My queen

My queen

>still gotta upload my Wonder Woman Music Video

Why does she shave her pits?


"the jew cries out in pain as he stabs you" - old Polish proverb.

Because it's hygienic and looks better.

Shut up, Ben. Don't you have to go to the licor store or something?


>not eating with your pupper
Why do so many religions talk shit about dogs?

superior wonderu womano coming up

disgusting rat

i wonder what the braclets of submission would feel like inside my ass

Now that's what I'm talking about


God, JL vs SS was such a shitty event

I hope I never have to see Margot Robbie fighting Gal Gadot



Sans Amy Adams and the short bitch who played Etta Candy, Gal looks like a mong compared to all the other women in the DCEU, how do you think she's going to look next to Margot, or even Amber Heard? I'd be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

Also the idea that Harley can give Wonder Woman ANY kind of trouble is ridiculous.

Kind of a strange pairing.

giv jew gf

Harley is stupid popular these days, probably more than Wonder woman was until the movie came out. DC pushes Harley super fucking hard, especially in those Injustice Comics.





>blue eyes
if only


>ywn have your head crushed between these thighs


>miriam the hair dresser had sex with many men

What did (((they))) mean by this

ok here she is


>their Ares looks better than movie Ares



>le forced jewish superstar sexsymbol meme

vry nice

I've had enough.



I'm a guy and shave them too.
I don't like pit hair.

>visible biceps on a woman

You're that fag that keeps posting that webm of the chick that's curling two 60's, aren't you?

if you don't want a muscle gf then you don't know SHIT about television or film

>that webm of the chick that's curling two 60's
Not him but I would like to see that.

I'm the fag that keeps posting this chick



>he doesn't like girls with guns

>he likes to get fucked in the ass by an overgrown clit

Wtf I love Gal Gadot now!



Not accurate to the comics

Accurate to the comics

>girls with guns

My nigga.


>"so the only to beat her is with a lie"
>proffesional comic written by proffesionals published with editors and everything

god fucking damn

then Batman pulls a "lasso of falsehood" out of his ass and beats her by putting it around her and making her see false visions

Batman is pretty much Rick Sanchez in the comics. I don't know how he hasn't turned himself into a prickle yet to escape having to take care of Damian.

>he fell for the "thighs while sitting" meme

Alexandra would have been a superior Wonder Woman.

She's going to play Zatanna.

Why Batman get all the cute bitches?

>Please don't feed the Gadots

how do i get a femdom amazon gf bros?