Blood of the Dragon edition
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Blood of the Dragon edition
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traps are not gay
>wanted to strangle Cat after the first book tbqh
I always found her reaction there believable. Always found it weird how much people hated Catelyn more than I did given I hate my irl mum.
Wintahz cummin
Remember when Baelish saw Arya working for Tywin and nothing ever came of it?
>Ned, put on this dress so I can practice my wedding to Lyanna
I wish bobbyposting wasn't dead
How can westerosi even compete?
how do their bears grow so nicely
i have a patchy beard with hair growing out of my eyes literally
look at this chad, his beard is nowhere near his cheekbones
So Jon dies (for real) in S8 right?
spoilers: they shave those bits
>"Jon why didn't you just fucking lie to Cersei?"
>"Look, it may have gotten my father killed, and it may have even gotten me killed, but it's more important that I stick to my guns and be completely honest for no conceivably productive reason because if I know one thing, it's that I got this far somehow, so I must be doing something right in all those situations where I won completely in spite of every single one of my decisions"
>"Jon I really relate to your strategic abilities, fuck me now"
They really nailed the chemistry desu
How can rest of the world even compete?
As long as it lives on in your heart, it's not truly dead
Yeah we sucked each other off, but BY GODS we were MEN Ned!
So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide.
How do you deal with knowing we're going to have to have at least 500 days of shitposting ahead of us until season 8?
>Two books at one time
I don't think he said that
Provide source
What Jon did was stupid, but Cersei was never going to help anyway. Jon also sent a raven to Sansa that stated that he bent the knee. It literally didn't matter what he said to Cersei at that point.
I've watched season 1-5 in the past 5 days, so watch a season per day for 500 days I guess
>there is no gene for cruelty
>it's in their blood
God I hate that stupid fat smug hack.
Too bad he didn't realize that before he got a dragon killed huh
>How do you deal with knowing we're going to have to have at least 500 days of shitposting ahead of us until season 8?
Pretty damn good
Did Aerion become a dragon? I think his logic was sound imo
Rewatch every season and rework every phrase ever said into a meme.
Share good ost /got/
The drama between the two Stark sisters was complete fucking red herring.
I feel kind of mad for being tricked like that, just to create a surprise twist.
It's hard to explain, but I feel like the director makes a fool out of me when he does that shit.
Modern Day Isaac is the Night King
Feels good man. Shitposting on /got/ is the only thing that keeps me going.
And you know that Viserion was going to live if Jon got on Drogon how?
Why are people blaming Jon for Tyrion's stupid plans? Jon is dumb for going along with them, but he is not the one making the shitty plans.
It wasn't though. Baelish would have tricked them if demigodlordoflight Bran didn't fuck things up.
Say what you will about CIA, but it took Professor X to stop him. He did very well all things considered.
It's unreal to me that anyone even took this seriously.
They could have put at least a shred of effort into not making it the most obvious misdirect ever, but they didn't even try to dress it up at all. It was literally "we're tricking Littlefinger teehee" the plot dragged out for like 2 or 3 eps.
I half expected them to give eachother big exaggerated winks and make sure to talk really loudly in the direction of some curtains with Littlefinger's feet sticking out under them.
After giving Sansa a speech about anticipating everything going wrong at the same time, not once does it occur to him to leave. Not once.
It was suspenseful, but suspense should come from there being multiple, reasonable outcomes that would fit the character.
Instead it came from "are the the writers retarded enough to have this happen"
>not once does it occur to him to leave. Not once.
How do you know?
Wasn't it Jon who wanted to get 'proof' in the first place?
And the changes of Viserion living go up with Jon not just lounging there while NK loads up his ice spear.
Because they never showed it, and because he was completely caught off guard.
Stands to reason if it had occurred to him he would either look a little less surprised or, you know, have left already.
What do you guys think about the theory that Patchface was revived by the Drowned God who is the Great Other.
Is that the reason Melissandre thinks he is dangerous?
And what about his mysterious rhymes?
Melly is a smelly dumb hag who doesn't know shit.
I know. I know.
>Because they never showed it
How would they show his inner thought process? he can't talk about it because he doesn't trust anyone.
>because he was completely caught off guard
Yeah? that doesn't mean it didn't occur to him to leave. He simply chose not to because he didn't think it would happen.
Will that be their children's sigil?
Burn this fat retard
*feeds you to the fires*
Fires can't start under the sea the bald mermen jump out and slice off your cock.
I know. I know.
They'd show him give some sort of look or take pause or show ANY consideration that maybe the starks aren't falling for it.
How could it occur to him to leave, ie he considers the fact that he could be in danger, and yet he "doesn't think it would happen." If if occurs to him, then he thinks it would.
And that's literally the speeches he gave:
1. assume everything has gone wrong
2. assume the worst intentions in people
That's his own advice right there. He made the mistake of exactly what he lectured Sansa about.
*teleports behind you* is the ultimate move in GoT. It literally cannot be blocked or countered.
That's it. Now I know why I'm so fucking mad at this.
The writers did the equivalent of "lolol I just trolled you, I was only pretending to be retarded all along".
>Sansa and Arya is arguing
>This looks forced as shit, do you really want me to believe this shit?
>Well I guess I will just roll along with your retarded plot since you're forcing it in that directiong
>Oh wow you sure tricked me all along
damn the targ dragon is thicc
>They'd show him give some sort of look or take pause
How would that communicate that he thinks about leaving?
He gave that speech to Sansa to make her paranoid. He obviously doesn't play this game, or at least choose the worst option, because he was fooled by Tyrion before.
When will Edric Storm come back to claim his fathers Throne?
Some 2 second scene where he's alone and he looks out a window at a horse or just contemplates a little or someone makes a comments about how Starks never turn on Starks. Something small to show he maybe harbors some doubts.
>He obviously doesn't play this game
which is my point. It's stupid.
Jon did want to get proof. He also never came up with the Wight Hunt plan. That was Tyrion's idea. That was a stupid idea that was doomed to fail. Jon just went along with it. You might as well say that Jorah caused Viserion's death, because he was as equally culpable as Jon.
Also, Viserion having better odds of surviving and Viserion surviving are two separate things.
All Tyrion has to do is wipe his hands clean of the situation, and others will somehow manage to blame Jon for everything that goes wrong. It's truly baffling. The only good thing Tyrion has done this season is mediate a meeting between Jon and Dany, but people act like Jon is the moron. Jon is the only one keeping a Dany in check. Jon convinced Theon to grow a pair. Jon convinced Jaime to drop his psycho-bitch sister. Tyrion almost single-handedly lost Dany all of her allies in Westeros, including Jon. And then he starts brooding when she starts only listening to Jon, as if he somehow earned the right to give her advice.
>not Queen Mya
If someone will ever do the Aegon's conquest I bet they will use this track for Aegon's first coronation scene
>which is my point. It's stupid.
No, you said he DOES believe in this game.
tl;dr stop thinking that if something didn't happen on-screen or directly communicated to you, it didn't happen.
All hail for the one girl that could so easily make me go against the general rule of "never stick it in crazy"
Just too cute
Nah bro he was just brooding for Jorah who was on suicide watch.
Not really, Jon stayed down in the battle for a really good chunk of time that was absolutely unnecessary.
*blocks your path*
He does believe in the game, that's why he preached it. The fact that he didn't play it himself is stupid. Stop acting obtuse.
And no, I'm not going to assume shit happened that didn't. If they don't even bother showing it it likely didn't. And even if it did but they didn't bother, it might as well not have. That's kind of how it works in storytelling. Don't mention something, don't show it, don't give even a single hint of it=probably didn't happen.
>No spooky skeletal yandere gf
So what do the WW actually want guys?
What's their motive?
Yes, I am not saying he didn't, but I also acknowledge that Viserion was not going to survive as a certainty if Jon got on Drogon. There are simply too many factors to consider.
To oppress the strong female leadership of dany
to see this damn shitshow brought to an end
They ran out of evil white males, so they had to escalate the thing with the evil up north.
why was dany hot this season
To kill all hoomans, as that's what they were created for by children of the forest
>North Aegonica
>South Aegonica
No, he preached it to make Sansa paranoid, you dumb cunt.
The writers expect their audience to have a shred of intelligence and an ability to understand characters and their difficulties without saying it out loud. Obviously they didn't expect autists like you.
Night King is a secret targ
Jon's ass should be king. May his reign be full, bouncy, and squishy
I'm not saying without a doubt by any means, but if the chances are affected then it's not wholly inaccurate to blame Jon. If it was Tyrion's idea, he def plays a role, but I can't blame him for the entire execution of the plans, whereas I can blame Jon for how he acted in the moment. It's one thing to have a plan that goes awry, but to actually be there affecting it as it plays out is a lot more glaring.
She wanted nephew dick badly
Dragon armor is a +4 to Charisma
D&D to finally end all this madness
When suspense/a twist is done properly, there are hints at what is going to happen. A person watching it the first time might be able to deduce the twist based entirely on what happens on-camera (and not meta-knowledge like "of course Arya and Sansa are going to reconcile"). Rewatching will shed new light onto old events.
Re-watching The Sixth Sense, you can pick up on clues that Bruce Willis was dead the whole time. Re-watching Fight Club, you can pick up on clues that Tyler Durden and the narrator were the same person.
If D&D were competent, they would have thrown something like that in (e.g., every time Sansa and Arya are feuding, Littlefinger is in the scene so you now realize that they were just putting on an act for him). Instead, we got something that is both entirely obvious and yet came out of nowhere.
She was hot because she was tsundere and then dererdere for Jon.
Queen of Love and Beauty.
They were directly shown to be created in order to destroy mankind.
It doesn't make it wrong or any less his belief
>It's autistic to never see Littlefinger show any doubt and be caught completely off-guard as if he didn't have any and thus assume he didn't meaningfully consider doubting his plan
you're just desperate to make this point even as it makes less and less sense arent you
>They were directly shown to be created in order to destroy mankind.
It clearly didn't work as they intended though
The "clue" was that the sisters were acting out of character.
> tsundere
> dererdere
Take your weebshit somewhere else. This is a Tibetan sand mandala Gopher page.