>hey user, wanna watch LOTR with me? I love those films...
your response?
>hey user, wanna watch LOTR with me? I love those films...
your response?
eat your eggs first
No the hobbit is better.
That black belt in dick sucking hnnnnngggg
stutter violently then literally run away like naruto
If we can fug first, then I can sleep through that lotr piece of shit
>Best guess for this image: Cogito ergo sum
Let me see your penis first
no you don't understand these movies dumb woman
finally you started posting hot girls
"Are the extended editions okay? I got them on Bluray for only $35 on prime day a couple years back, it was a helluva steal, but I love this series too"
sure! i did that one time in college with my friends who were big lotr fans and during the marathon we all bought personal cases of beer and made "wizard staffs" (or staves if you want to be pedantic) from the empties and duct tape and then fought with them. it was super fun! is being hit in the face with aluminum a turn on for you?
Watch the good first two and then fuck during the travesty that is RotK? Sounds perfect.
>Sure, I'd love to. Should I run down to the store and get some snacks?
No, I'm just playing. I'd shit my pants, flail my arms around and scream WHORE in her face.
>How did you get into my bedroom to speak to me? D-did my mum pay for you?
Fucking mum always paying for hookers to get me to lose my virginity. I'M 50 MUM THERE'S STILL PLENTY OF TIME WITHOUT HAVING TO PAY FOR IT
directors cut?
pls respond
"Y-You too"
>Heyyy user, I watched Drive like you recommended earlier and it was fantastic! Could you tell me some other "kinos" and maybe watch one with me this weekend? I-i mean, if you want to and aren't busy or something...
No thanks. Let's watch something stupid so I can start fucking you an hour into the movie. How about one of the Hobbit films?