Anyone else feel embarrassed for minorities who vote for Trump?

Anyone else feel embarrassed for minorities who vote for Trump?

They hate themselves so much that they're actually willing to vote for the White Power candidate.

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Low quality bait.

I feel sorry for CTR shills like you.

Go sow division somewhere else.

Shilling this hard 2016, get the fuck out of here nigger!


Wow bro watch the hate speech!

That nigga posts on Sup Forums regularly. He just plain loves the guy. Don't hate

I hate to burst your bubble but black on black crime is up in all Major cities. You can thank Obama's DOJ and black democrats in the inner cities not allowing people to properly arm themselves.

Income levels are down, and black unemployment is way up. So minorities are kind of sick of the bull.

>White Power candidate.
When has Trump ever mentioned white people?

>he hasn't been watching Trump's recent rallies
He's literally pandering to minorities harder than anyone. I'm surprised he didn't just bring Tyrone and Jamal on stage to fuck Melania

Anyone else feel embarrassed for whites who voted for Obama?

They hate themselves so much that they were actually willing to vote for the society destroying president.

Fuck off CTR shill
Only reason we vote for him is like every other American voting for him.

To Make America Great Again.
(And his policies are pretty damn solid)

ITT: Noob shill creates backfire.

Thanks for strengthening Trump's lead :)


If you were black OP you'd hate your own lesser kind more than any white.

I'm embarrassed for anyone who votes Trump, period. Unless you are a billionaire that is

>Mr. Gladney offered SEIU members a libertarian flag, they then said "what kind of nigger are you giving out this kind of stuff?" before proceeding to knock him to the ground and beat him

You and your kin WILL lose, and you WILL be found, and you WILL be burned alive for what you've done to our countries.

Do blacks have any legitimate grievances against him? The only thing I can think of is when he retreated "WhiteGenocideTM"'s black crime statistics that were slightly exaggerated.

I actually asked a black friend of mine this the other day. He swears he saw someone on facebook post a twitter screen cap of him saying all blacks should be sent back to Africa. Lo and behold, even though he swore he saved the screencap to his phone, he couldn't find it even though he totally saw it and it was totally real

Niggers seem so easy to manipulate, why haven't we become more adept at it by now?

Hi, Filipino trump supporter here

Tell your boss and all your CTR coworkers, I have your addresses from the FEC and if Hillary rigs it, I'm coming to kill you all myself

Pic related, it's you when I shoot you in november


found the nigger

Oh please, you all know that Trunp hates blacks latinos muslims Chinese and anyone else whos skin is a couple shades darker than his. Thats why you all like him so much...

You pretty much answered your own question.

Go to any random anti-Trump facebook page with blacks and look at the "memes" floating around.

When they're not an outright lie it's a quarter truth at best and the niggers eat it up.

0/10 try harder CTR

those minority blacks are a embarressment to Hillary imo, all the blacks that learned from the democrat platform actually went on to goto school and get placed in high paying jobs. the Alt right cant handle that because all they care about is white supremacy

Hillary is the white power candidate.

She hates those nigger "super predators" and takes money from the KKK for her campaign.

no old rich southerns founded the kkk

Less than 1.5% of Americans owned blacks at the peak of slavery.

So basically you're shilling for the same 1% you claim to hate so much that you have their dick a half foot down your throat.

You can twist his words to make him sound racist against Latinos and bigoted towards Muslims.

He's pretty explicitly said that his issue with China is their government being smarter than ours because they actually act in their own best interests, which seems more like a compliment than anything.

But seriously though, what has he actually said about blacks one way or the other? Can you think of anything besides that re-tweet I mentioned? If not, can you explain why that one re-tweet is several orders of magnitude more egregious than Hillary calling them superpredators and "bringing them to heel" throughout the 90s?

lol everyone in intellectuall circles knows that they didnt keep good records of the peoples of american during that time. Many whites owned slavery and even came to the us for slavery. Look around you, how many black people are around you? exactly. i cannot fathom how someone with such problamatic views can carry on without guilt. Oh yeah i forgot white guilt = no guilt

oy vey, that's anti-semitic goy

>no evidence
>no sources
>no arguments
You're retarded, Tyrone.

>b-b-but the number of blacks around you
>how else could it be?
So retarded, Tyrone.

>0.0000000000000000000000000000001 rocks were deposited into your account

Listen, I know you just got done with your first semester at your corrupt city university and you think you know exactly how the world works but I got bad news for you, I have looked around.

I've looked around since I was born and I grew up in black neighborhoods, with black friends, in black schools.

They are their own worst enemies.

White Supremacy is the only future for minorities. It is the only future for society.

The few smart niggers are aware of this, and know that in our INFINITE ALTRUISM, we will allow them to live among us.

Good for them.

I feel sorry for people getting paid minimum wage to shill.

Don't care for them. They are desperate for white approval. When trump gets in they will be sorry when he deports them. They are non white version of cucks

Not all blacks are democrats but all slave owners were democrats

Niggers have everything to gain from voting for Trump. Spics are their greatest rivals at the bottom of society, and if they ever become the majority, you can bet your ass they're not going to coddle niggers like white people have.

Betrayal and distrust are first things a South America learns. it only normal for us to backstab each other outside of our family circle

>i'm fucking tired of all the perks
>i've tried nothing everything works for less i'm worth
>i've served my bid all fuck life wasn't what it is all fuck life was just a bridge i seen some >free landed some tricks far i see high time man quit won't let you know when i get goin >phone ring too long phone ring too long i'm probably gone ring tone jingle my swan song

anyone else that is embarassed for white americans?
they hate themselves so much that they call each other 'nigga' and film themselves fighting like faggots

Kind of like the equivalent of white libtards who shout "YOU'RE A FUCKING WHITE MALE" at other whites.

Anybody who does not stand up for their own interests is mentally ill and instinctively repulsive.

>Thinking they're real
Someone probably paid him to act like that.


>el CONGOlombiano

Do you know that you can average $25/hour just begging for change in front of a 7-11?

And yet here you are Shilling for Hill at a mere $8/ would think it would be at the $15/hour rate she is pushing the rest of employers to pay, but why would her hypocrisy not touch all aspects of her campaign

>He bought a $25 image of a black man smiling

This has to be the real CTR, that's clinton levels of bureaucracy if I've ever seen it.

Shill detected... while you are here, please explain why wasn't there a popping sound when Hillary opened the pickle jar? How can she be trusted when she is lying and manipulating us over and over again? I would be embarrassed voting for a fraud...

Bump for trump

I'm black and I support Trump because I hate stupid liberals who think I need their help because I don't know any better


Yeah, and?

Want me to post Twitters of blacks calling for the death of all whites?

Stupid fuck, your alarm goes off if a black person wants to be more than a nigger but everything else flies over your head.

>10 cents has been deposited to your Correct The Record account

FACT: Democrats have extinguished the lives of millions of potential black lives through abortion.

FACT: Democrats are of the party of slavery and Jim Crow that use blacks as nothing but votes by making empty promises to them.

>ctr shill equating Trump with white power.

Hillary is the candidate from the party of slavery and Jim Crow. The party that has systematically destroyed blacks in the US through handouts, entitlement programs, drugs, and ghettos.

Trump wants to make America great again. A great American is great for all Americans.

Shill harder liberal faggot. This is a reddit-tier post at best.