literally a copy of event horizon
Literally a copy of event horizon
literally not
>literally a copy of the original Prometheus script before Lindelof got his hands on it
fixed that for you
Was this one in 3D too? I remember Prometheus being in Imax 3D was a big deal and seeing the trailers for it was amazing but I don't recall seeing it mentioned in the marketing campaign for Covenant
No 3D for Covenant
It's literally not even close to the same thing
This movie makes me angry.
Nobody cares about xenomorphs anymore, just explore the rest of the alien universe with the space jockeys.
Wtf are you going to do new with xenomorphs? oh wy wants to make the weapons again and again and again? and here comes Ripley to do the same shit again and again and again.
at least the cluster fuck that is prometheus tried something new, not just WY wants to weaponize xenomorphs again, but no, now you gotta make David do the same shit WY has been trying to do as well, why? because it's familiar, muh familiarity
fuck you, ridley, fuck you, wb
you had something with potential and you took a big shit on David and the engineers
>WY wants to weaponize xenomorphs again, but no, now you gotta make David do the same shit WY has been trying to do as well, why? because it's familiar, muh familiarity
Are you retarded? David doing this is what started WY on the path to get this biotech.
You are aware that Covenant is a prequel to Alien right?
Would you rather see a dead space movie by carpenter or system shock 2 by cameron?
so lindelof actually improved something? woah
Dead Space by John Carpenter... probably.
SS2 is more exciting, but Carpenter is more capable.
I'd rather see Prometheus 3 by Cameron than either of those
>a fucking video game is better than the last four films in the same franchise
Sad sad sad times.
Oh shit wrong pic
what video game?
Alien Isolation
It took influence from the first movie only and it benefited greatly from it. It's a far more worthy sequel than even Aliens
Alien Isolation I assume he's talking about.
It is pretty good and the story, as bare bones as it is, is better than anything Ridley Scott has scrapped together.
That game was great. It was the most loyal follow up to Alien we've had. Even more so than Aliens.
alien is a perfect movie. aliens is an awesome sequel because it switched the genre from horror to action. alien 3 is the closest we got to the first and was poorly realized. everything after that is worldbuilding, and fans want spectacle and explanation.
i can understand how a video game would further immerse you in that enclosed environment, being stalked by a terrible monster, but another movie taking after the first is pointless and would disappoint everyone since alien was a unique masterpiece. while the rest of the movies have flaws that anyone is free to criticize, you gotta accept that even if they'd followed either formula, they would have been rehashed shadows of 1 and 2.
Do you think before posting?