Be honest with me about race mixing /pol

You meet a woman and she's everything you could have wanted in a woman: she's beautiful, feminine, intelligent, reasonable, loyal, everything you could want in a woman.


Would you still get with her? why or why not?


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Roll them digits

>You meet a woman and she's everything you could have wanted in a woman
stop.. she's black. I wouldn't get to know her beyond that point.

also, nigress in pic is wearing some other persons hair.

No, I want my kids to look like me.

can't have both

-sigh- fine, roll

sorry bro, nice try, maybe next time

If she's black and a woman then she's not everything I've wanted.

Like an awkward sperglord?

Of course I would. I'm destined to die a virgin, especially if I am picky about race.

let's get this rollan

>everything i want in a women
>but shes black
this doesnt make any sense


>You meet a woman and she's everything you could have wanted in a woman: she's beautiful, feminine, intelligent, reasonable, loyal, everything you could want in a woman.
Trick question. If she was really intelligent and reasonable, she would understand that race mixing was bad and therefore would never get with me.

>Would you still get with her?

No because our kids would be retarded mulattos who don't belong anywhere.

Stop making the same threads you retarded fucking halfbreed. Your white parent made a horrible mistake, this board shouldn't have to pay for it.

she would have to be 100% compatible with my culture otherwise no

How did you know I was half Cuban?

>You meet a woman and she's everything you could have wanted in a woman:
Contradicting statements. Everything I want in a woman includes being white.
Anyway, there are over 500 million white women on this planet(and 1 off of it on the ISS). I'm sure I'll find one that is better for children, which is more important than my personal "muh happiness".


>she's beautiful, feminine, intelligent, reasonable, loyal
so she's African and not an African American


>black female

It can happen I think

>calling me a sperglord on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
Nah, just an average Joe, Rabbi

Can't a whiteboi get a source on #16?

>black woman
>beautiful, feminine, intelligent, reasonable, loyal
You are either retard or black.

Im not even one of those redpill whatever-the-fucks and i dont support race mixing

>she's everything you could have wanted in a woman
>she's bIack
weII then one of these statements isn't true because part of the Iist of things I want in a woman incIudes her being white/asian.

I only look for a few simple things in a woman.

1. Not crippled or diseased.
2. Not offensively ugly, as in painful to look at.
3. Not offensively stupid, as in painful to listen to.
4. Not dangerous for my health, as in police daughter or mafia girl.
5. Wants to fuck me.

Thats the list. If you fit these, I'll have sex with you.
Notice race isn't on the list. I don't plan on putting it there either.



Honestly, All I need is reasonable and loyal for a girl. I'd say the average Girl I see is about 8/10 when the Average should be downgraded to 5/10, thus it is perfectly reasonable for me to be a 1/10. I'm pretty much retarded in casual conversation, book smarts, and street smarts but people say I'm funny with quick back and forth jokes and give good advice.
I've never even had problems with Race Mixing, man. I'm fairly independent from the usual Sup Forums teachings aside from the conspiracy theories.

>everything you could have wanted in a woman
Nigga, you high?

>Doesn't care about
not surprising, you're aII a mix of shitskins anyways

If you want your children to be intolerable shitstains than go on


Why do people play with these stupid things anyways? From the looks of things even the thought of fucking a black pussy would be enough for you all to commit ritual suicide over a Taylor Swift poster

i'll give it a try

>he thinks this is beautiful


>1.Beautiful & black
There are no true black women that are beautiful, but I can honestly say I find some mulattos attractive.

>2.Feminine & black
Chances of that are VERY low. You'll most likely get a manly chimp-outer

>3.Intelligent & black
This is literally a meme. They are pushing this shit in media as hard they can, but this is not a thing. The chances of finding a smart black woman are about as high as finding moderate muslims.

>4.Reasonable & black
Also not a thing. Most of them actually believe that they were egyptian QUEENZ and no logic and reason in the world would sway them to think otherwise.

>5.Loyal & black
200-300 years ago maybe?

In conclusion. This is impossible and if it were, I wouldn't even concider it. Race-mixing is disgusting and anybody who disagrees is a fucking cuck-hypocrite who loves his white women blacked.

why they all wear wigs?

How people find blacks attractive is beyond me.
They look so alien


>pointy elbows wouldnt fugg

Meanwhile I've not been truly single since 2004 or some time then.
Always have someone, my emotion health is awesome, I am happy, I meet new people, I have connections, and my sexual life is always fresh and enjoyable.

Protip: being a jaded cynical fag may be fashionable on Sup Forums, but it won't make you fulfilled in real life.

I have ass cancer

Number 1 is best but holy shit that's a ton of make-up

this is not real life, this is Sup Forums now GTFO

what's wrong with her then?

>You meet a woman and she's everything you could have wanted in a woman
She has to be white then

>she's beautiful, feminine, intelligent, reasonable, loyal, everything you could want in a woman
She's not black then

>Would you still get with her? why or why not?
Lets assume attractive black women exist and they can be intelligent. I do not want a fucking nigger kid. I hate niggers. I don't want my poor mother to have been seen in public with a nigger kid. That would be so embarrassing and people would always assume she was white trash whose daughter had a child with a nigger who left her. Then he will grow up, join a gang, get in fights in school, shitty grades, and everything else that comes along with nigger DNA. Think about your ancestors. They would smack the ever loving shit out of you if they found out you fucked up their lineage with nigger DNA. Have some fucking self respect OP. You're on Sup Forums, you're supposed to know better than this by now.

Why is it bad?

The Black race has 75-80 average IQ, mixed race has 89 average IQ, whites have 102 average IQ. It destroys your future kids IQ just by race mixing, and it brings in blacks instead of whites. Why would you want your kids to not look like you? Especially if you raise black kids and you are white, do you think they will accept your heritage as their own? Mother nature didn't put thousands of years of evolution/work into each race just so you could breed with a beast of lesser. Stay White, it's the best investment you'll ever make! Half breeds have no identity, they are the same as a genetically disabled and mentally ill person.

There are such things as beautiful black women guys, I can prove it.

What the fuck is ON HER HEAD

Knowing about the things described in this pastebin, I am even afraid of mixing with europeans, as a white slav. Even though I know that the effects will be nearly indistinguishable...nearly.

Knowing what kind of horrible abomination thing will be pushed out of the cunt of a chimp will be even worse.



>meet a woman, magically instantly know that she is loyal and reasonable, and that this will never change

Where may I buy your telepathic control doodads, my good friend, and are they only rated for nigger women or do you have white and asian models as well?


>What the fuck is ON HER HEAD
Probably every period she's ever had


>everything you could want in a woman.

Then it's not everything I want in a women. Don't get me wrong. I dated an Ethiopian girl a little bit ago and the more Semitic face made it p fucking good. If having a white wife and bleaching a couple of girls from other races on the side was a viable system in today's day and age I'd do it. But I want a white wife at the end of the day. I'm seeing a girl from South Africa that went to my primary school atm, so maybe that'll work out.

da fuk is that image?

Have you ever talked to mixed race people?
Torn between 2 culture to neither they really belong, multiple health conditions and worst of kike mentality. Basically it's what they really are, counterfeit Jews.

Be honest you guys just want a [spoiler] sex [/spoiler] slave.


Yes, they are mind helmets and they are all located inside your colon. If you insert your head far enough up it, it will attach itself to your skull and you can read every Niggers mind. you should definitely give it a try

Ever since I was young only white chicks turned me on. Maybe it's a subconscious effect of having black and asian housemaids..

Niggers are repuslive

>you can read every Niggers mind
you don't really need helmet for that

> Everything you could want in a woman
> Black

Pick one

4 is the only one I'd even consider putting my dick in.
The rest do absolutely nothing for me.

But what if you love them and teach them the power in diversity?

i would make her my girlfriend desu

no kids though

milk choccy pliss

Well there are diverse groups everywhere I go today. Yes I do meet a lot of mixed people. Seems like the old rule applies no matter what. If they're attractive, people will want to mingle with them.

You're cherry picking. Thats like the bottom 95%

>mixed people

Pick one

Anyone who contributes to society is "ACCEPTABLE" in my book, even blacks

Hotline Miami sprites.

My cousin married and knocked up a black chick.
We were at a party and he was showing everyone the ultrasound of his unborn niglet spawn.
I conveniently excused myself so I wouldn't have to see it and be sick.
Do you think he knows why I did it?


Where the fuck is >Aland

60% of sheboons are literally obese according to the CDC

Probably not. Though I'm Black I just can't stand a hair hatted black chick. And even if she had her natural hair, I prefer white girls

A lot of those people are above average... I don't know what you were trying to prove.

Yes. Consider it another bridge burned

I fuck tons of Black girls... Sup Forums hates me.

>inb4 enjoy your AIDS

It's a gated, white middle-class resort in the Baltic Sea. (Between Sweden & Finland)

What's the difference? Do their pussies smell the same as white pussies? Do they smell bananas & coconuts?

>everyone tolling on this needs to get off pol

Ever hear the idiom: "Every fighter has a plan, until they get punched in the face."

Similarly, every racist has an ideology, until they meet Mrs. Right.

You'd really deny youself love because of your 'ideology'? And miss her for the rest of your life?

blessed with a rp

Careful, most white chicks who are into black guys are fucking crazy. Daddy issues and shit