Is nihilism the final redpill?
Is nihilism the final redpill?
Nope, that's a cyanide pill.
but if life is meaningless and you can do anything why not fuck around before you die?
Yes it is, redpill = the cold hard truth. Nihilism = the cold hard truth. Hard to swallow, aye, Sup Forums?
No, MGTOW is
so thats why the population in japan is declining so much
Accept that life doesn't occur because reason demands it, but that the spontaneous appearance of life eventually demands reason.
What's the point?
having fun
That's hedonism. It implies that pleasure and joy is meaningful.
But it's not.
You do realize that beyond nihilism there are even more subdivisions? I know only of mine: absurdism, but there are also other ones.
This. You took the wrong pill dude.
It's not meaningful I'd just prefer it to slitting my wrists
So you place value on your life then?
Nihilism is the first red pill that every 16 year old discovers. Then you realise living in a chaotic world without meaning is actually fucked.
I place value on my dopamine receptors
Which are responsible for pleasure, back to hedonism.
I suppose so but i still wouldn't say that's the goal of life.
>implying Nihilists give a shit about pills
You are still stuck im the detail, young padawan.
Tbh I wish I could leave this mindset behind, obviously it has allowed me to take a lot of opportunities I would normally overlook, due to lack of reasons not too, I find that I have very little left tying me to my life.
I honestly am not bothered by anything any more, and just do whatever my gut tells me to in order to fill time before I inevitably die a horrific death.
Nihilism is beyond any kind of pill, it is simply the end of trying to look for reason within the world.
Woman are not shitty for x reasons, men are not lied to/cucked for x reasons, blacks are not x for x reason, there is simply no more reasons I care about. Trying to guess the motive behind our world is a waste of time, as wether I or you are right or wrong, the world still stays the same.
Happiness is just a distraction to prevent us from killing ourselves the moment we become aware of our insignificance and short lived existence. Only when you realize and accept this you are truly free.
*tips fedora*
Nihilism is a false principal. To commit thought in not valuing anything is putting value in an ideology which creates a paradoxical flaw within its own bane of existence. It's also very lazy - not because it's flawed, but because it's fashionable unoriginality, nothing more than brain candy to sixteen year olds.
You don't, actually. Your brain is programmed to behave in ways the increase the chances of experiencing external stimuli which prompt the release of dopamine, because those experiences (such as eating high-calorie food or procreating) tend to increase the likelihood of your genes surviving to the next generation.
Because you are reasoning that your personal enjoyment is more valuable than neutrality, numbness, or even non-existence.
And yet that's your reason for living. A real nihilist is a dead one, anyone who says they're a nihilist is a liar. Once we remove one source of meaning we replace it with another, knowingly or unknowingly. You're better off picking one and accepting it than deluding yourself further.
On paper, you're correct. But nihilists don't waste time recording their thoughts or reasoning.
We just are. And all the external stimuli which our brains process in ways that specifically facilitate survival and procreation is incidental, not meaningful.
>you cannot live without reason
Wew lad, I am so glad I clung to religion tightly during the tender first few months of my life.
So you aren't a nihilist. Thanks for proving my point.
>All babies are nihilists
but is a cyanide pill red?
Fucked by what standard, though?
You turn 18 and you realize human religion is fucked. You turn 20 and you realize human politics is fucked. You turn 22 and you realize war is fucked. You turn 24 and you realize corporations are intrinsically fucked. You turn 26 and you realize democracy is fucked.
What is something that isn't fucked?
Green and purple i think
The fact that you're replying if proof enough that you aren't a nihilist - just a really dull existentialist - No, actually, just an edgelord.
Pardon the pretentiousness, but you're right. I live life entrenched in the contrived perimeters of modern human society. I play ball, but I don't know why. I can't recall anything I've done that's made me happy, except being drunk.
I thought we were having a conversation.
Nah, that's the last one before Luciferianism becomes the new global religion.
>The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
>We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil
How dare you!
Sad virgins like you.
It sounds so fedora, yet so correct.
It's one of the first and is pretty much blue
>just a really dull existentialist
No. It's the destroyer of civilizations.
Is no one going to point out the irony of calling it a redpill when, by definition, nihilism is the denial that the red pull even exists?
Nihilism is a philosophical thought experiment, not a workable ideology.
>Is nihilism the final redpill?
for edgy underage shits? yes
if nihilism would be the apex of existence, then the universe would be empty
The fact that two people thought of the joke independently and simultaneously tells me that it must've been really clever and not obvious.
>if nihilism doesn't apply to the universe it must be bullshit
No, go to church.
Yes - like leprechauns.
Religion exists because it is a stabilizing feature of society, just like having familiar connections and teammates in leisure activities, it promotes strength in numbers. It is good for society. But it is not truth.
Nihilism is a poison of the mind that i not often can escape.
The only cure is to find value in the little things in life.
>living without reason is nihilism
>all lower lifeforms are nihilists
Yep, I can see the logic there, care to refute?
Babies can't be nihilists because in their infant mind, they live to survive.
its quite normal to feel nihilistic at one point in time, mostly early, but then u realize nihilism is meaningless
>nihilism is meaningless
thats nihilism
that's 180°
keep going, full circle
>live to keep living
So wait, you guys can get on a bicycle and tell people you cycle because you don't want to fall off a bicycle?
Living for the sake of living, is simply living. As dying is a change to the norm, and hence requires exceptional circumstances to those in which you normally live.
Not thinking/caring about higher reason is literally nihilism in it's near purest form.
But islam and zionism IS luceferian, just take a look at rotshield matriarch
babbies first philosophy
Reason is an artificial concept; a strong one, but still artificial. Reason is the collective principles that we've deciphered from observing our world for millions of years.
An ape that that is nourished from eating fruit reasons that fruit is good to see and touch and taste.
A neanderthal that is warmed by the sun reasons that the sun is good for his survival.
Yet our sun, and other stars, shine on billions of lifeless planets and so, their warmth has no bearing on survival there. This is earthly reason, not universal reason.
A baby cries.
A baby cries in result of failed expectation.
A baby expected something.
A baby is not a nihilist.
As if christcucks who blames Islam for everything would do anything magnificent if the shit hits the fan.
Nihilism is the blue pill
>implying a baby expecting to be fed is an inherent indication of religious and moral principles held by said baby
Right man, you totally got this argument. You have defined Nihilism correctly, and have obviously proven that all lower lifeforms infact hold rigourous moral and religious values.
I think we should interview more seaslugs about the moral implications of communism.
>not absurdism
Fuck off emo faggot.
It used to be the first point of entry for Sup Forums.
dunno what happened.
And going by your very linear definition that in one sentence describes a whole psychological experiment/pseudo-philosophy, one has to atleast reject a religion to become a nihilist. A baby cannot not reject religion because it does not know it exsists.
A baby is incapable of being a nihilist.
Just as a cat inherits the ability to meow for its mother's attention and protection, a baby inherits the ability to verbally express the signals its brain is receiving from its empty stomach.
after nihilism comes existentialism
I love you
>you have to be aware of every potential religion and moral code in order to reject religion and moral codes
Wait, so now there is no such thing as Nihilist, even in theory?
Rejection and an inability/refusal to accept an idea are synonymous. The baby is a Nihilist until it chooses otherwise. Just as our imaginary Nihilist cannot possibly be aware and consiously dismissive of all potential codes.
It is a general stance in life which significes the lack of higher belief in any system, regardless of the nihilist's being aware of all possible systems.
No such thing as Nihilism*
Philisophically speaking, no.
Which is why we call it a philosophical theory, experiment, etc.
Rejection and ignorance are two completely different things. One is a state of being whilst the other is an action.
Most likely true, but utterly useless.
Leads to blind hedonism and self-loathing.
If you truly accept it, it will end up destroying you.
Stick with your culture and the world view your ancestors have had for centuries, because after so much time getting used to that way of living, it is pretty much the only thing that can make you truly happy.
>the baby is a nihilist until it chooses otherwise
Point taken. Just as calling someone an atheist implies that being a theist is a default position, though it is not.
>As dying is a change to the norm
dying is the norm
And sorry, I didn't notice your very first post, where you actually use the word cuck and talk about black people to prove a point - I can't believe I'm actually arguing with you on a Mediterranean herblaw board.
You're arguing semantics. A nihilist is one who has a lack of beliefs, especially in the possibility of knowledge or truth. Every kind of belief system can be called an 'ism,' so the complete lack of a system of beliefs can be called nihilism. (However, sometimes the absence of qualities can be a quality in itself. For example, is it possible for something to be 'indescribable'?)
>If you truly accept it, it will end up destroying you.
But that has no bearing on whether it is true or not.
I hate to ad hominem but - man... Damn.
>But that has no bearing on whether it is true or not.
Either way, good luck figuring that one out using your overclocked ape brain.
You can't call it shit, if you deem that rejection cannot be used in place of ignorance.
If you refuse to acknowledge that a person can be unaware of all possible religions and morals, and still reject religion and morals as a whole, then you are a genuine retard.
As I can now ask, why are you not Islamic? And whatever reason you give, I can just respond with "but not all sects are like that", or "You have not practiced all possible sects of Islam, and hence cannot fully reject it".
It's a retarded line of reasoning to take, akin to sticking your hands in every fire you see, just to make sure that they all burn you in similair ways.
The baby has yet to be exposed to any kind of religion or morals, however it's ignorance of all religious and moral codes should not be grounds for it actually holding religious or moral codes.
No. Non-existence and death are not the same thing.
But you're literally wrong.
You have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to nihilism other than by definition, one can easily tell that you have not delve into the theory of nihilism or ever given it any actually critical thought. I hope you dont go to university.
>other than by definition
I think we should stick to this, rather than the interpretation your gender-queer political science lecturer gave you as xhe fucked you up the anus with xhe's vagina.
Stop beating around the bush. If you're going to deny something, counter it with an argument, not an ad hominem.
>you're literally wrong
>I will prove this by providing literally no counter argument, evidence, or reasoning.
No, you fucking retard. It is the very pinnacle of degeneracy. If you feel this subverted by the jew just kill yourself.
why would u converge to something that has no meaning if meaningless is not satisfactory
u just feel lost
instead of that u can find purpose and meaning in something that is beneficial to you and others around u
the biggest pain would be to realize that there is a meaning and u completely missed it
and u cant unfold the truth and get the answer
on ur point with hedonism, just as the hedonism is satisfactory for your body, although its saturating, purpose is satisfactory for ur mind
so why take that away from u, u just have to find it
>instead of that u can find purpose and meaning in something that is beneficial to you and others around u
But you see, then this little basement dwelling dweebtart would have to leave his comfy little waifu infested neon lighten semencave and go out and face the world and take upon him self all that responsibility he has been avoiding because he is afraid, frail and incompetent. Saying nothing mattress so you don't have to do anything is a lot safer. (although given enough time that probably ends up suicide anyways)
Cool made-up definition, dude.
For Sup Forums maybe.
I've recently embraced nihilism, probably as a coping mechanism. Everything is fucked. There's no point to fighting it. It's liberating to just not care anymore.
Why so glum dutch bro ?
>I've recently embraced nihilism, probably as a coping mechanism. Everything is fucked. There's no point to fighting it. It's liberating to just not care anymore
Why don't you try to ask the question Why is everything fucked and what can I do to unfuck it ?
No, its the edgepill. Redpilling is a process wherein one attempts to find the truth of the human condition. Nihilism is the opposite of that by claiming there is no such thing as meaning. In doing this they completely deny the evident truth that humans actively give meaning to things all the time. Tell a nihilist to undress in public, to kill themselves, to tell a nigger to go back to the cotton field... suddenly they find tons of meaning in social interactions, in life and in health.
Nihilism is the ultimate discord between intellect and reality.
Everyone has their own opinion why everything's fucked and what needs to be done. In the end we just can't know.
There's no unfucking it at this point. We're doomed as a species.