>Friend brings his gf to movie night
Friend brings his gf to movie night
>having friends and movie nights
aren't you cool mr normie
Bugs... easy on the carrots
Jesus Christ bugs, lay off the carrots bro.
>Take friend to movie night
>He keeps leaving to smoke cigarettes
>Eventually he leaves and come backs with a girl you have a crush on and didn't even know he knew
>They make out for the rest of the movie
easy... bugs on the carrots
>spend the rest of the night paying attention to the gf and nitpicking everything she does like its a topic on Sup Forums
>Friend group is me, a couple of guys and my crush
>We're all staying over at a friends one night to marathon Harry Potter and play vidya
>There's also alcohol and weed
>The host and my crush end up leaving to his bedroom to fuck
that's a big carrot...
he wants you to cuckold him
>his gf likes everyone in the friend group except me
>friend DOESN'T bring her bf to movie night
I'm pretty sure he knows what happens, he's well aware just how massive a slut she is.
We have to go bigger
You gotta lay off those carrots, Bugs.
>girl hugs all guys except you
>she avoids making eye contact with you and leaves the room when it's just you and her
>she asks what's happening in the movie every 5 minutes
Uh you dont get to bring friends
>go to movie night a least a dozen times occasionally making small talk with qt girl about kinos
>some faggot comes in and starts chatting her up
>next week they sit together and talk the whole time
Sneed... easy on the feed and seed
why does this happen to us bros?? >:(
>he asks if you wanna fuck her
>supposed to go see a movie with coworker
>Invites her boyfriend at the last minute
>Acts indignant when I tell her I don't want to go anymore
What the fuck is wrong with women
>doesnt make a move on the girl or let your intention to "romance" her be known
>complains when chad comes and swoops her up
She can feel your awkwardness or she can smell your virginity.
>keeps leaving to smoke cigarettes
Jesus Christ I've ended friendships over this.
>be the host of the movie nights due to my high end setup
>only show brapkino
>replying to my reply
stop being a fat faggot bugs
Girls can smell the betaness and are cold hearted so they like to mock us
>friend begs for months to marathon lotr on a weekend we both have off
>finally the day arrives
>goes outside to smoke every 15 minutes and looks at his phone the whole time
never again motherfucker.
she obviously thought you wanted to go out as coworkers first and then when she realized you wanted to fuck her made it awkward on purpose
>roomate brings new gf to movie night
>she drinks and smokes weed, knows how to have a good time but isn't a slut
>she's super nice to everyone
>cooks food for everyone
>everyone really likes her
>they date for 2 years
>she pretty much moves in at some point
>she becomes a mother figure and regularly cooks and cleans, talks about or problems with us, all that shit
>still super fun and super nice
>come home one day
>all her shit is gone
>"yeah man, we broke up, fuck that noise"
I miss you MIchelle :(
>go to friends house years ago when he was still alive and told me to talk to his gf more because she thought "i didnt like her" wtf does that even mean. I always said hello and stuff. and there was no kinky stuff involved.
No, often they are quite nice and give you ONE opportunity, when you fail to accept this opportunity for whatever reason, that's when they start to avoid you, it's like they feel rejected.
>friend bugs begs for months to marathon warner brothers toons on a weekend we both have off
>finally the day arrives
>goes outside eat carrots every 15 minutes and looks at his phone the whole time
nonsensical post
At no point did I express a desire to fuck her, and she's the one who suggested the two of us going to see a movie in the first place
fuck, you and some other asshole just did it. you successfully made this reach Baneposting levels of "hilarious in any context"
I miss you too.
>take trip to new york with friend and his then-girlfriend
>his gf starts relentlessly flirting with me even though I am making absolutely no passes at her, just treating her like a friend because she was pretty fun to have around
>not sure if friend is either clueless or secretly a massive beta because he doesn't seem to respond to it at all
>watching Unfriended in a hotel room
>they're in the bed, I'm chilling on the ground
>she keeps telling me to get on/in the bed
>don't want to start shit so I'm just laughing it off and passing every time
>"come on user, cuddle with us"
>friend finally speaks up
>"nope, that is not happening."
>she starts pouting and saying that I want to
>"no I don't, I'm quite happy where I am"
>we spend the next day in Times Square and she makes literally every attempt to get time alone with me
>orbit my friend for the entire day
>they break up the second we get back from our trip
What the hell is wrong with some women, Sup Forums?
Just realize that literally all women cheat. 100% of them do. He's destined for heartbreak if he finds out. The truth is that most guys don't find out.
I never know how to handle these situations where the guys invite chicks to come over, because i always feel i have to hit on them, and i know most of the times the guys are either dating them or like them.
It got to the point where the guys now always take me back to tell me "not this one". Why do you guys even pull that shit?
That hit pretty hard.
Hope you find her and date her again. sounded nice.
but the other guy said you have to establish your intentions
so what the fuck do you do?
What the hell man, call her up and ask to chill, even if it's just platonic
As long as you don't rub it in your friend's face, a good friend is a good friend
>Friend group is me
If a guy brings just one girls over, you should assume that she's off-limits.
this thread is making me feel good about never having friends or a social circle
>Have a crush on this girl I have classes with
>We're on the bus
>I ask her if she wants to catch a movie
>She agrees
>Fast forward to Friday
>She brought a guy friend with her who is also in our classes
>He cucks me and sits next to her, I'm on the far right
>They're sharing a medium pop corn and a bottle of diet Coke
>Spend most of the movie chatting
>I'm sat there checking my phone and pretending I'm not having the worst time of my life
>After the movie she asks us if we want to meet back at her dorm for wine and cheese
>I decline because I'd rather not feel like a fifth wheel as he literally cucks me
>all these faggots drink and do the weed.
>interact with the opposite gender.
>aren"t immediately ran off the board with pitchforks and told to drink bleach.
I imagine she was just being friendly but you're a massive autist and mistook it for flirting
>chilling at home
>friend randomly shows up unannounced with gf
>decide to watch Die Hard 2 for some reason
>she doesn't understand what's happening so he spoils the twist
I've posted this story before but I'll never forget that night
This, I don't feel comfortable with all the normalshits around.
I ended up stealing one of my best friends girlfriends. he was younger than me, a little naive, and I took total advantage of it. I had a much nicer car, a better over-all work situation and had just gotten out of a relationship which was pretty much the talk of High School. I fucked her a few times and he inevitably got mad, but i wouldnt even admit the relationship at all, until he saw her in my car passenger seat.
got mad, chased me around town, police got involved. I have no reason to make this up so Tyler, Im sorry dude.
What twist?
It's still pretty hard, man. Specially when the chick is hot and give you "fuck me" eyes. It's the whole situation where you've this party atmosphere, a hot chick and a vacant bedroom. My body just scream "easy sex" over and over again. Not to mention that once the movie start shit becomes too easy. The place is dark, everyone's attention is in the movie, the movie will take hours.
>ask a girl to come watch a film
>we're fucking 15 minutes into the film
>>I'm sat there checking my phone and pretending I'm not having the worst time of my life
should have left at that point
friends are a tool used by the corporate jew to peer pressure you into buying stuff
they all literally got cucked though
kinda says alot about this board actually
are you retarded
>Tyler, Im sorry dude.
Fuck you Chad.
Asking me to cuddle with her, proposing we play truth or dare and IMMEDIATELY asking about my dick, asking if I could help her pick out bras, and finding weird and awkward excuses to give me hugs at all hours of the day is not "just being friendly"
She even asked if she could come to my house a few weeks after they broke up
>Sat watching kino with friends
>Movie starts
>Need to fart really bad but hold it in
>Stomach rumbles and gurgles non stop
>Try so hard to make it stop I can't focus on the film
>I share a board with literal cuckolds
You must be really outgoing and muscular if you can get laid that easily. Shy and average guys don't get gfs very often.
4chimps has been normie central ages ago, even in Sup Forums you see people talking about girls and sex
>movie night
Is this something americans do?
I don't care, I don't want these normal fags around me, Sup Forums is my hideout.
When the commandos show up to help McClane fight the terrorists but are actually in cahoots with them. The terrorists swap out the cartidges in their guns for blanks and she was like "what are they doing?" and he explained that the commandos were evil but you weren't supposed to know yet
Yeah I know I'm autistic what of it
>when he was still alive
There's Movie Morning, Movie Midday, and Movie Midnight too
It's impossible to not get laid in these type of situations. You just have to be more aware of your surroundings and female body language.
>things that never happened
Don't forget Hollywood Penis Inspection day
>My chad friend asks if I want to go to his movie night
>He's having a horror themed evening
>I bring my crush because we're supposed to bring a +1
>He fucks her
Fuck chads why do they prey on the weak
>girl in group brings her black boyfriend to movie night
Get out.
>never been to the movie theater without my mom
skellyfags pls leave.
he died from diabetes and alcoholism. was 30 at the time and I was 27
I still listen to his voicemails sometimes.
All my friends gfs HATE me lol. It's weird but I get it. I'm harmless though that's the funny thing and I do actually try to not be totally awkward now, like I'll make light banter whenever I get the opportunity.
But yeah they fucking hate me. The most awkward thing is how weird my friends will obviously think it is. Well, friend. I've only really got one left now and he's slipping away too
Life sucks doesn't it bros
>my lack of self control is okay because I'm le alpha male
Pull yourself together and practice keeping your dick in your pants you fucking slut
Oh yeah.
That's rough, user. At least you'll always have him in your heart.
just excuse yourself and go to the bathroom, fucking autist
But an average-looking guy wouldn't get signals like that. Only a really outgoing and muscular guy would receive female body language like that.
>Be me around guys
>Comfortably drive the banter bus
>Be me around guys and even just one girl
>Not comfortable enough to speak up
Dude, you don't bring a chick to a place full of men and booze. She'll reevaluate her options on the spot and lose whatever restrain she has thanks to the alcohol, specially because she'll be desperate to lay some sort of claim to that much better guy she just met in fear of losing her chance later on.
>Excuse myself
>Go to bathroom
>actually make moves on girls I like
>they reject me anyway
Even when you're dating the chick? Come on.
can't you just go outside?
>hindering our species' ever-marching progress towards becoming supreme beings by intentionally keeping your potential mate away from stronger, more capable males
lol everyone here who
knows girl gets cucked