"Clinton Unpopularity" was trending on Twitter

Over 20,000 tweets. Then it disappeared from the side bar.

Other urls found in this thread:



Jack Dorsey is gay.

How many times do you need to be reminded that all the powers that are, the majority of every major influential place on the internet or television wants the Clinton foundation in power?

Truth is the only thing that matters anymore, and surprisingly a mongolian knitting anime paper folding forum is one of the few places left to get it.

20,000 tweets isn't that much for the english speaking twitter

It should be criminal for a dominant social network exercising an oligopoly to censor political speech, and the "muh hate speeccccchhhhh" excuse doesn't work for me, specially in that case.

Sounds too leftwing / totalitarian. People should just be shown the bias inherent the systems and how they have a disproportionate effect on society, and choose a new social network. Capitalism works. Facebook *will* die.

It doesnt bother me that they do it, it bothers me that they try to be sneaky about it. If they came right out and said "we support Hillary Clinton and may take certain measures to keep hate speech about her off our network." then i wouldnt care at all. Obviously they couldnt do that because they would lose a shitload of money.

Twitter donated to the Clinton foundation. They need to get some ROI and can only do it if Hillary gets elected.

I'm in the Navy, and I have yet to find a single fellow officer that is voting for her. Not everyone likes Trump, but nearly everyone hates Hillary. I'd imagine its the same for enlisted too.

Pretty sure the enlisted would openly love Trump and not talk about Hillary at all if your enlisted have the same temperament that ours do

I'm all for free market and shieetz, but we don't live in a free market. All major medias are government funded, or in part funded, or tax relieved. These guys don't play by the same rules as the free market.

And it is not against free market to fight against negative externalities.

Both bother me in my opinion. T

And to come back one again with the argument "its totalitarian to impose social networks to not censor political speech", this is something a dictator in the middle east would say.

>the like to dislike ratio
Even her propaganda is unpopular.

trying to hide it only makes it more obvious

I don't think government oversight of social networks is going to fix the bias problem

The answer is to start a better social network

>I'd imagine its the same for enlisted too.

you would have to imagine.

yet again another shady clinton deal.
You would be correct sir. As an NCO who's had to sit through one of that Kaiju sized cunts s speeches so that she could use us for a backdrop. She does not give a fuck about servicemen at all. In fact I would be willing to bet that hates us and is more afraid of us than most of the actual terrorists that she has done business with.

>comments enabled
>there just aren't any

Sometimes you don't even need to say anything to send a message my friend.

Dozens of Hillary Clinton Emails About Benghazi Found in 15,000 Messages She Kept from FBI


Hillary Clinton Has GONE INSANE #AltRight #ParanoidHIllary


B-but I thought it was just a republican funded lie to smear her campaign?

When you have to fake opening a jar of pickles, then you've fucking blown it

Great news and keep these threads going.

CTR out in full force today.

>why aren't all my alt-right memes trending 24/7 mwaaahhh