusted the Corporations that outsourced so many Jobs, Some Corporations and Free Market Laws caused us to be Nationalistic
>Swayed the young into thinking Scandinavian should be looked up to.
Jill Stein
>Distrusts the Federal and Big Banks that Funded Hillary, Same Banks that lead us to support more state's rights and look up to Andrew Jackson
>Open Border Activist and Knows Next to Nothing about how Nuclear Energy actually works.
We can all find a bit of respect in the minor left liberals leaders I feel, we disagree completely and the common voter is blind and ignorant but I still think they'd be proud of us for standing up to Hiliary.
>Yeah let's continue trickle down economics, surely if we cut taxes to the rich to 20% they will FINALLY send it down to everyone else instead of hoarding it
He was a crook.
He stole millions.
He took that money and gave it to the Clintons, tricking his gullible followers into funding her campaign.
To be fair, she probably had a bunch of people he cared about at gunpoint. I'd sell out to save my family, too.
>He had real conviction. He's just spineless and cowed to the Clinton mafia
>He had real conviction.
>He's just spineless and cowed to the Clinton mafia
If he cowed to Clinton then how can you claim he had any conviction?
everything he promised he couldn't do. the president doesn't make policy, he knows that, he knows he couldn't keep any of his policies, and he knew damn well the nomination was going to hillary no matter what
he's a thieving kike
You can be a coward but still believe in what you say
Yeah, this.
>white people don't know what it's like to be poor
yes, but unfortunately spineless commies do more harm than good, even if they manage to "succeed"
How the fuck did the political campaign some down to a geriatric socialist, a corrupt cunt, and a walking meme?
Literally nobody has ever believed in trickle down economics, the only times I've ever seen it mentioned is when people are using it to justify taxing the rich more. Perfect example of a strawman.
That's why he gave all his supporter's donations to Hillary right?
Why is socialism considered the "moral" option? It boggles my mind. At the end of the day, you are, by force, taking money from other people to pay for other people's shit.
Ron Paul didn't have to endorse Romney to change things in whatever small way he did
>his heart and mind were in the right place
You mean trying to burn the country down?
>start a revolution
>give up
He proved himself to the world!
Fuck off idiot.
No, you are willingly giving money to the government to redistribute for the good of all :^)
This is why I supported Bernie early on. Between the three of them, Clinton Bernie and Trump, I knew Bernie would be the most harmless, unable to push a single bill through Congress. I'm afraid of what Hillary could 'accomplish' with Congress. She knows where the bodies are buried.
Always my favorite smuggie
(((How))) do you think?
Clearly it was the Russians interfering with our politics. Anyone that thinks otherwise is a fool.
Him and Stein bent the knee to serve a monster antithetical to their beliefs
If he expects any actual degree of platform change from throwing his supporters under the bus, President Kaine will greatly disappoint him
[spoiler]and I say this bitterly as one of his earliest supporters[/spoiler]
RIP Barnie Sandals.
People produce their own wealth. It's not about transfers. t. homas Sowell
>hey kids I'm starting a revolution
>I need money because it's so important to fight for progressive economic ideas
>my opponent is in bed with Wall Street, you can't trust her
>I'm going to take it all the way no matter what happens
>actually no, Trump is racist so forget about everything that I said #imwither now
>thanks for the beach house kiddo
I can't decide if Bernie is a cuck that got cucked by Hillary out of the nomination and forced to endorse her, or if he's some kind of alpha-cuck that managed to cuck his supporters
This. Bernie's heart was in the right place and he would've certainly been a better Democrat nominee than Hillary, but his socialist ideology is flawed. And the Clinton Kill List has over 90 people on it.
TRUMP 2016!!!!!
>Have whatever opinions of him, but his heart and mind were in the right place.
And that place is in his third house that he recently bought for a meagre 600k$.
Trump's pockets are bigger.
Your pic has been debunked many times.
>In August 2016, Sanders founded Our Revolution, an organization dedicated to educating voters about political issues, getting people involved in the political process, and recruiting and supporting candidates for local, state, and national office.
>Our Revolution is also the title a book by Sanders to be released in November 2016.
thanks for correcting the record leaf
>At the start, the organization faced a significant staffing challenge as eight of its initial 15 staffers left before the launch when Weaver was chosen as president. They objected to the way he had handled Sanders' presidential campaign
That's why Hilldog is outspending him 10 to 1 in battleground states right?
> this level of pathetic delusional damage control for bernouts
Horsey is a dumb cunt
Did Horsey ever comment the leaked emails? Seems like a rather good reason to sympathise less with Hillarys side.
You don't design a pragmatic political/economic structure with heart.
One of the biggest mistakes modern liberals make in politics is believing that their ideas have never been tried before.
America doesn't have a structural problem, it has a morale problem.
Bernie's heart is full of greed and his mind is full of communism.
Bernie Sanders is a con man that got himself rich and endorsed hillary. The guy is a fraud.
>lol lets have corporate socialism and pretend it's free market capitalism and then when it fails and only consolidates wealth to the upper class lets advocate for more dependency on it and destroy any small business semblance of a free market to solidify our dependency and the manufactured system we so hopelessly misconceived and despise so much, LOL WHAT IS MICRO/MACROECONOMIC THEORY AND HOW DOES TRANSPARENCYvCORRUPTION WORK! WHAT IS CONSUMER CONSCIOUSNESS? AND WHAT ABOUT THE FUCKING ROADS AND CHILDREN LOOK AT THIS SMILEY FACE MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is it with commies and worshiping their leaders?
Bernie Sanders only owns three neckties, and none of them are green.
Why isn't he spending tho?
>heart and mind were in the right place
No they weren't. He was an evil fucking communist.
>right place
>literally a marxist kike
This one is mine.
>I said YOU were going to do that
Give people hope. Pretend to be a leader. And then when you fucking fail because you're a money grabbing jew communist, blame the people who supported you and paid you and tell them it was never your job to fix things, it was THEIR job to do it.
They are right though, high tax on the rich actually doesn't work.
The term trickle-down itself is still retarded, cause you aren't actually giving anything, you are just taking less.
His heart? Maybe.
His mind? Fuck no. The man is an economic illiterate.
Bernie is such a con artist, I can't believe so many people fell for his lies.
the third guy is pastor steven anderson lol
>1 post by this ID
Doesn't CTR know when a threat has already been kicked to shit as it is?
Leaf I...
i like how you can read it a few different ways
the girl in the pic has, but bernie, never
I'm still voting for him :3