Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

"Mrs. Clinton has a 1 percent chance of having a heart attack in the next 10 years. Trump’s risk is at least 7 percent, but possibly 9 percent or even greater. This is much greater than Clinton’s.

Based on the available information ,Donald Trump is more likely to have a heart attack in the next 10 years compared to Mrs. Clinton"

Other urls found in this thread:


Archive.is link?

It's just a man's privilege.

Also, these stats are worthless once you consider the context of their medical histories. Shillary has had multiple clots and a stroke, she's at a higher risk than the average female of her age.

>OB/GYN gives her opinion in the health of two people she doesn't know

Hillary looks sick, Trump is cutting deals w mexico as we speak. Trump will be the president

That's only cause he is male.

Hillary has no Heart.


>Trump more likely to have heart attack
>Clinton more like to
>>Develop Dementia
>>Have a stroke
>>Develop a blood clot
>>Shit her pants
>>Suffer a seizure
>>Develop Parkinsons
>>Develop some for of Arthritis
>>Develop Gout
>>Murder people for money

But she did open that pickle jar guiz

"Mrs.Clinton has a 99 percent chance of having a heart attack in the next 10 days. Trump's risk is at least 0.7 but possibly even 0.9 or even greater."

Statistics or kill yourself, faggot

How comes she can't keep standing up on her own, climb stairs or hold press conferences, then?

>Men are more likely to have a heart attack then women. Also the sky is blue, and the sun is looking like it will set in the west. More news at 11


Yeah, because clinton will probably die a lot sooner from whatever it is that's causing her assvolcano. Probably cancer.

What about chances of seizures?

>"Hillary can barely stand on her own but she's totally more healthy than Trump guise!"

>This is much greater than Clinton’s.
Are this cunt's readers so retarded that they need to be told that 9 is greater than 1?

You can't have a heart attack when you're dead from a stroke.

Is that why she's on warfarin?

Because it's only a 1% risk?

Tippy toppest kek

Thanks doc

Can't have a heart attack when you don't have a heart. Now sharting herself to deathh...


>science says

What did his physician say? You know the person responsible for properly analyzing his health.

Looks like there's a real doc in this thread. Thanks

That's because he's male. Maybe we should write the author to thank her for sharing the life quality gap between sexes.

The only people that would fall for this bullshit, yes.

Once I read one of her titles was "sexpert" that's when I threw any credibility she had out the window

That and just using the vague umbrella term of "science". Like lol she couldn't say "study" or "information shows", no just vague as fuck "science". This woman is a dumbass and should be gassed

>Medical expertise from a ((("sexpert")))

This is from the same publication that DELETES articles its journalists write that call into question Hillary's health.


Trump will be alive ten years from now.


You gotta be kidding!

wtf i love hillary now

"science says" lmfaaaooo

i work for CTR and even I think this is ridiculous


Remember when science said that Bernie Sanders gets the nomination?

Remember when science said that we won't have oil by this time?

Remember when science said that we're monkeys?

Remember when science said that mesas are made by erosion?

Remember when science said that earth was round (or flat)?

So liberals and everyone left of the spectrum should vote for Trump.

Hillary will 100% be ruining USA for a presidential term or two, then why not vote Trump who might die a year earlier according to """Science"""?

Averages don't work that way with individual cases. It only makes sense when looking at males in general.


Women are more likely to suffer from heart problems though

Turm limits are 8 years total so


>Clinton needs a fucking darth vader suit to get around
>LOL but trumps unhealthy cause hes fat XD

>Argument based on statistics of average
>When Hillary can't stand up

Statistically a wheelchair bound invalid falling off a cliff is less likely to die than Trump, because they're both old and men statistically die first :^)

Who is this hacker known as Science?

>Heart attacks are the only possible health complication

>based on no data
>one type of death, for which men are more likely to die in the first place
>disregarding Hillary having previous medical issues

Wow. Much biased. Very shill.

who is more likely to walk around in a shit stained dress and embarass america?

Heartattack isnt the only thing you can die from. Stroke, sinple heartfsilure, multiple organfailure, nervedamage leading to paralysis and suffocation. Saying trump would be more likely to have a heartattack is like saying "the jogger is more likely to die by being runover than a smoker who doesnt jogg" its says nothing about the health in general

It's basically the same argument as "stone age hunter-gatherers died at the age of 20", when in fact the average mortality for those that survived past childhood was decades higher.

Or rather lower.

thread btfo

op says heart attack like its a bad thing.

He only needs to serve 8 years, and WOMEN (says science) are MORE likely to die from cardiovascular failure (including stroke, which we have already observed in Hillary Pantshitter).

what a waste of scientific research