What the fuck happened to his voice actor in the second season? He definitely should have turned it down a notch.
Taste the pain
I don't hear any difference
Some special moment to point out, my dude?
>I was trained 22 years to fight with my feet, but it takes a real man to console with his feet
>that's a so nice
Is this good? Should I watch it?
It is a very cool concept and show, but it either is your thing, or it isn't. And for most people, it is the isn't.
I like how this post uses some languagery that the language of the show langs over in it's eagery.
it's a fucking meme show that will infect you with it's dialect
I've had to fucking stop myself from speaking because it sounded so fucking close to xra and I dont need people to hate me MORE
I tried watching this show. I really wanted to like it, but after several episodes, I had not laughed once, and was getting rather bored.
Am I just too much of a pleb to enjoy it?
there's no way you can run away from the ways that the show puts itself way off of the ways of the off'ers
I, for myself, couldn't put it down, I wanted to see what else it had in store to mess with the store of my messy mind
Now I just can't stop trying to talk like it.
Watch the first season and forget the second one exists.
For anyone who thinks the second season is just as good as the first, reminder that the second season has:
>dancing funny wacky henchman
>worse xavier voice
>a useless fan submitted episode
>all your base are belong to us reference
wtf did he mean by this?
It felt like everybody forgot this show existed for years, but just within the past week I sat down, binged it for the first time, and suddenly I'm seeing it everywhere. Did something happened?
Quality thread.
I suppose that image "the chad composition vs the virgin show" based on /r9k/ meems brought it back up.
Not that it's bad, it's a very interesting show.
same thing happened to me
Yeah its a total mindblinder but you don't hear me whining about it
>>a useless fan submitted episode
writing down stuff is very good to remember said stuff, so he wrote down that he should write stuff down
blew my mind t b q h
damnesia two episode two (the second to last episode of season 2)
it's got a few good moments, but it's just a compilation of a bunch of mediocre fan submissions trying to emulate the shows humor.
His voice is pretty cool