>movie on Jesus
>Jesus is a white Western male
>movie on Jesus
>Jesus is a white Western male
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liberals BTFO
The western depiction of Jesus seems much more friendly and reliable than if he was depicted as a dirty arab
>jesus isn't played by a jew
His dad was white, so yes.
(and that's a good thing)
Jesus wasn't a Jew though.
Semites can pass
i summon webm with Doctor Who and "whole history is a whitewash" because it's a cool webm which will trigger Sup Forumsacks because it's true
>Jesus wasn't a Jew though.
To be fair nobody is completely sure what he looked like, that area was kind of a mix. It's unlikely that he looked white, he probably resembled your typical modern-day Palestinian, but it's not impossible.
Judaism in its current form did not exist then.
Also he is the son of God, part of the holy trinity. Judaism exists to worship him. How can he be part of a religion which exists to worship him?
>Jesus of Nazareth
>White skin, blue eyes
What did they mean by this?
Giving me a number 978 gimme back my name let me go crazy a suitable case for treatment
When will we have a female Jesus? When will this patriarchy be over?
Better question is, when will we have a black jesus? Im tired of this racism.
>Jesus is a black African
>Pilate is a white male
>the Pharisees are all white males denying Jesus
>Mary Magdalena is a petite white girl who loves Jesus
So just like real world Jesus was?
nice dubs you hebe.
Judaism in its current form was well into its development at that point. Granted, the encyclopedic volumes of the Talmud had yet to be all written down, but the rabbis had started compiling it for almost 2 centuries by the time of Christ, and Jewish Kabbalah had started propagating within their cult for at least as long. Yeshua referred to these proto-Talmudic moneychangers as Pharisees.
That being said, Jesus was a Jew.
Clapburger education everyone
It's actually the opposite
Most of history has been mudsprayed or whatever you would call the opposite of whitewashing.
>Jesus wasn't a Jew
>Christianity origin was literally as a Jewish Sect that didn't fully break off from Judaism until a couple hundred years after it's origin
Jesus wasn't white though if you want to get technical. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, and judging roughly by the time of the scriptures, he'd have been of semitic ethnicity and culture. Therefore it is most likely that Jesus was in fact semitic, and not white, black, indian, or whatever else have you. It's almost comical that something like this that seems almost common sense to anyone with at least a three digit IQ, is such a point of contention.
>The focus of many early sources was on Christ's physical unattractiveness rather than his beauty. The 2nd century anti-Christian philosopher Celsus wrote that Jesus was "ugly and small"[20] and similar descriptions are presented in a number of other sources as discussed extensively by Eisler,[21] who in turn often quotes from Dobschütz' monumental Christusbilder.[22] Tertullian states that Christ's outward form was despised, that he had an ignoble appearance and the slander he suffered proved the 'abject condition' of his body.[23] According to Irenaeus he was a weak and inglorious man[24] and in The Acts of Peter he is described as small and ugly to the ignorant.[21]:439 Andrew of Crete relates that Christ was bent or even crooked[21]:412 and in The Acts of John he is described as bald-headed and small with no good looks.[25]
>As quoted by Eisler,[21]:393–394, 414–415 both Hierosolymitanus and John of Damascus claim that "the Jew Josephus" described Christ as having had connate eyebrows with goodly eyes and being long-faced, crooked and well-grown. In a letter of certain bishops to the Emperor Theophilus, Christ's height is described as three cubits (four feet six), which was also the opinion of Ephrem Syrus (320–379 AD), "God took human form and appeared in the form of three human ells (cubits); he came down to us small of stature."
Jesus was a manlet
Arabs weren't even part of the Levant when Jesus was alive
The Levant was white prior to Islam
>We reconstructed the genetic structure of the Levantines and found that a pre-Islamic expansion Levant was more genetically similar to Europeans
Jesus was described as a pale skinned man in the bible
>films are supposed to be historical documentation
good job op
This. We need women soldiers in WW2 movies.
The white revisionism has to be stopped
Jesus was a Jew, there weren't even any Christians when he was alive so how can he of been a Christian?
Whatever they are, they're not white Europeans
No shit, he was a Middle Eastern
Probably hairy and smelly as fuck too
Pasolini was right
They already made that show.
Jesus had long, scandinavian blonde hair and blue eyes
"Christian" isn't a race, genius
Nice pick by an Israeli artist btw, lol. We know what ancient Levantine people looked like and it wasn't that.
and the high ground
in the past I wouldn't believe this could happen but i can see it happening 100%
genetically similar != genetically identical
it means Levantines shared a more recent common ancestor with Europeans until Saudi Arabian populations moved in
Jesus was a kebab. Deal with it.
They were Finns?
hello there
If Jesus came back today, not only the jews would crucify him, but the christians too. And that's very sad. He would be labelled as dangerous terrorist and radical communist.
Those are just 3 head sculptures, the best you can get is limited data on facial structure if that is indeed legit and not cherry-picked Sup Forums garbage
Christians = people who follow Jesus. Not around when Jesus was alive?
The historical revisionism is amazing in this thread.
Choose life . . . But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got Yahweh?
When Jesus comes again it is the end of the world.
no, everyone who see he could heal people and walk on water and stuff and we dont crucify people anymore
>ambiguous father figure
are you paying attention op? mary was a semite and jesus' father is god. how is this not adaptable to any tribe? isn't that the point of the christian religion to be able to spread the word?
>biblical painting
>characters depicting wearing contemporary clothing
He was also a master of sword combat
>Jesus was a kebab
he wasn't literally or even metaphorically a kebab. Kebabs are the result of Turk invaders raping Anatolia, Jesus predated that by millennia.
Finns are white
>Doesn't recognize PPN B sculptures at a glance
The Sup Forumstards are claiming Jesus was never Jewish and they justify it claiming he was a white christian. The post is pointing out that Jesus was a Jew both ethnically and religiously
you can't distinguish a Middle Eastern from a European face based on 1k+ year old eroded head statues. that statue could just as easily be from even India just as much as it could be from Norway.
>Finns are white
>light emanating from Jesus
>Finns are white
herro benis in bagina
Have you been saved Sup Forums?
Face it, christcucks, Jesus was a jewish rabble-rouser who would have wanted you to welcome refugees
and he was a good friend.
ummm, tell that to the billions of poc murdered and raped by wypipo throughout history sweetie :)
>Sup Forumstards
nice boogeyman retard. remind me where in the bible jesus tells his followers to be jews. go ahead i'll wait.
>Jesus had long, scandinavian blonde hair and blue eyes
Only a Sith deals in absolutes
>man of jewish descent
>lived among jews
>preached to jews
>claimed to be the messiah as foretold by the jewish religion
hmm, I wonder...
>you can't distinguish a Middle Eastern from a European face based on 1k+ year old
Because there wasn't much difference until the Arab invasions. And those are 10k+ years old, but in amazing condition, not that you could tell.
Only according to literally every genetic study ever
>>We reconstructed the genetic structure of the Levantines and found that a pre-Islamic expansion Levant was more genetically similar to Europeans
You know who else are more genetically similar to Europeans than Arabs? Ashkenazis. But I'm guessing you wouldn't call them white.
go ahead look it up in the bible i'm not really interested in your interpretation
>Finns are white
The bible is a work of Christian/Jewish fables. It has been heavily edited since it's inception by many different groups to fit their agendas. If you understood anything about historical context you would understand that Jesus was a Jew, Christianity originated as a Jewish Sect., and a Jew 2,000 years ago wouldn't make the distinction that he was a Jew in his sermons or writings to a Jewish audience
All your pictures are just evidence of the once mighty Ancient Finnish Empire of the Hyper Age
um, sweetie, the bible is a fantasy book written by schizophrenics who thought God was talking to them. try reading a history book instead, my christcuck friend
>If you understood anything about historical context you would understand that Jesus was a Jew, Christianity originated as a Jewish Sect., and a Jew 2,000 years ago wouldn't make the distinction that he was a Jew in his sermons or writings to a Jewish audience
"don't preach to the romans because they aren't jewish" why don't you find me that part
>thinks anybody is going to worship this arab mongrel.
So everyone looked like Snoke before the arab invasions?
lol underrated
that's not my point though is it? you're just making things up about a faith you know nothing about. i don't pretend to talk about molecular biology and i'm not a molecular biologist. why should anyone care about your ignorant opinion?
>hurr he invented his own cult, that means he wasn't ethnically jewish
try again, honey
>Jewish scientist
>makes Jesus as ugly as possible
He's the literal son of God, he's not an average man.
i'm not claiming jesus wasn't a jew but you really want your opinion to be validated don't you?
>i'm not claiming jesus wasn't a jew
yes, you were, but now it looks like you admit defeat
>and a Jew 2,000 years ago wouldn't make the distinction
Then why did the Jews kill him?
I'm a Finn and I'm probably more white than any of you
point to where i said that please :)
why did the jews kill him anyway, what the fuck was their problem
Faith is a bullshit concept. What makes your faith more right than a Jew, Islamist, Buddhist, Hinduist, or any other religion since the beginning of civilization?
>those slanted eyes
just fucking with you user, you look good
Ashkenazi Jews reject the "white" label for political reasons
Calling jews non white is just being courteous to their "special needs"
It has all the tell tale signs of a Caucasian face.
Jews don't execute other Jews?
because he was destroying their tradition
You do realize that region was white back then?
Same with egypt.
It was long before arab rape raids.
Romans were jelly
>those eyes
The memes were true
Becuase that fucker Y*shua (may G-d forgive me for uttering that creature's name) thought he was a Jewish messiah (not even close to the first person who thought that) even though he fulfilled NONE of the requirements.
i don't see how that's an argument against faith user
Because Christian societies have flourished since accepting Jesus. All of those other religions have produced poverty and misery. Obviously, that's not proof, but it's why Christians have no problem deferring to faith.
nah, i'll just let you stew in impotent rage :)
Whitewashing isn't even supposed to have anything to do with race. It means covering up dirty truths with niceties. Every time I hear some "educated" fuckstain use that word I shit myself with anger. It's like when negros don't understand english and just make up grammar cuh dey feels good ta say. Like "dramatics" instead of "theatrics".
Or "when your crush walks by"
Do you also believe Moses was wearing a Yamakuh and had a bar-Mitzvah too?
Modern Judaism =/= Ancient Hebrew
Except Jesus Mary wasn't ensiminated by any male. It's impossible to know "what he looked liked"
For all we know Mary could have gotten fucked by a white Roman soldier who was garrisoned their