>Pending release, the film is being kept in a high-tech safe in bulletproof glass that will open automatically on 18 November 2115, the day of the film's premiere. One thousand guests from around the world, including Malkovich and Rodriguez, have received an invitation to the premiere, which they can hand down to their descendants.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
William Flores
That's pretty cool, actually.
Jose Hughes
its most likely a short film and more than likely a promotion for cognac than actual film
Henry Peterson
What if its a full government confession to ALL the conspiracies.
Levi Murphy
>Implying humanity will make it to 2115
Jacob Wood
>more than likely a promotion for cognac That's what this whole stunt actually was
Lucas Thompson
fpbp i will be laffin my ass off shen i end up seing it anyways because medicine has gotten so advanced in thd future
Brody Morgan
doesn't stop me from giving it a rotten tomato.
Aiden Ward
>Directed by Robert Rodriguez Into the trash it goes
Logan Gray
the promotion is the weird movie from malkovich that nobody will see it, i doubt that the brand actually cares about what will be in the safe
Nolan Edwards
Nice ad
Robert Barnes
>make movie with budget in 2017 money >movie will gross in 2115 money genius
Ryan Campbell
>world goes full Fury Road after september 23 >movie gets looted or destroyed
Nicholas Garcia
> they had teamed with Louis XIII Cognac, owned by Rémy Martin, to create a film inspired by the hundred years it takes to make a bottle of Louis XIII. reads more like an advertisement brief to me
Jonathan Young
>movie becomes some sort of legend or myth >raiders set out to retrieve it >whole post-apo world fights for it
Levi Howard
they would be more interested in the cognac
Easton Roberts
>takes the adventure of a lifetime to find it >movie is shit
Justin Morgan
I'm pretty sure it'll be wasted shit
Andrew Anderson
>2115 >The world's most rich and powerful people has come to watch the premier >They're all excited to be part of history >The play the film only to find out it's a low resolution copy of the TDKR plane scene >The actial film was deleted and replaced by some autist from 2015 >Biggest ruse in human history >tfw
Luis Roberts
>uncover the disk >pc or mac?
Bentley Smith
I know a guy who worked on that ad campaign and he said it's actually Masha Allen's home video. Apparently the client never checked the tape because it was just a stupid publicity stunt
Christopher Davis
Nobody living will be able to see it, so it's as if it never existed at all.
What a gay gimmick
Isaac Watson
If they had spent a ginormous amount of cash on it it would be more interesting but this is just a half asses publicity campaign..
Josiah Green
You actually will, just in a different body. Isn't that good news?
Caleb Reyes
It will. The end is not nigh, it's not even near. There's no end in sight.
Landon Cox
That's lame.
Nathan Hill
>hey Truquio-5, wanna go see the old Robert Rodriguez movie with John Malcovich?
Jacob Gonzalez
That's assuming we won't uncover some crazy new technology that can expand our lifespans dramatically. Living to 122 is highly unlikely but not impossible
Ayden Brown
>Mutants shoot up the theater
Jason James
You think so? It's only lame if reincarnation doesn't exist. These people will be known 100 years from now, the record keeping is exquisite in this day and age, plus it's not something as important as blatant grimoires.
Mason Barnes
Jack Sullivan
Luis Williams
Ch'Xzong't are specieces of peace fuck off you interstellar racist
Jayden Bailey
this. id say we have 30 years left at the most.
Thomas Rogers
Will there be a no singles policy in the future?
Justin Ortiz
>bulletproof There's things that can overcome bulletproof. After Malkovich dies, we'll get in there.
Carson Baker
No it's not, it's the most pretentious thing I've ever heard. What makes John Malkovich think anybody will give a fuck about him in 100 years?
Think about this, if Jack Holt released a movie this year, would you care to see it? This reminds me of when liberals say "we're on the right side of history", as if people in the future will give a rat's ass about thier preferred gender pronouns.
Isaac Sanchez
>id Probably much less than that for you.
Ian Morales
It will but energy will be so rare I doubt it will be used to watch a shitty movie. I don't think the movie medium will still exist.
Justin Evans
>as if people in the future will give a rat's ass about thier preferred gender pronouns. As if you have some insight into the future that they don't.
Christian Brown
That's the point brainlet.
Isaac Bailey
It'll leak in a year
Jaxson Ross
Record keeping or not, every star fades. A majority of people can't name any stars from the 50s/60s these days. Hell, try getting someone to name a silent film star that wasn't Chaplin.
Jonathan James
This is a dumber gimmick than Boyhood.
Juan Baker
what a gimmick
itd be hilarious if the HBO hackers got a hold of it
Jason Young
>getting triggered over an apostrophe
i bet your fun at parties
Jack Evans
Dumb gimmick
Alexander Evans
Liam Harris
>"Dey had 100 year to mak and it still shite. Wat a waste. - Daquan Smith Rotten Tomaccos, 2115
Dylan Price
>your Hell, at this rate you'll be dead by the time Trump is ousted from office next year.
Brody Johnson
i bet your fun parties
Aaron Gomez
I'm still waiting for The Day the Clown Cried
Julian Hughes
If the same premise was employed in 1907, what would the movie be like?
Noah Roberts
>2115 >Open the safe >No film >It Ain't Me starts playing
Michael Allen
liberalism seem like its getting out of hand to you but liberals literally always end up winning out in the west see >womens suffrage >civil rights act/ending jim crow >roe wade >gay acceptance movement in the 80s social conservatism hasnt had a single win in the west since 1940s germany.
Jacob Jackson
Imagine waiting your whole life to see a Robert Rodriguez movie of all things. These future people will be so disappointed.