>Sup Forums has an /lgbt/ board
Literally what is the point in it?
>Sup Forums has an /lgbt/ board
Literally what is the point in it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Containment board, not that it stops them from spilling over into the other boards.
A safe space
Unlike yiu I'm not a faggot
This totally works as intended.
Just like Sup Forums.
Then why are there still canadians plaguing the site?
And who was the one responsible for the birth of Canada in the first place? Hmm.
>i'm not a faggot
>anime pic
Britain did not found any chinese shanty towns
Animu = redpill
sure it is
Whats the culture like there?
Sure is working, being mentioned by mainstream news and an old wench of a presidential candidate.
Males who take female hormones and post a lot of anime girl characters with trips such as 'Carol' or other obvious tranny names, complete with trying to act cutesy. Then there's the other degenerates.
>not a faggot
I know OP.
Having Sup Forums as the trap board is enough
tumblr deviants
teenagers to mid twenties white middle class americans who got subverted'ed hard
faggots disillusioned by the big steaming pile of shit they helped bring to existence and now consider themselves le alt-right
Whatever the point is it's not working
This is an anime website.
it's literally just a tranny board, with only lip service paid towards lgb
>someone told me this
>I've definitely never been there myself
next you'll tell me we have a board for bronies
It's mostly just crossdressers and not actual transgenders
I go on /lgbt/ almost as much as I go on Sup Forums (bisexual here)
Lmao, i just went to it... they talk just like us, but about gay stuff...
>wtf i hate buttplugs now
>tfw girlfriends vagina is more hairy than my vagina
>what do
flag checks out
It was supposed to work as a containment board but unfortunately these degenerates are found on all boards, more so on this one, just scroll through any Trump General and you'll see what I'm talking about.
liquor guns bacon and tits
Of course we talk like you. Lots of us visit Sup Forums you know. Anti-Muslim is close enough to pro-queer for me, if not better.
No fuck off
Notice that no-one is discussing anime? Someone just used an anime image, which is perfectly allowed given that this is an anime website.
Fuck off.
>tfw bisexual
>tfw neither Sup Forums or /lgbt/ will ever fully accept you.
>tfw all you want is for the fags and trannies to become redpilled
Its a cognitive dissonance kinda feel.
Keep telling you that, English "teacher"
>trannies to become redpilled
tranny is the definition of bluepill
prove me wrong
>he has forgotten about Hong Kong
It's so they have an excuse to delete threads when we shit up other boards.
Generals are super common so you can stay in your safe space. Besides that it depends on where you are.
Well, I suppose I can't. I agree with you on that. The bluepill makes being a tranny a necessity. They push it so much.
make a fucking decision you twat, you're lying to yourself so you can pretend to be a fucking normie
well i thinking more that they deny the truth that theyre men and not women
im really tired of "le feminine penis XD"
To discuss how great being a faggot is I suppose.
Next question?
feminine penis doesn't have much to do with trannies though, they usually want to cut them off
/hetero/ board when?
It's called Sup Forums
I have bad news for you, user.
no this board is gay as fuck
its not? then how does it fit in the lgbt shit?
It's called /fit/
The male erection doesn't lie user.
This board is about 30% gay/trap.
The 4 fag boards should really just be consolidated into one if not deleted.
that's even more gay than lgbt
"straight" men deluding themselves that they're 100% hetero. You know, like most of Sup Forums.
>/hetero/ board
99% of "progress" threads are /hm/ light
It's ruined by the trannies. No joke. The tranny faggots took over and all they do is bitch, whine, and circlejerk each other while talking about drama. The gays and the dykes hate the fucking tranny posters, they're all unstable cocksucking attention whores.
I wish. Not with all the christcucks, normies and autismos around.
All of the natsoc shit is exclusively straight white males, and they infect a bunch of other threads.
effeminacy in men is different from being a transexual. being attracted to effeminate men is being attracted to effeminacy and being open minded. it also turns into a fetish for a lot of people.
I will say that it's somewhat of a slippery slope, I went from normie shit to traps and then I realized that I wanted to be the effeminate one, now I'm gay
pretending to like women so you can blend in with normies and avoid persecution is lying to yourself
>feminine penis
anyone who unironically uses or defends either that or boypussy is delusional and degenerate as fuck
it worked for /mlp/
so lbgte then?
that and this rule
>All pony/brony threads, images, Flashes, and avatars belong on /mlp/.
"Boipucci" is by far the most infuriating homo meme just when I thought I got over homos in general.
ahhh, my favorite buzzword
what's your point, anyway?
No it's just a mildly gay fetish for when normie shit gets boring. Effeminacy is just the state of being woman-like.
Faggot and "trans" blogging
How come I feel attracted to men and women? I cum to both. However, I've dated a few women and only one man. The gay relationship wasn't very good. Homosexuals aren't inherently bad people, but I believe these "alternative lifestyles" draw the worst types of people.
Oh, I see. Yeah, they're mentally ill. There's a difference between cross dressing (which to me still indicates something is wrong) and men who believe they are women. You're not wrong.
i need sauce on that slav boi
It also has a food and cooking board.
Sup Forums is a place where people can go to discuss their interests. Food. Guns. Photography. Hardcore porn. Yada yada yada. White power politics.
Kill yourself, alt-right kike puppet
It was a hopeless attempt to get the gay porn out of the other boards and to dodge the hate speech thing.
>alternate lifestyles draw the worst types of people
this is the truth. so many gay people are weird as shit or whore themselves about like the world is going to end.
one day your dick will make up its' mind, user.
hm? I don't support meme politics
>glorious /poLGBT/-alliance forgotten
You tried to redpil gays there hard in 2014 (there was no need in that, 25% posters here are homo anyway) and after shooting in the gay bar last year.
Show ur boipucci nigger
90% of women on Sup Forums have penises.
They need somewhere else to talk about this fact.
they're the other sjw board
you're on the first one
the other 10% are fat too willing to tell you they have a vagina regardless if it's relevant to the discussion
the term is THICC
Doesn't matter. I'm sure we'd end up with Inuit's shitting up this place if we'd left the north to its own devices.
My walls are thick. If THICC means your pick related, but house should be a solid cube of building materials.
Fags did what fags do best, complain till the point where everyone gets so fucking sick of their bitching that they cave to their demands
>Its a cognitive dissonance kinda feel.
i know
I agree with national socialism
but im bi
my only hope is that under a national socialist government science will be able to progress far enough to cure me of this
Ernst Rohm was a flaming homosexual and was only purged because Hitler had to choose between the SS and the SA.
we know how Sup Forums got their board, op is asking about /lgbt/
Both of these women are disgusting.
The real sad part is that it's solely because of decisions they themselves made.
They could be attractive, and chose to ruin their bodies for short sighted hedonism then lie to themselves about how attractive they are.
>I agree with national socialism
>but im bi
Double retard.
>genuinely rating sluts on Sup Forums pictures by their apparent lifestyles
Triggered user?
Top tip, if you see them on the internet with many clothes on, they are a slut anyway ;0)
No need to look for redflags.
Proof men can be women. Checkmate tranny deniers :).
Man, God really did a number on your mind.
Hope you grow up some day.
>Literally what is the point in it?
Balancing the order of nature on Sup Forums.
We don't need to hear this shit.
On Russian most popular anime-forum for retards they separated the two groups. Trannys board is actually in 70% "straight" guys posting trap-porn, and gay bord is 99% gay( with two generals for lesbos and bi).
I think it's cute. People over there get to know and meet with other faganons. Sorta like /fit/except they aren't in denial.
It's the site's most active board, user. Gotta give fair representation to all peoples of all colors and creeds, right? Sup Forums is obvi overwhelmingly homosexual!
1+ this
>I'm not a faggot
>Anishit pic
That really made me think.