Why are Americans so heavily featured in Battlefield 1 they didn't join WWI until the last 8 weeks of the war?
Why are Americans so heavily featured in Battlefield 1 they didn't join WWI until the last 8 weeks of the war?
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probably made by americans
Why are dindus so heavily featured when they weren't in the war at all?
Don't wanna piss of a the huge US consumer market
Swedes, actually. And their CEO has marxist education I think
Because the Jews like giving Americans little nuggets of pride for being their slave army
Yeah but they read about it in the newspaper
The ones that could read that is
'cause burgers like to delude themselves they've won wars before
Made by the eternal Swede
Because the game takes place around the last 8 weeks of world war 1? Was that so hard to figure out But they were in the war you non educated cuck
Also you can customize your character
Nice meme
You know who our president is and the 2 candidates running now. I have no idea who runs your colony.
the jews are giving us obrez? where get?
Well who do you think won the war? It's no coincidence it ended eight weeks after the USA joined.
Unless we live in some kind of crazy alternate universe where the USA joined the fray a year and a half before WWI ended, but that would be crazy.
I'm saying that "marxist" is a meme
Because we single handedly won WWI. We joined the war and single handedly ended it in only 8 weeks. We earned our place.
Yeah there were loads of German niggers in ww1 on the euro front
Blacks were so prominent they definitely deserve a place on the cover
Shouldn't it be full of blacks then?
I just want to be able to fight the Ottoman Empire and remove kebab, but knowing swedes that might be too racist
Really makes you think
I will never buy this pile of shit. Stick to Verdun, it's a much better game than this normie shit.
Will this mean there will be a Russian Civil War campaign with the Whites portrayed as evil monsters and the Reds as heroes?
That's not what you said fat cuck, you said that there were no blacks in the war at all. But there were blacks in the war so don't try to save face
Australia I'm happy for you and I'ma let you finish but, AMERICA SINGLE HANDEDLY WON WWII
The Ottomans are in the game
there was a mostly black unit fighting in WW1 but I forget the name
Shekels, Sharters won't buy it If they're not in it.
It is
>usa won the war
fuck off siesta cuckold
Educate yourself on US history before posting shit memes.
That's not the war we're talking about, burger.
Actually I'm not the guy you responded to Hans, go clean Ahmed's cum from your eyes.
You guys are fucking retards.
The US had a very small standing army at the time and only had about 100,000 men there by the time the Germans surrendered.
Germans surrendered after Italian forces pushed north through Austria to Germany, opening up yet another front. Germany realized they didn't have the manpiwer to sustain yet another front and surrendered.
Fucking idiots.
Sven* getting my stereotypical names mixed up
The promise of millions of fresh American soldiers effectively put an early end to the war. Our contribution traded thousands of American lives for millions of European ones, and our role should not be begrudged.
Still, it's outright offensive that France isn't even in the game lmoa
Mistakes have been made
But in that case don't defend your country man who is obviously wrong
- hurt
thats definitely 'nam
>turk are more white than the U.K in BF1
Wow its just like real life
It literally is. Even the Germans have blacks.. Also automatics everywhere. Hardly historically correct but still kind of fun.
Did the USSR really fuck over Sweden with its subversive propaganda or something?
Nuh uh
>Class customisation
great argument
Sweden is a meme desu
Can i change the color of my soldier? would not want to play as a damn nigger
The French aren't even in the game so don't bother buying it.
You'll get bored after a few hours anyway
>Current Year
>Buying EA Titles
>mfw i actually looked that up and the thesis
1. isn't even by that fucking guy
2. is a thesis, so the student and not the uni chooses the topic
BTFO indeed. Don't talk about things you know nothing about.
Ya we pretty much were just clean up who lost +200,000 lives in only 3 mahor battles but hey we introduced crawling, marksmanship, and taking basic cover into combat
>Be medic class
>Only get machine pistol prototypes
No customisation to fix that, at least in beta, but at least that's a game play choice the devs made. The skin color thing is just pure politics and forced diversity.. Not that it demonishes fun, but it is pretty silly imo. Why shoehorn negroes into the German faction when there are other more logical options?
Don't buy that either
Also something I forgot.
>Supporting swedish companies
Just started up the beta let's see how it is
No you cant, each class has a default character.
I like how there is always atleast one burger that replies to comments like this saying we won when we lost
It is
Beta players and Sup Forums
>A game based on a war where blacks fought can't even have blacks in it without people accusing it of agenda pushing
>meming this hard
Because the USA is a big country with a large consumer base
But where else will I get my grand strategy fix?
stop this bait sweden
Fuck off, Abdul.
Falklands Islands.
But it's fun
to be fair the US's intervention was just as crucial as any other nation, even France. Sure France fought for longer but if the US wasn't willing to step in then the attrition would've played an even bigger role. Having an entirely fresh ARMY join on your side is massive.
No wonder the Germans revolted. (not that they aren't revolting in the first place)
>Meme vs. reality
>>A game based on a war where blacks fought can't even have blacks in it without people accusing it of agenda pushing
The dice devs have actually come out and said they have an agenda to make people feel included m8.. And there were little to no black German troops. Blacks in the Brit faction would be more correct given their colonial forces. Turks are brown, that makes sense. America, sure. Why the Germans too?
>We want to show diversity in the game. That’s been a key goal.
Obviously the agenda was a 'key goal'..
>tfw there will never be an ebin 1st person shooter set at Gallipoli
Yeah but they were in the war you fuck?
All the colonial French troops for example.
if it doesn't have a Gallipoli map or campaign segment then I will personally fly to Stockholm and go Anders Breivik on every single staff member of DICE.
But sense there is no Africa front and the game is a mix up of all things world war 1 then I don't really see the complaint
If only both hands weren't tied my libshit friend..
I would actually play the shit out of a east African campaign with Lettow-Vorbeck and his guys, they should have just used that if they wanted to have german niggers
France isn't in the base game though. The blacks are German and British. Also yanjs obviously.
>Using the word cuck
Unless you're referring to yourself you should probably keep your mouth shut.
everyone reading this has to boycot that shit game.
make a statement by letting it sink into the abyss.
if they dont make money from this shit, devs will learn not to lose money by being PC
>thinking he's one to talk about keeping things shut
t. Johan Andersson
Probably doing nothing but digging holes and being general cannon fodder
>blacks had a small part in the war.
>market the entire game around diversity with black guy on cover
Yes, it is agenda pushing
>Get BF1
>No battle of Gallipoli
>Mel Gibson not playable character
Absolutely unplayable
>A fucking leaf
Gurka. Sikh. British national. Black.
Hm its like Britain didnt own 25% of the world or something.
Black guy is on the cover because he is the main character in the single player, if you watched the trailers then you would have a hard time finding any diversity or blacks.
>We would have won that easily if it weren't for those other things
t. every loser ever
>don't defend your country
Spoken like a true Swede
>Cuts out half the sentence and then makes upp his own story to fit his agenda
Spoken like a true SJW
Personally, I'd also like to see a bonus level where the war's done and your British troops pay a visit to Dublin 1919