Seth MacFarlane: ‘The Orville’ Will Be More ‘Star Trek’ Than ‘Futurama’
Still better than Discovery
I like that. Will check it out
I'm gonna beat it to that qt super strong alien
Sounds good. He also said he didn't like the trailer Fox put together for the show because they made it look like a straight comedy show.
It's gonna be canned after one season.
You know what Macfarlane should do? Go back to where he started and pitch a new show to Cartoon Network
I fucking hate Seth MacFarlane and wish he didnt miss his flight into the world trade center on september 11th.
>A Seth MacFarlane live action comedy
why is this still legal?
Not only will The Orville last for 10 seasons, there will be multiple spinoff series and feature films and it will replace Star Trek in the pop culture. Screencap this post
No kidding. How many trannies and niggers and they put on that crew.
It's gonna be as bad as his western movie.
anyone remember Seth's last TV comedy show using real actors?
no, nobody does. it was canned after one season.
I wonder if he'll sing alot in it.
I don't remember doo doo and wee wee jokes and 80's pop culture references and mugging in Star Trek.
Apparently it's not a comedy. The trailer took all the jokes from the first three episodes and crammed them together withupbeat music over it
Seth's character flushed his career down the toilet due to depression after his marriage ended, and is literally being given one last chance because they have more ships than captains. His scenes with Palaki are awkward because the actors have no chemistry, the drunk helmsman is his depression drinking buddy and episode 3 is a battle of the sexes episode
I can't wait to see it. I'm hype.
Fuck yeah.
Just stop user. MacFarlane has created / written like a dozen tv shows and movies at this point. It's delusional to think this won't be the exact same tone as all of them.
I can't wait for the musical episode or the fight with a chicken alien race that spans 8 decks.
You stop. Stop putting a space between the post you're quoting and the text you generate. There's no reason to do that. Stop doing it.
>fight with a chicken alien race that spans 8 decks.
I actually want this to happen now.
unironically can't wait for both
you actually believe them? they are just running with the epic viral maymay.
Episode with him dealing with a war between the Popstarians and the Hip-Hopalites that he resolves by teaching both sides the joys of jazz/swing music where he sings everything
That might be cool
Looks fun
Is there anything worse than Sup Forums posters acting as if they have any kind of high ground to judge comedy?
Probably the Sup Forums posters that unironically post about nu-males
Problem is Seth can't act and his neutral voice being 100% Brian always jars anyone familiar with FG.
Cancelled in 5 episodes.
>Problem is Seth can't act
never stopped half the cast of TNG, DS9, VOY and TOS
does it hurt your feelings?
I seriously doubt that this will be any good, but I will give it a try, becaus I fucking LOVE Scott Grimes.
nu-male spotted
Stewart and Mulgrew could act.
Brooks improved as he became unhinged.
Bakula had skills but was always held back.
Shatner, I'll give you.
Will they wasted Norm or will Adam Carolla replace him at some point?
Yes, it's the most common trait film lovers have and therefore the worst by volume
fucking asshole is why Futurama cancelled originally
So they're re-making Galaxy Quest? Has this cunt ever had an original thought in his life?
>The Orville’ Will Be More ‘Star Trek’ Than ‘Futurama’
I assumed so.
Good that is the most overratted show on the planet
What about the Star Trek episode of Futurama?
because 17 years ago Seth found a genie in a bottle
Anyone remember "The Loser"? Seths first attempt at live action, it was not spectacular
No he was working in the industry for a while. If you're old enough to remember WHAT! A CARTOON which was a block of a bunch of one off cartoons, seth had one on it that had an old guy and a talking dog which morphed into family guy
>can't read
>somehow still posts anyway
It's not a comedy.
The old star trek was a comedy in a way unless you think shatner was not hamming it up like a mad man and don't consider that to be comedy
no he found the genie 17 years ago and since then success has been guaranteed
>episode 3 is a battle of the sexes episode
does it feature a lesbian scene with Emily Jean?
Original thoughts aren't what make for good entertainment, tvtropesfaggot. Read Poetics. Also, DO NOT RESPOND TO ME UNTIL YOU HAVE READ POETICS.
It seems unlikely unless they have a Karaoke bar on the ship, which is possible being a parody of TNG, I love his singing voice and choice of music though, are you trying to be snarky?
No one in this thread is discussing the comedic merit of the original Star Trek, you must be in the wrong thread.
(so you don't get lost)
How do you like this, without any cr at all?
cbs is terrified of this show
I am actually looking forward to this show. It's on broadcast tv, and STD is behind a paywall.
>star trek discovery
>still can't believe they went with this knowing all star trek shows are referred to by their initials
No, I actually like his singing.
why? does euro netflix have timeslots it competes with or something?
we can go
how can he be funny without all the racial jokes
Daily reminder when he said a thousand ways to die was going to be a heart felt throwback to the bygone western movie.
Aka, he's full of shit user.
Galaxy Quest is a TOS parody, The Orville is a TNG parody.
doesn't take any effort to be better than that pit of shit
I will be watching this, just like I've watch every other quality Set MacFarlane creation. The man is funny and I like him.
your honesty and genuine personal tadtes have no place here
doing it for free. how many hotpockets you finish off this week alone?
I understand letting him keep making new animated shows because FG was such a big hit, but has anything good ever come of putting Seth in front of a camera? Dude is a black hole of charisma.
Remember that episode of Johnny Bravo where Adam West shows up and is voiced by Adam West and he's a wacky caricature of himself... and also is Mary Poppins-analogue?
I believe this is true. The Orville was actually Macfarlane's pitch for an official Star Trek show but got denied. He's got the resources and the motivation to compete with Star Trek and put a show on the screen that every Trek fan has been waiting for, for years.
My thoughts: This looks considerable.
translation: mitigate your expectations everyone! It's not that funnay
>his neutral voice being 100% Brian always jars anyone familiar with FG.
Nope I haven't watched Family Guy for over a decade and even if I did I wouldn't give a shit about Seth McFarlane sounding like Brian. Same with Patrick Warburton sounding like Brock/Joe/shitty sitcom character 12x21.
Star Trek is socialist propaganda and Seth is a complete cuck. It's a perfect match.
I love Star Trek but I'm not watching it. I really don't like Seth in anything he does. I think he's a terrible actor.
I also hate the idea that they brought in the whole "ex wife" angle as a ploy for cheap drama. That's what ruined Rick and Morty this season. No one wants to watch couples arguing. There's nothing more irritating.
Seth can't write comedy either. So I imagine this show won't be that funny or entertaining.
>Seth MacFarlane: ‘The Orville’ Occupies Sci-Fi Space ‘Star Trek’ Left Behind En Route To Dystopia
>“I miss the…aspirational place Star Trek used to occupy,” MacFarlane said. “They’ve chosen to go in a different direction,” he said, describing that direction as dystopian. The aspirational space of early Star Trek, MacFarlane maintained, now is “unoccupied.”
>“They can’t all be Hunger Games,” he said. “There is some space for aspirational.” The Orville, he said is “an attempt to fill that void.”
There have been tons of space shows that tried that when those kinds of shows were a thing. If this is a success then maybe Star Trek will come back and copy some things from it the way DS9 copied Babylon 5
>Maybe it's because it was created by Seth MacFarlane, the man behind popular comedies such as "Family Guy," but it seemed like his new Fox show "The Orville" would be funny.
>Unfortunately, it just isn't.
>In trailers, "The Orville" is portrayed as a Star Trek parody. It's set in an idealistic future where a fleet of discovery space vessels are run by an interplanetary military organization, but Ed Mercer (Seth MacFarlane) is not the ideal leader. After he caught his wife, Kelly Grayson (Adrianne Palicki), cheating on him a year before, he's fallen apart and his career has gone downhill. But he's been given one last chance with his promotion to captain of the U.S.S. Orville.
>The setup for Ed's character suggests that he will be an unorthodox captain, almost an antihero. Viewers are given to expect he will likely make a lot of mistakes, maybe almost get fired before making up for it with his grit and spirit. This idea is only increased when he insists on hiring his loose cannon friend Gordon Malloy (Scott Grimes) as his helmsman. But in the following episodes, this setup is almost completely dropped and Ed is mostly portrayed as a competent, normal captain and Gordon as a successful, talented spaceship pilot.
>Part of the show's problem is its focus. Midway through the first episode, Ed's ex-wife is hired as his first officer — apparently at her own request — and the show devolves into being all about their relationship, sacrificing every other potential plot development as a result.
>Sure, this seems like a humorous premise, and occasionally it is. But it quickly gets old. The chemistry between Palicki and MacFarlane is not very strong and most of their arguing falls flat and ends up feeling repetitive and annoying.
>But the show's biggest fault is simply that it takes itself too seriously. It feels like it wants to be a television version of "Galaxy Quest," but the story never goes completely into that goofy territory. Instead, the first three episodes that Fox released for press screenings just get more and more serious.
>The pilot is the funniest of the first three episodes, with the next two attempting to explore controversial modern topics, in the same way the original "Star Trek" series often would. Episode two touches on the ethics of zoos; episode three dives deeply into issues of gender conformity.
>Because the show can't seem to decide if it wants to be funny or serious, it doesn't really succeed at either. Moments that might be emotional and deep are interrupted with inappropriate humor and, instead of laughing or crying, viewers are left confused and bored.
>Also, "The Orville" doesn't appear to have the budget to really be an action-packed Star Trek drama. The graphics are cheesy, the actors seem to be comedians trying to do drama and not really succeeding and the writing is not up to par. The show probably would have been more successful if it had gone all in with humor. Instead, it's mostly disappointing.
>"The Orville" would probably get a PG-13 rating if it were a movie for some language and crude humor. The violence isn't graphic and, so far, there's almost no sexual content.
>You can check out the hourlong episodes of "The Orville" starting Sept. 10 on Fox.
>with the next two attempting to explore controversial modern topics
stop me
What's with all the Shatner hate? I consider him a perfectly adequate actor, lot's of emotion and some wit.
It's going to be better than Discovery and i require sci-fi kino to live.
Is Orville on Netflix??
he's jewish. he got warned beforehand.