>Trey Parker repeatedly saying he wants to go back to making episodes like Awesome-O and Woodland Critter Christmas for the upcoming season.
Why do I still have a feeling it'll be the same old shit?
>Trey Parker repeatedly saying he wants to go back to making episodes like Awesome-O and Woodland Critter Christmas for the upcoming season.
Why do I still have a feeling it'll be the same old shit?
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't be worse than season 20
because then he was a weeaboo lolbertarian who wasn't caring for his wife's son
those episodes came after the show's peak anyways
he should just make movies
If someone could just get them on Sup Forums for onenday..
South Park captured magic in a bottle, it's unrealistic to expect two has-beens to capture that magic again. I'm glad at least Trey has realised just how far up his own ass he really has gone. Holy fuck the biggest problem with the last few seasons is they get up their own ass with some multi-episode arc concept they want to do, they forgot their roots.
S20 was a fucking abomination. Garrison as Trump? Planning an arc around a presidental election result and having to obviously make last minute script changes when things don't go as planned? A fucking Danish subplot? The speeches from Matt & Trey with their uninsightful views on contemporary politics have gotten longer and longer and more and more out of touch.
I'm not saying they're uninsightful because they're too far left, I think Michael Moore recently has been very insightful in shedding light on the woes of alienated blue dollar rust belt democrats that voted Trump and he was one of the few that predicted a Trump win, I'm saying they're uninsightful because they are just out of fucking touch and were completely blindsided by Trump actually winning. They used to be the voice of young people who might have had some progressive views on things like gay people but still had a lot of right wing leanings, now they come off as crotchety lolbertarian has-beens.
I'm glad Matt & Trey have at least some recognition of where they're going wrong, making these stupid multi-episode concepts because they're so far up their own assholes they forgot they're a fart joke show featuring cardboard 4th graders, but you're right to think it's gonna be the same old shit. They're still a couple of fucking has-beens who wouldn't have shit out turd season after turd season if they still had it. They lost it awhile ago, all the way back during S15. Fuck South Park. Fuck Matt & Trey.
Lol tl;dr nigga bitch
This is the abridged version of my original rant. I'm amazed I managed to condense my hatred as much as I did.
Nice reddit spacing
because MSM is completely corrupt and people like Trey Parker will either fall in line or fall back?
hey I read this on t_d
>still no Criterion blu ray collection with Cannibal the Musical, Orgazmo and Baseketball
Feels bad man
you can stop talking to yourself Schlomo
>same old shit
>great episodes
Maybe they'll throw in more Trump jokes for you, personally.
I just want it to go back to grade schoolers stuck in situations they don't understand and all they want to do is stuff grade schoolers would actually care for doing.
>what is a paragraph?
Has Sup Forums memed itself into believing paragraphs are Reddit?
>tfw trey will never quit television forever and devote himself completely to musical theater
>Sup Forums
you mean shills driving wedges?
>being the only person in the thread who couldn't comprehend the OP
>shills on a Vietnamese moving picture bbs
pretending to be retarded is very subtle these days
South Park has ALWAYS appealed to adolescent boys who conflate mocking cynicism with intelligence and crass profanity with maturity. Little boys & girls don't watch southpark. Adults don't watch south park. Teenage girls don't watch south park. It's exclusively 13-20 year old boys.
nigga you stupid
This is the worst example of them forgetting the characters are 10.
Why the fuck would Stan be using this as an example? He drives now?
t. low rent pajeet shills
not even the A team
What would a shill stand to gain in this thread, exactly
they got older and can no longer write their characters as children, what a shame
Just testing you fellow infowarrior, keep up the good fight!
All you motherfuckers are gonna pay! You are the ones who are the ball-lickers! We're gonna fuck your mothers while you watch and cry like little, whiny bitches. Once we get to Hollywood and find those Miramax fucks who is making the movie, we're gonna make them eat our shit, then shit out our shit, and then eat their shit that's made up of our shit that we made them eat. Then all you motherfucks are next. Love, Matt & Trey.
paragraph is a space before the sentence begins
this is
reddit spacing you
nigger faggot
>indenting the first line of a paragraph on a Japanese pedophile imageboard
I started out on Sup Forums with people bitching me out for posting walls of text. They were so oversensitive to it they refused to read shit not broken into small to medium sized paragraphs. So I started using paragraphs. Now years later, if I use paragraphs, I'm using Reddit spacing.
If I'm being trolled it's very effective because this shit is infuriatingly retarded. I hate this entire website and all you retards on it.
>paragraph is a space before the sentence begins
Ok at this point I have to believe I'm being trolled because I am genuinely sceptical anybody is this retarded.
>typing out an actual response that long to obvious b8
I don't think you've been here as long as you claim.
I replied to that b8 with one sentence you nigger.
>Getting this assblasted by bait
t. pajeet the cubicle farm warrior
keep grinding out those shekels dirtbag
Congratulate, I have been caught. Next time will not be so easy for you my friend.
>Next time will not be so easy for you my friend.
Gullible and paranoid is not a good combination my dude lmao
shitty job and obvious ESL status is not a good combination Pajeet
That was a false-flagging Redditor. Everyone knows that Reddit spacing isn’t paragraphs but the Redditors hate being called out so they false flag to try to blur the definitions Reddit spacing; typical communist tactic. By the way, Reddit spacing is spaces after differently coloured text or after a line or two of text where there’s no need for a break. Like this:
>Sup Forums
Sup Forums
To be fair, they do a lot of shit a kid wouldn't be doing.
As long as they cling to this it will be shit
i wish they would start intentionally making the most terrible and obscene episodes possible and see how long they can go before getting canceled. the show is about to have 21 fucking seasons. let it die already
South Park creators are LEFTIST JEWS. They got so butthurt about Trump because they had to shitcan the episode they had ready celebrating the victory of Hillary.
>South Park creators are LEFTIST JEWS
Matt and Trey have never made their political views public. They always display both sides in South Park. They're more likely conservative though.
As long as it focuses more on the kids instead of what pop news meme happened the week before the episode aired (also avoiding the retarded season-long story arcs) it will still be better than anything made in the last few seasons.
those episodes are hard to make and topical episodes are much easier. especially when they work on an episode only for a week.
Or they made an episode based on what the expected result was. I don't think anybody expected Trump to win. They didn't have any political leanings, only that airing an episode where Trump won in a world where Hillary did would make no sense, just like airing an episode where Hillary won when she didn't wouldn't make fucking sense.
The fact Garrison is the POTUS now means he has to remain as such or come up with a bullshit way to get him out of it.
They're libertarians who dislike strong convictions either way.
goddamn this he totally wasted his potential as a filmmaker
thats why the new games are better than the show