How come the Soviet Union, with all its state censorship and state control of media, was able to produce greater kino cinematic works of art than the United States, with all its freedom and economic opportunity?
How come the Soviet Union, with all its state censorship and state control of media...
>Not a surveillance state
>A land of freedumbs and democracy
mfw muhricans unironically believe that
It's like you people don't even watch your own movies.
George Lucas said it best. The "free market" hates genuine expression.
Name one (1) good Russian film released in the last decade.
The history of cinematography is different in USA and in EU. In USA it was entertainment for masses form very start. All those westerns and detective movies done in 30s were just cheap fun for poor. Today it still stands that most of what hollywood creates is for plebs to make money.
On the other hand EU cinema was artistic from the very start. The cinematographs were not so popular and it was perceived more like a toy for artists (e.g. Dali) while more conservative EU masses were not really interested in movies. This stands today as most of Eu production is in comparison with USA more demanding on viewer.
"greater kino" is pretty subjective. I've seen fantastic Indian & Sri Lankan films and these people wound up worshiping a toilet as a shrine instead of using it to stop shitting in the street.
You're likely just trying to shill for communism but let's just objectively define it together. Name a Soviet "kino cinematic work of art" and then tell me why it is objectively better than any piece of cinema the U.S. has ever created.
It didn't. Socialist Realism produces stuff that's technically proficient and initially dazzling, but is ultimately shallower than a puddle and institutionalized to a point it no longer represents anything but the state's apparatus clawing at its populace's minds. The Russian expressionist and futurist movement during the early Soviet Union was just as interesting, though ultimately it too came to put political gains first and eventually the authorities completely liquidated it in favor of Socialist Realism into the early years of Stalin's rule.
Hollywood had a similar history with an early period of freedom and creativity but conventionality and stifling cultural osmosis would bring it down in waves to the point there is no more creative exploration or freedom in it than there was in the USSR at the height of its power. The capitalist phase of enlightened individualistic expression has given way to useless mob rule through money and heightened over sensitivity.
>economic opportunity
Hell is not a single-story building, user. There´s more liberty in the modern-era police state USA than you could ever dream of attaining in the shithole you call home.
You mean the movie all about how shit Russia is?
Why do white people still discuss about which ideology is better when they'll be gone in the next 30 years?
Durek aka The Fool
US still has the best kinos and highest number. And really, Russia only had 2 good directors that made good movies.
When you compare it to Russia, it's far better. That's not even an opinion. It's a clear fact.
They're living in the past where these ideologies weren't such obvious threats to Europe.
Less emphasis on capitalism.
>m-muh country is better, muh freedumbs!
>the entire rest of the world is a shithole to muhricans
>this is what the media teaches them and they believe it
I honestly feel bad for you guys.
Given, there are way worse places to be and some others are nothing but USA modern economical colonies... But to be as delusional as to believe the lies they tell you...
USSR states had millennias of culture to draw from
Amerifats have no culture beyond fried food and fart jokes
because while capitalism is the best system ever it sometimes creates problem with artistic endeavors
especially when it turns art into a mere product for consumption
>Soviet Union
>last decade
Are you fucking retarded?
Does Russia even have movies?
that isn't pro government propaganda?
Yes, plenty.
The Cranes Are Flying was one of the first WWII movies that wasn't just blatant propaganda and focused on the human aspect.
>economical (sic) colonies
That's humanities future anyway. Africa is being colonized by China, Europe is being colonized by MENA, Russia is going to turn itself into one, the USA will be Brazil/Philippines 2.0, etc.
It's a well known fact that Russians, slavs in general, do their best work when absolutely fucking miserable. It's their power source.
The best literary pieces of all time were written in the lowest points of russian history.
They're like Anno. They do their best shit when monstrously depressed and oppressed.
Cinema was sponsored by the government. Same thing happened in Soviet satellite states.
Financing decided by who can make mass appeal bullshit sell to the most people vs. financing decided by a committee of film critics and directors with the aim to make art
>United States, with all its freedom and economic opportunity
*breathes in*
This is a Western meme. Most films made by the communist states weren't propaganda.
Except Tarkovsky got fed up with its restrictions and distanced himself from the Soviet Union. His last couple films were made elsewhere. So there definitely was a degree of restriction and censorship that any practicing auteur had to bare.
Reminder that this is probably the most horrifying film ever made
And most michael bay films are top of the class art
And Takovsky aside, I can count the Soviet "kino" films with one hand.
because shitty situations for people are good for art?
>*ear ringing intensifies*
Please tell us all about the only 5 films of any artistic meric that produced the Soviet Union in its entire lifespan of 80 years.
t. saw a couple ussr cartoons
Because you can take a bunch of starved peasants and make them be animators to be slightly less starved.
Battleship Potemkin
The Diamond Arm
War and Peace
The Man With a Movie Camera
The Cranes Are Flying
All entry-level garbage.
Just what I expected, really.
Post yours hipster
Still Americans believe this garbage. And they wonder why the rest of us laugh at them.
Excuse me while I enjoy social mobility, personal freedoms, and economic prosperity in the great white north.
Awful post.
I´m Finnish, you ignorant cretin.
>But to be as delusional as to believe the lies they tell you...
I know for a fact that I do not enjoy a right to keep and bear arms, free speech, protection against arbitrary search and seizure, and numerous other liberties in this nordic "welfare state" socialist utopia. I don´t need propaganda to admire the Constitution in particular and the American political spirit in general.
>Still Americans believe this garbage.
I´m not American.
>Excuse me while I enjoy social mobility, personal freedoms, and economic prosperity in the great white north.
Unless you´re a norwegian oilnigger, you statistically enjoy a lower median income than Americans do. "Social mobility", as measured by the UN and other communist organizations, is a worthless metric.
As for personal freedoms, they are fewer and less pronounced in every nordcuck nation when compared to those found in the majority of American states.
>especially when it turns art into a mere product for consumption
I really hate this argument, communism doesn't just make everyone creative geniuses. I would say it does the opposite actually.
>*thinks in plebian*
Abysmal post.
As a Finnish I am sorry that you had to read this
According to this, all the nordic nations are more free than the us
Did he actually say this? Anything he's done is trash compared to Soviet cinema. French cinema nowadays is the only thing comparable to Soviet kino.
Even under censorship (sometimes justified as quality control not letting bullshit on screens, other times retarded as in the case of SOY CUBA that was pretty much shelved after shit reviews) Soviet Union produced interesting KINO. Eventually it went to shit along with the whole country in mid-late 80s, but before that it was a legit industry. Not quite like Hollywood, of course, since US attracted talents from all around the world.
>United States, with all its freedom and economic opportunity?
and also lots of mediocrity and cheapshit pulp stories.
It's simple, because it didn't.
this thread confirms that yanks aren't able to make a single competent argument
The only soviet film I've seen is Stalker and all I remember was a bunch of guys lying on the floor for hours droning on about philosophy
About what exactly? If you have a problem with any specific post say so instead of this whiny passive aggressive nonsense.