In my opinion, 28 days later and dawn of the dead were the movies that defined the modern zombie genre.
What is THE best zombie movie/series?
I fucking love Dawn of the dead remake. Sean of the dead also is a great zombie movie. Really nails that everything going to shit survival feeling
>modern zombie genre
The "modern zombie" genre does nothing except show how superior the original zombie movies were.
Third for Dawn of the Dead remake it made a jump from same old zombies to something new and fresh
I remember buying the Dawn of the Dead(2004) directors cut dvd with the extras like buddy's homevideo in his gunshop and the extra gore, it made me love zombie movies more than any other movie. Zack Snyder is my god and he should be yours too.
I loved the original but the remake was done so well. Snyders one good movie.
in my humble opinion Carriers its one of the best low budget zombie movies
Still waiting for that 28 Months Later. I love both movies.
I concur. Saw the original in 70mm, in a theater with just 2 other people. Was cool.
Dead Alive/Braindead
Day of the Dead
Return of the Living Dead
As much as I love the 28 series, they aren't zombie movies.
zombies = the dead come back to life
28 = mutated rabies/virus
I'm happy that Sup Forums no longer stupidly, autistically and above all wrongly argues that "28 days later etc does not feature zombies", and now correctly accepts 28 Days Later and its sequel for the zombie movies that they so obviously are.
Five-seven years ago OP, some autistic idiot would have vociferously insisted that the antagonists in 28 Days Later are not zombies. There were lots of them and they were really serious about their idiocy, which was idiotic even then - because any film is free to give its own backstory to what amounts to the same social disease, which can meaningfully and fungibly be dumped under the zombie category. This is what the above, less sophisticated autists missed - for them, anything short or deviant of Romeroesque clinical death of the same human body does not a zombie make.
Can you please never do this again.
28 weeks was a dumpster fire
I wouldn't call it the best of anything, but Dead Set is really enjoyable.
>28 Days Later
>Night of the Living Dead
>Shaun of the Dead
>28 Weeks Later
>Dawn of the Dead Original
>Dawn of the Dead remake
>All of the Romero sequels
>World War Z
>that stupid fucking romantic comedy with the zombies
I love the original Dawn Of The Dead... but I prefer the remake.
Shawn Of The Dead is incredible.
Juan Of The Dead is almost as good (Cuban zombie comedy, really funny).
>watch everyone 24/7
>don't watch potentially infected person
Shouldn't Shaun of the Dead be under Fun Tier?
Maximum patrician post here. Day is secretly Romero's best zombie movie.