How do I get a gf?

How do I get a gf?

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Leave Sup Forums. Seriously that's one of the only ways or at the very very least, limit being exposed here.


I heard /r9k/ is full of chads and normies now

Better go ask them

Since when?


user you'll never get a gf

How do I get a jewish bf?


>tfw - no gf

> falling for the XX Jew

Wait for Israel to invade after the Somalians/muzzies

user you should start taking antidepressants. Citalopram is pretty noice.

1. get friends on craiglist
2.go out with them to bars
3.dress your best
4.try to talk with woman

if you feel its an easy prey just ask her if you can sit

I found a qt redpilled virgin on tinder.
Of all places.

>falling for the warm jew
it's a hard one, what fits here? i came here to post this

>stop jacking off
>dress like a professional person
>appear and present self like professional
>wait for someone to approach you at social gathering
>be kind and loving at first
>gradually adjust back to yourself
>become your normal self again
>be a legitimate sociopath

what could go wrong?

as a man who has had many girlfriends and a kid on the way, let me say, don't.
Before g/f
>Play vidya
>Get drunk
>Go to work, maybe
With g/f and kid on the way
>Wake up at 3 am
>Go to work
>Get home
>Maybe sex
>Argue because she wants to
>Get mad and buy beer and play vidya to ignore life
>She's mad that you're not mad
Dated a kid with chick that had kid before too, so here's how fatherhood goes
>Wake up at 3 am
>Go to work
>Come home
>Sex never
>Change dirty diaper
>She bitches
>Sleep, repeat
>Maybe sex on Saturday

Stop browsing Sup Forums, or atleast Sup Forums

stop trying

no Sup Forums
get a gym membership and lift
do manly activities that interest you (e.g., boxing)
become a christian and go to church
save money. don't waste any on degenerate crap (e.g., video games, alcohol)
read TRP manual, but remember it's full of half-truths. (women aren't all whores, and you need a dynamic mix of "alpha" and "beta" to be a complete man)

do it for 6 months and you'll have a decent, non-degenerate christian virgin girlfriend. (protip: do not have penetrative sex before you're married, or at least intend to marry her. if you're a degenerate and only want sex, find a roastie slut on tinder)

Just be yourself.

I've never been in a relationship, and I can tell you it's overrated

Learn to love and respect yourself, you have to have value by yourself.
Women smell self loathing.

Listen to this guy, he knows the score.
Gf is fun to start with,but always becomes a pita.

Stop being so nice.
Stop being such a faggot.
Build an ego/self confidence
Lift/get in shape

Don't. Get a fuckbuddy.

This is complete bullshit. You don't know how much your self respect improves ONCE you get a girlfriend.
Fuck off with your normie shit advice you cuck faggot.

Honestly, user... almost everyone I know just repeatedly raped and abducted their current gf's. After 2 weeks they start falling in love with you. I would recommend you try this tactic, it's simple psychology. People only pretend to frown upon it because it works so well. However, people do it all the time. Just make sure she's 18+ and you're good to go.

Let us know how that works out, I'm sure you and your future waifu will live happily ever after, of you take my advice.

I hope there aren't some normies out there that unironically say this

Listen to my song about socks:

It seems like I hit a nerve of a self-hating faggot.

I've had girls and if you value yourself only after you get a girl - you don't value yourself. You are a beta faggot lost in the wind.

This is the shit that I found to be true for me. Go cry in a corner if it helps you

Pic related....nice dubs btw.

You are a beta faggot if you buy into the normie shit advice. "Love yourself before someone can love you"
This is absolute bullshit kill yourself faggot

Nice dubs