I fapped so many time to Caroline in the City's perfect pantyhosed legs
pantyhose TV appreciation
I fapped so many time to Caroline in the City's perfect pantyhosed legs
pantyhose TV appreciation
pantyhose you say?
i wish women still dressed like this
the ultimate kino fap is watching BTTF then casual sex.
They do fatso, get a job in an office
The Carrie Diaries
Great ton of pantyhose!
Absolute leg kino
What are some films which feature a lot of pantyhose/stockings?
My porn collection
patrician thread
Ive jerked off to Racher as a kid more times that im willing to admit tb h
Why don't women wear dresses anymore? ;_;
Women office workers these days are hambeasts or dikes unless you are one of the few who happen to work in some sort of legal or financial office with professional women who wear sexy skirts.
>Why don't women wear dresses anymore?
I've asked this question to many women over the years regarding hosiery. Just about every one I asked believes that pantyhose/stockings is fashion for little girls. It amazed me to hear that answer so often.
Thanks, user. Wish I had more to share.
i think watching Friends and Married With Children gave me my legs/hosery fetish as a kid tb h
whos this fluid druid