Anyone seen this movie? I don't even like westerns but holy mother of fuck, this was amazing. More a horror than a western. Kind of movie you'll never forget.
Anyone seen this movie? I don't even like westerns but holy mother of fuck, this was amazing...
>I don't even like westerns
Why's that?
great movie, never heard of it until I saw it on Amazon. Cast especially nailed it.
graphic violence is unnecessary and annoying
More into fantasy/scifi/horror
Oh well alright then
>is unnecessary and annoying
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It is so fucking good, no bullshit forced situations or events, horror is amplified by the brutal reality of the situation, when they enter the cannibal territory and the throat scream sound, scary shit
The popularity of westerns is inversely related to the rise of the beta male/feminized society.
Proof? Westerns were popular in the 1950s and it was hardly a feminized society.
He means as western popularity decreased, feminism of society increased
Absolutely ridiculous kinography
well that was absolutely disgusting
>that part where he slams the knife in his mouth
its even worse when you can hear the scream
>that scene where the troglodytes passed the qt around like a peace pipe
Jesus, people need to stop shilling this mediocre flick on here, it's getting annoying. This movie has about 10 minutes of decent western horror scenes and mood scenes. The cast are fine but all the parts feel like they were written by a kid in community college. The vast majority of the movie looks like it was shot by a student and the set design was shit too. The plot of the movie was original, I guess, but sort of hokey once you give it a second thought. There are some Injuns so bad that not even other Injuns like them. Well shucks, that means it's not racist then, huh? The Missing did a way better job of doing a "brutal" Western movie years before this movie.
>Bone Tomahawk
>Slow West
>Hell or High Water
Is the Western finally making a comeback or is that wishful thinking?
BROKE: Republicans are racist!
JOKE: Democrats are the real racists!
WOKE: Republicans and Democrats are no different.
BESPOKE: It's me. I am the real racist.
Never forget that, faggolas.
atmospheric as fuck and nu-val kilmer was the shit
why did he poo out red stuff
pleb: filtered
>that cracking sound
>the parts feel like they were written by a kid in community college
This is some pleb-tier criticism, mate. The writing was as on point as I've seen in anything Hollywood has made in a long, long fucking time. This was the kind of writing Tarantino had in the 90s before he became retarded, except you could tell whoever wrote this was actually literate.
>There are some Injuns so bad that not even other Injuns like them. Well shucks, that means it's not racist then, huh?
You seem mad that it's not yet another Hollywood flick about evil whites.
t. reddit
It never REALLY went away but it was like 1 western per 5-10 years. I think Kurt has always wanted to play westerns so now he gets to nonstop.
>tfw found it boring
Am I an ADHD spaz or something or is it actually slow?
Stick to your reddit flicks, fucking plen
no doubt its a slow burn but yeah if you found it boring then you probably have aspergers
>The writing was as on point as I've seen in anything Hollywood has made in a long, long fucking time. This was the kind of writing Tarantino had in the 90s before he became retarded, except you could tell whoever wrote this was actually literate
The dialogue sounded like someone that had watched a couple westerns and was trying to affect the dialect but had done absolutely nothing to actually round it out when the the lines were delivered. Everything came off as awkward, unnatural and uncompelling. Kurt Russell delivered a good performance because he has presence. Patrick Wilson and the wrest of the sub-A list cast don't have the chops to pull the same thing off with such a dull script though.
>You seem mad that it's not yet another Hollywood flick about evil whites.
Lol, calm down, Sup Forums. I was unimpressed that the film didn't have the balls to actually just make the bad guys regular Indians that were just very savage. It's not like there isn't historical precedent for the brutality of tribes like the Comanche. Nah, they kept it PC and made it so that another Indian gave it them the stamp of approval.
The movie was OK. It wasn't shit, it wasn't great. Just OK. From what I remember the characters were well written but the directing was pretty bad. I think it was directed by the writer, so the guy was inexperienced and it showed. It was basically X-Files/Western mashup, which I guess is sort of a novel concept but the execution was whatever.
This movie gets an unexplainable amount of praise on Sup Forums and considering it's a low budget flick, I wouldn't be surprised if they use astroturfing to promote it. Or maybe Sup Forums is full of easily impressionable children.
>they kept it PC and made it so that another Indian gave it them the stamp of approval.
This really does upset you and it's hilarious
I don't think they are going to be any straight-up westerns like Unforgiven anytime soon. It's westerns with added elements like Westworld or bone tomahawk
>waaah stop liking thing! le astroturfing!
and you have the gall to call others children
Do you get a nickel for each shitpost or is it a daily rate thing?
Basically Kurt Russell has never made a bad movie. I'm not saying that is infinite but the odds of it being bad are astronomically low. Sup Forums is like 90% impressionable children though, yeah.
It's bad writing and I was disappointed watching it, so yeah, that's upsetting. Feel free to actually contribute to discussion of the film or just head back to whatever subreddit there is for circle jerking this movie
It was recommended to me in a different Sup Forums thread and I don't enjoy watching it for one bit.
It gave me the feeling of a D&D adventure more than anything as a party of composed of Paladin, Ranger, Cleric and Bard wen't out on a quest to save the Cleric's waifu.
Jesus fucking Christ. I guess I'm watching this now.
Spot the redditor 101
Even though I generally agree with your opinion other than the reddit rant you went on about racism.
I wouldn't even consider Westworld a western. It's supposed to be sci fi, basically, and the whole "western" element is just an aesthetic to be deconstructed. BT is actually a straight-faced Western that incorporates horror elements,
Exactly, just a pointless film.
It's kino