We need this side to attract the normies to the right path.
We need this side to attract the normies to the right path.
i always wondered why you dont see alot of him on /fit/. Is it because hes not natty? Anybody ever tried his routine?
Sup Forums and modern white nationalist communities have been led to believe that it is in our interest to behave in the most repugnant and repelling ways possible.
This demonstrates how we are effectively tricked by our masters into shooting our movement in the foot.
There is not much the Illuminati fears. But they remember Hitler, and white racialism is one of those things.
Nah /fit/ is full of fedora fags that don't work out and tell other people not to.
>And tell them the wrong way to do it.
Just checked his website
>Customized Training Schedule and Customized Meal Plan and 12 Weeks of Coaching: 260 Euro
I-is it worth it guys?
This. /fit/ is worse than Sup Forums
isn't he using steroids? you can't gain this amount of mass with natural body building. prove me wrong
lifting doesn't cure your autism.
/fit/ here. You're wrong.
Check the current body thread, most are natty.
/fit/ users are pretty much the same as women that hop on the newest fad diet.
They'll spend the money, they'll participate in the activity, then they'll brag. They'll brag, they'll preach, they'll post social media updates, they won't shut up about what they're doing, even though they're not really doing anything.
Then once they've told everyone they know, and the extra hundred people they didn't know, that they're better than everyone else for participating in the fad, they'll drop it. Always do. Social lifting is the new social dieting.
You must be physically strong because you are the first ones the NWO will round up and kill. Just because you've been posting a while and nothing has happened, doesn't mean the day won't come.
>in one night Viet Cong rounded up thousands of pro-US vietnamese and killed them all before dawn
>at first Americans were baffled at how they vetted the people all in one night, before realizing they've been compiling a list for a long time
There's one for you too. When ZOG assassins come knocking, you can either kill yourself with two shots to the back of your head, or be physically capable of at least surviving.
Will post
I have an interest in bulking up and strength training , I have the whole Mental Work out stuff setup now I need to work on my body.
>I am anti-social and not doing it for anyone else but myself I will workout alone.
For this reason......
>so pic related.
Wrong, you should be training in martial arts.
Nothing can better prepare you for war than wrestling, our ancestors knew this.
I could fuck this pretty boy up and I'm only 85 kg / 185 lbs. Bodybuilding is as worthless as fashion modelling.
Latsbrah is my inspiration
As a former bulker, I was eating pudding, pizza and drinking beer everyday. I went to 25% bodyfat, and was Bench Pressing 130kg for 10 with ease.
But I wouldn't advise it, it's hard on your joints, and it's much better to be lean with tone. Currently cutting on 1500 cal and lost 11kg in 3 weeks.
>fights off depression
>leftist cucks want you to be weak and feminine
>women find you more attractive
I really don't care about any excuses posted in this thread.
If you're bulking, aim for (0.5-)1 kg a month. This is what all the science is telling us.
Being healthy and physically fit is fine. But getting a bod like in OPs pic is a full time job, which I already have.
Current body pic?
What should a basic workout routine be I am just getting prepped to enhance my body.
>trying to go for an all out general workout routine so I get everything done instead of doing sets.
>Going full Batman over here, I care little about my joints I care more about not being assisted suicided.
Makes sense, Don't wanna put too much on at once.
Not even worth showing no abs to speak of they are gone.
That "pretty boy" is training martial arts though.
>he thinks abs are any measure of a good body or strength
Nobody gives a fuck if you arnt ottermode faggot
Do Coolcidada's Push Pull Legs.
You can lift 5x a week, Push Monday, Pull Tuesday, Legs Wednesday, Push Thursday, Pull Friday.
I agree with you tho on that /fit/ is retarded, I go on BB.
Stop spamming photos of yourself
he has been training in MMA for years aside from bodybuilding btw
Yeah, the right/libertarians are ruined by the adherents being social failures with no sexual attractiveness or even financial success. Its hard to convey an ideology when it's reasonably dismissed as pure bitterness, with people like rodgers and the Sup Forums skinny teenagers whining.
Everyone here should be fit from the gym and desirable or else keep their beliefs quieter.
If you think they hate AJ well I can assure you there are those they cannot stand to even think about out here.
Nah just not comfortable with the state of my body at the moment been sitting on the computer posting shit like picrelated for years now.
when I say there are no abs I am reiterating that I am borderline chubby / pudgy so full ottermode may even apply but I don't even know what that jargon means.
Thanks will check it out.
will have to check it out, I have started excercizing but no where near the level I should be I have always been a "brains" type.
Prove it you shills
that shit's fucking gay as fuck
>fucking shalom
let me guess most of the time you dress as a woman.
I've been following Golden One for a while.
He's natural, but he's at the absolute biggest he'll ever get, he lamented on this a while back. He can get stronger, but he's not getting any bigger and he's not getting on hormone or anything until he's in his 30s and his natural testosterone lowers.
I'm the same age as he is so I understand what he means by it, if we have the technology to keep our youth for another 5-10 years then if I get cancer when I'm 80 I don't care.
>Opinion of a dancer for Sweden's annual fag parade.
bodybuilding is depressing
if you take it to serious it can really be the saddest thing you will ever do
people dont even realize how much sadness that lives inside gyms
look around the gym next time you're there you can literally see the sadness in peoples faces
he needs a haircut btw
weakfag detected
Just some of the time right?
On that note I am not worried about the ethical violations of enhancement.
>anyone have opinions on Clen ?
Convict conditioning
All you will ever need
wow, really stimulates my neurons
Lifting did jack shit for my confidence though, when I was 16 and lifted my confidence rose up but I quit at 18.
24 now and started again at 22, didn't get confidence
Ottormode is just a small amount of muscle and super low bf %
So even though you have little muscle the low bf% gives the illusion of being fit and strong.
Which is why abs being visible is a terrible requirement or the defining attribute of being "fit"
Now having a super built back and shoulders while being somewhat chubby is much more impressive
Yeah bro the bodybuilding forum is a great place to seek some knowledge and track your progress.
Stop being a fucking pussy and lift harder you faggot
Have a goal body and hit that shit.
"Lifting" for the sake of lifting aint gonna help you.
But wanting to look like Jojo will lift your mental strength as well.
>On that note I am not worried about the ethical violations of enhancement.
Neither am I, I got (legal) peptides to help me with a chronic back injury because I had tried eveything else bar surgery......back got better in about 4 weeks, amazing, fucking amazing.
Shit is expensive though, as because I get it from here in Aus I want to make sure it's legit rather than dicking about with customs and dodgy product risks.
oh well yeah I am not scrawny or a stick I have wide shoulders and a bit of a beer gutt.
How do you know the intensity of my lifting from one post alone? How do you know I don't have a goalbody? How do you know anything?
i used to be pretty decent size. haven't been to the gym in years and probably still look better than you
Oh thats great to know, thanks!
>you all need to work on yourselves or you dont deserve women
>only roiding faggots like me deserve all women on the planet
>fuck every less than fortunate male on the planet
ive been lifting and eating as much as possible for 5 years and i cant get above 135 pounds but lol fuck me im just a worthless white male who wasted the prime of his life working full time
Because you type like a fucking pussy
You said it yourself that you havent had ANY confidence boost.
How the fuck can you say you have a goal body, lifted for that many years and still no gain?
Better off killing yourself and letting merkels refugees take your home.
Stop being a fucking faggot
Are you on vacation in Norway Latsbrah?
Everyone already knows about your channel here so no need to shill.
The Golden One/Latsbrah took steroids for years before he became a youtube personality.
Pic related is 3 years ago, when he was a /fraud/.
In my opinion though, once a /fraud/ always a /fraud/.
this doesn't make sense. I never stated I didn't make gains; that's an assumption on your part and I'm sorry but "they way you type" is not an argument. You silly leaf
To be honest you can begin with calisthenics, granted you are not one of the guys expecting results fast. It took me one year of training 5 times daily, and only then I went to free weights plus calisthenics, but the gains you feel are very real and I could say that even better than just lifting.
looked way better with short hair. he's hard to take serious when he's cosplaying as a down syndrome viking
i agree with alot of viewpoints though. but dam does he look dumb
>Need to roid to the high heavens to be big enough to be confident
>Never big enough
I encourage you all to lift, and lift heavy, but if you fall into the trap of steroids, you're as bad as a stoner or lardass.
There are videos of it, you bogan sheepshagger.
One of the many vids he has on his profile:
That's why it's just a small part of your life. 3-4 (+cardio and or other fitness related stuff) hours a week.
What you don't want to inject sterons?
gym is one of those things it can be good but you gotta look at it objectively and realize it shouldnt be taken too seriously...
theres nothing special about lifting any joe shmoe can do it. it requires no skill. if having a good body is the greatest thing you have achieve in your life you're basically a joke
if you just look at it like a side dish for the actual great shit you're doing it could be okay. but its rare to find people with that mentallity
alot of people who go the gym will make it their life. and im telling you now its a sad life to have
>realized that if the neo nazi skinheads of old lost their degenerate, drug abusing ways, and instead worked out. Looked handsome and held respectable enough positions. Their movement would be 100x times more popular.
>decided that I can do better than these losers and went /fit/ 2 years ago.
>low BF, good looking, still a manlet but show good enough virtues on the real tenements of natsoc lifestyle.
Only looking big is not good enough, you also need to run, to cardio, also some fight sports obviously, if you got the time for that.
Are you still jerking off? That may be the problem.
Are you progressing in your life?
Not jerking off (gf) and my life is going well
Maybe I was just always confident and took it for granted that it became a normal feeling
Anyone who seriously believes people this size aren't/haven't roided for years is an idiot
a test producing tumour, or a tumour that produces the hormone that causes your balls to make test would also let someone look like that 'natty'
I know this because I saw it on House
this is the right idea. shouldnt see it as any different to like brushing your teeth or getting a haircut. i made the mistake of taking it way too seriously and it was probably the most depressing period of my whole entire life.
I want the one with the dentures
danke schön
You just need to up your carbs with rice
looks like he's compensating for his ugly face
He's a swede, they all look like that
Ignore it. Increasing test naturally does about nothing.
Probably an encrypted trojan hiding in there.
he literally looks like an inbred viking
>I don't like his face
Literally your contribution. Shameful.
You are full of shit dude, fuck you for this disinfo.
Increasing test will yield benefits of pic related.
nope, ripped from kickass before it got taken down. Cant find it back again on the torrents right now, so I just reuploaded it.
also fun fact
>kids and adults have lower test compared to their parents of their same age
>less chest hair as a result
>more depression and less energy
explains the higher suicide rates.
bullshit, i go shopping in sweden all the time
looks like the result of incest, sweden yes
we could do without this entire thread desu
Modern nu males have 30% less testosterone, 30% less grip strength, 30% less strength, 30% more estrogen, than their fathers 30 years ago.
Latsbrah is really just a brah, but he does have a few good points to make, sprinkled amidst all the stupidity.
yep, part of it is to blame on food (obesity is responsible for about 60% of that lower test)
and part of it also habits, like smartphones instead of climbing in trees.
Most men NEED this book that I provided badly, extremely badly. It details the most popular and potent methods to regain the test.
I would turn it into something open source, but /fit/ is lazy in that regard, so I just spread the ripped version.
We really could do without you.
I'll read it. I reckon I have pretty good test, since my best Bench 1RM was 160kg. And I've never taken steroids.
Don't want to leave humanity behind, brah.
>Increasing test naturally does about nothing.
Of course high-med testosterone is good, but increasing testosterone naturally won't do you any good, unless you're low test, in which case you should meet up with a doctor and get it there.
To actually have any significant effects on muscle mass you'd need at least a couple of thousand percent increase.
>says the bogan
m00t was right
Too bad that I know a decent bit of neuroscience and the effects of chemicals on behaviour, 0/10 made me reply.
Ignore him, just look at the flag.
people complaining about how latsbrah look, i bet all of you are skinny twinks with pimples all over your face lmao
latsbrah please go
and you should never do that, steroids can fuck up your test production in the long term.
>unless you're low test
>doesnt realize that there is a 70% and higher obesity/overweight epidemic
>doesnt know how much supplements (because of deficiencies) have helped people
go to /fit/ and ask them how much zinc has helped them. The answer is a fuckton.
Also to iterate further, I think you are full of shit. Recently I remember that there was some research that told that most younger men, and even older now dont have chest hair anymore because of their extremely low test. Which is a pretty significant thing you know.
Plus the rates of depression and suicide are still pretty high and they are a direct result of low test.
The whole supplement industry for test boosters also is made based on the fact that the majority of men have low test, since the active ingredients are made to address the deficiencies.
>I don't bodybuild so that means I am gay
I lift to gain mass, then practice martial arts to tone it. I don't ONLY lift, that's extremely gay. You have so much muscle, that doesn't bend or do anything except help you lift more. It has no benefit. Enjoy not being able to wipe your ass.
whoops, second part meant to address
Well his brother looks like a demi god though so it's obvious who lost the genetic lottery
Same, but combining it with rugby.
Doing well so far, last season I only had a knee injury, some ended up doing surgeries and a lot of fucked ligaments in my team.
not the other faggit Aussie.
>any particular things you would suggest for someone looking to enhance themselves to the point of gene-therapy ?
>I'm full of shit.
Lol no. Pic related, my size when I hit 160kg Bench PR. And was doing 130kg for 10 with ease. All natty, I don't take zinc or whey either.
I'm on a cut right now.