Movies where the good guys win against the anti human liberal cancer?
Movies where the good guys win against the anti human liberal cancer?
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finnish looking little shit
Local teenage girl, 17, killed herself after having her phone taken away for 24 hours- and her parents STILL insist that she needed to be controlled
>anti human liberal cancer
I guess not showing common decency towards a fellow human being and calling them by their desired name which does not affect you negatively in anyway whatsoever is "pro-human", then?
Boys don't wear make up. Stupid bitch.
Sometimes the most human thing to do is to stop others from harming themselves.
Why not go with Lou for the male name?
Why would a girl want to be a boy? At that age being a girl is superior in every way.
>alt right hatemongers are literally killing people
You will be stopped
would Sup Forums fuck a trap (ftm)?
good stuff
>not having your ringer to the max
If they looked like this, yes.
its natural selection. Louise has improved the human race and should be applauded.
how would you know? you're not a girl
I sure do remember all those trans people killing themselves over not using their name is school! Oh wait, no I fucking don't.
This is a recent thing, it's because we are adults are not as attentice during these formative years.
>Placating mental illness
Maybe she wouldn't have killed herself if her parents weren't apathetic retards who let her indulge in her delusions.
does "transgender boy" mean it's a boy or a girl?
Sup Forums told me. And it makes sense, girls at that age don't even need to try to get a boyfriend.
Alt-Left please
Vag is vag, even if it's crazy.
>fellow human being
How do we fix blonde haired men
At this stage I genuinely don't even fucking know desu
It wanted to be called Leo, so it was a female, but all trannies should just be referred to as it
By transgender boy do they mean this is an actual boy or a girl?
you need to work on your definitions
spotted the antifa member
enjoy your FBI investigation for supporting domestic terrorism ;-)
>being a girl is superior
not if your fat and ugly it isnt.
Girl who pretends to be a boy.
I know because of empirical data(3 sisters)
Except tranny vag looks like a Predator's maw
Trannys have a mental illness, Encouraging them just makes it worse.
Being a fat, ugly boy is objectively worse. Even fat women have the support of "body positive" retards and fat fetishists and will go after men that should be out of their league.
Girls that looks like cute sissy boys are literally perfect
Cute bait.
They feed on attention, positive or negative they don't care
We used to call them tomboys.
Yeah but we're talking ftm. Tranny vag isn't vag, it's a gaping wound.
Cute sissy boys that look like girls are perfect.
How many ANTIFA members have killed someone with a car like a fucking muzzie in the last two months?
>kentucky fried communism
Teenagers are stupid, over dramatic faggots and will always kill themselves over the silliest shit.
Underrated post
> anti human liberal cancer?
>enjoy getting stumped by antifa faggot
Yes but I'd ask him to take that ridiculous getup off first
The Golden iPod award needs to come back.
Biologically female
Pretty obvious at an initial glance, user
Son, you're aware that yo're on Sup Forums, right? Decency is not welcome here. You're probably a kike nigger.
Just stop eating so much.
Only if it's to the point you have bad acne, which can be treated. Boys have to work out everyday and be tall to not be considered ugly.
So alt-rightists are now celebrating youth suicide? You fuckers are absolutely disgusting. Your ideas and beliefs belong in the past, and if you can't get over that, then you must suffer.
sounds like Sup Forums.
there is literally nothing wrong with Louise as a boy name.
Its an awesome name. Im a a guy and that is my fucking name. What was she thinking??
who cares, it's dead
Getting your period sucks.
I have no problem with trans people and do my best to respect their preference, however I disagree with the moralization of the discussion surrounding their place in society. It's a bizarre concept and you get chalk all initial resistance to it up to people being hateful and malicious. Similar to the abortion issue, there are good, morally sound arguments on both sides of the debate
Leslie is the superior girl-boy name
>and you get chalk all initial resistance to it up to people being hateful and malicious.
What the fuck
*and to chalk all initial resistance to it up to people being hateful and malicious is really deceitful and lazy.
I recall that a patriot cleared the road of some vermin
>does not affect you negatively in anyway
Yeah, man, some mentally unstable mess getting riled up and calling me a rapist while endlessly flinging insults my way for not being able to intuit her fanfiction existence is surely all positive.
>oh no there's blood in my underwear!
That would be gay
>encouraging mental illness is a good thing
People who suffer from dysphoria need help, not mutilation
Oliver is cute. CUTE!
Becoming a "boy" doesn't fix that
I always get confused when they say transgender boy/girl, maybe because I don't keep up with these things. When someone is referred to as "TG boy" that means they transitioned into a boy or a girl?
What the fuck is it with the jannies here? Are they schizophrenic? Do they just not like me?
I feel so alone sometimes. I just want someone to care. Not love, not even like, but just to care.
I wish I was dead.
>three """non-binary""" mutual acquaintances of mine are now actually starting testosterone therapy to attempt to appear "more non-binary"
>half totally excited, half terrified to see the complete trainwreck clusterfuck their lives are going to be in three or four years
These girls (all under 25, all with brains that are still developing) are legitimately irreversibly altering their minds and bodies because of a fucking rebellious trend
Lord almighty
Disgusting faggot.
>hairy armpits
aaaaand dropped. shame. he looked cute.
Kill all phoneposters
>armpit hair
Fucking gross
if "it" doesn't have a penis, of course
Yes, well, humans have always been stupid.
Fucking dropped.
looks like transgenderism didn't stop her from being a pathetic little cunt
They're just acquaintances, no need to care for what they do to their bodies.
>tv- television and film
>GIRL kills herself after teachers refuse to pander to her mental instability.
And NOTHING of value was lost.
I'd rather see a penis than a gaping surgical wound. At least one is natural. Traps > Trannies tbqh senpai
Yeah but typically tools like this have been mercifully out of reach of our stupid hands
Soon we're going to watch a suicide epidemic erupt among kids who fell for this nonbinary meme and permanently fucked themselves up, but it wont even matter as we get infected by smallpox some college student synthesized in his back yard
they will just appear more male, do they not know what non-binary means?
Twinks > Traps > Trannies
Aren't the alt left the ones advocating for youthanasia/assisted suicide for literally no reason required? Just saying.
I figure they're planning on stopping once they hit some sort of middleground
Nothing can possiblai go wrong
You know, I'll give it to this kid. He's an honorary boy for following through and actually an hero-ing instead of a meme attention grabbing overdose attempt.
Crossdressing twinks > Twinks > Traps > Trannies
It really makes no sense why the headmistress got so bent out of shape over something so stupid. I remember going to highschool with girls that went by Charlie and Sam instead of Charlotte and Samantha respectively, though they weren't queers.
It's not the education system's job to meddle in issues of personal politics. If the hebitch was a good student and wasn't disruptive in class I see no reason for all the fuss.
It's encouraged because the UN is looking for alternatives to slow down the population from having children
Yes. Some parts of Europe have had reports of family members encouraging their elders to get euthanized
>girl decides she wants to be a boy
>not putting on this song immediately and getting him ready for war
That's fucked up.I would never ask my family to hurry up and die so I can indulge myself.
A cross dressing think is a trap
Don't we do that here quite a bit?
Then why is the UN importing savages from the third world that breed like bunnies?
if they're girls they just need to stop wearing make up and not have a cleavage
nature wins once again