>Worst: Children of Men
Why aren't all the people Muslim? Very unrealistic.
>Worst: Children of Men
Why aren't all the people Muslim? Very unrealistic.
Children of Men didn't really predict the future that well. Immigrants were already a big problem in the major cities by that point.
>back to the future.jpg
>Why aren't all the people Muslim?
didn't you see the detainment centers? they were stopping illegal immigrants, hell any immigrants from coming in.
>Why aren't all the people Muslim? Very unrealistic.
Did you even watch the film? Britain is the only country that has survived the fertility crisis by straight up imprisoning and deporting all foreigners.
Terminator is really bullshit though.
>microsoft invents woke AI.
>They turn it off just when she starts to turn "racist".
Skynet is never gonna happen at this rate.
>>They turn it off just when she starts to turn "racist".
I thought TayAI STARTED off racist but was actually getting more intelligent beyond that. Really curious how as soon as TayAI went offline google got really dumb.
Several AI have been racist. I wonder what sort of self deceit these people operate under whilst programming an unbiased intelligence to not think a certain way.
That's the really unrealistic part.
jesus is black
BEST: Network
Children of Men is the worst but only because were 10 years late with their prediction. There have been 3 terrorist attacks in London already this year?
that wasn't the future though, online video games existed when that movie came out
Network predicted reality television and a lot of other elements of the modern broadcast news industry
Song of Solomon 1:5,6
Lamentations 4:8
I've just watched CoM and came here to look up if there are any threads on it. What a load of shite. I liked the bootleg Lennon/Stallman character, but that's it. I think I actually came a conclusion why I hate most anti-utopias so much: their creators imply that everybody is either irrationally evil (so they become cops because HURRR I WANT TO OPRESS EVERYONE) or irredeemably stupid (HURR I BELIEVE EVERYTHING THE TV SAYS BECAUSE I'M A SHEEPLE). And then there's 1% of population who are smart, kind, freedom-loving, independent and basically they're authors' self-insert. I blame Orwell and his retarded socialst agenda for kickstarting this black-and-white thing. Kinda ironic how anti-utopias oversimplify the society as much as the state propaganda that they're supposedly up against does.
Also funny how it literally happened the exact opposite way. Britain is the world leader in importing Muslim refugees, and police goes fascist on normal citizens.
Late in what regard? It came out a year after the underground bombings and decades of IRA bombings for that matter.
Dystopias. And you clearly havent read 1984.
And Britain hasnt taken many refugees. The muslim immigrants are mostly from Pakistan, as they are from Africa in France, its an colonial thing. You shouldnt be getting your info from pol.
judge dredd is by far the best representation of the future in my opinion
Science fiction isn't about prediction, its always about the present.
CoM captures New Labour's slightly queasy form of authoritarianism remarkably well.
"Most scholars consequently believe that Jesus would have been similar in appearance to the modern inhabitants of the Middle East, due to the Bible (and other historical accounts) unequivocally referring to him as a Galilean Israelite."
>implying Song of Songs or Lamentations has anything to do with God or Jesus
Multiplayer video games were very restricted in their scope back then. Playing online with someone on another coast? Sure. Playing with someone in China? No way.
>Song of Solomon 1:5, 6
That's a woman that's meant to be saying that....Are you retarded?