>There are 2 continents
>South america and north america
>But america is a country
>In the middle of north america
>Unitedstatian logic
Pic related, it's how the world really is
>There are 2 continents
>South america and north america
>But america is a country
>In the middle of north america
>Unitedstatian logic
Pic related, it's how the world really is
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this dumb ass doesn't know that we have two United States on the North American continent.
United States of Mexico (called Mexico for short) and United States of America (called America for short)
Typical uninformed Eurotard.
Fuck off, Achmed. We call our country what we feel like calling it.
>Insert x here
Literally nothing else here is of note.
It's that simple.
It's America. If anyone has a problem they can come declare war over it
>kraut cant understand a simple colloquialism
Not surprised.
It's called hegemony buddy, the military might speaks
I love when Europeans say that they love or hate America, but rarely define which country. Lol what has Paraguay ever done to you, fool?
Dude, just shut the fuck up, okay? Stop being a fucking word nazi. Everyone understands what we mean when we say America, and believe it or not, Americans actually do know about the rest of Americas existence, and we also understand the difference. You're not educating anyone here. You're being a dick.
The only people I've ever seen get pissy about this are white-presenting mestizos or their girlfriends. It's the same sort of people who think it's cultural appropriation when the Spanish speak Spanish.
I assume that makes you a Bundesrepublikian.
We prefer to just identify ourselves now as part of the Ummah.
Most Americans refer to this country as "the U.S." in my experience. Only bongs consistently refer to it as "America."
Let me educate you on geography.
You got America, America Junior, and Not America.
Also England and Australia. .
You may need another lesson in democracy, Ahmed.
There is only one true America.
The rest of the continent is irrelevant.
When people call it "America" it's because it's shorthand for "United States of America." Besides, North and South America are plural, to be "The Americas."
I'm sorry you're still learning English, Germany. One day you'll get the nuances down and not embarrass yourself when you open your mouth.
wrong proxy. It should be from one of the banana countries or Mexico.
No Alaska, No Hawaii.
>doesn't know about Australia Junior
>implying America isn't the whole world and anything outside of it even matters
It's actually United Mexican States but as always
>Unitedstatian education
>Americas are two continents
>First independent western country calls itself the united states of America since it was the first free country in America
>Butthurt third world countries complain that America can't be called America because reasons
Using your logic the UK cannot be called Great Britain because most people refer to it as the UK in short hand and Ireland is part of the British isles. Also Germany can't be a country either because Austria is a country with a German majority.
So now we have United Statsians, United Kingdominians, and Federal Republicans for America, Britain, and Germany respectively. No way this can get confusing.
>think it's cultural appropriation when the Spanish speak Spanish.
kek, fucking eurotard
Wow the immigrants even have internet now, do some research first please
when we protect everything on the left side of that picture then we have a right to be assholes and call ourselves Americans
yes, i knew this was bait
Yeah I've found this to be true. I only ever call it America when I'm talking to foreigners.
Even though you are right it doesnt really matter, if they want to be the centre of attention in such a shitty continent let them be.
Also, I dont know how it works in the rest of the americas but when someone asks you here where you are from we just answer we are uruguayan, we never really say we are american or latin american
This is a bunch of bullshit.
The US clearly controls both continents.
All you dominated worthless countries are effectively satellite states that are plots of land for the US to gather resources from.
Get over it.
Your shit countries wouldn't even exist without the the US military holding the rest of the world at bay.
You fucking slaves should be thanking us.
the only relevant countries in the whole americas are usa, panama, peru, chile and brazil
the rest are just decorations that give nothing to the world
>Forgetting Argentina, Colombia and Uruguay
>be Unitedstatian
>someone asks what my nationality is
>forget South America exists, because I'm a racist
You can /thread any time.
Yeah, no. We're still calling our country america
Lick our balls.
No it is, it's called Estados Unidos Mexicanos. lit: United Mexican States
people that believe in cultural appropriation are retarded and know nothing of history or culture.
We're actually called The United States of America.
Since saying that is a mouthful we just shorten it to America since we're the only country to have America in our name.
>Be a tiny island in Oceania
>gets to be called america because fuck you
Vespucci must be rolling in his grave
If you where a real country US might invade you and you could become American too.
Sorry Latin countries need not apply.
Look everyone! He posted it again!
Spics are useless though.
There are 35 countries on the American continent.
One (1) matters.
but the USA is called Estados Unidos de América in Spanish, same word order as for Mexico
Not really my friend, but it's just a mistranslation.
In spanish:
>Estados Unidos de America (USA)
>Estados Unidos Mexicanos (México)
There are 2 countries in Ireland.
One (1) matters.
that makes sense tbqh senpai
>Not United States
>Not part of the American Continent
>Turkish educational
It's our hemisphere so get the fuck out retard.
United States of America
The States
the US
The US of A
Learn what a nickname is, bruh
Why don't I see you autists complaining about calling The Republic of Korea just Korea when there are in fact two countries that describes?
Fuck off Ahmed, they are the best country in the continent they deserve to be call America
Based mexi-bro
>top continent
is North America
>bottom continent
is South American
>the country of the USA
is America
Learn the difference, faggot.
fucking retards
>Why don't I see you autists complaining about calling The Republic of Korea just Korea when there are in fact two countries that describes?
This is the first time i've seen someone referring to the koreas plainly as "korea" without clearing up whether it's south or north
He means that mos people associate Spanish with Mestizos, not Spaniards. It's similar to the whole we wuz kangs phenomenon where you can be a full blooded Egyptian but you'll still be labeled as White racist from our Sjws and niggers simply because you're not Black.
>being this cucked
I think 'this is germany' should be Argentina
Which unitestatians are you talking about, Bundesrepublikan?