Refute this

Refute this.

Pro tip: you can't

They do have connections and money, they don't need to speak English when working with other wetbacks.

It's capitalism, immigrants will work for less pay, it's a win for the capitalist.
Maximize profits.

>deserving thievery

You can go on about the low standards of mexican immigrants and how they will low ball for peanuts but the whole thing about deserving to have something stolen from you is just shit ethics.

>Employer lowers standards to save sheckles


No poor American should go hungry because some sinking Mexican hopped the boarder to work a labor job for slave wages, and to take welfare that could have feed the American's daughter.

Remember, those who welcome illegal aliens because they do the jobs we don't want to are really just advocates for cheap, exploitative labor

>what is undermining a work sector by accepting lower salary?

ah yes, cucks homos and lefties, the people who have the most opinions on issues they know fucking nothing about

>if youre not willing to negotiate poverty wage you deserve to be homeless

>be store owner
>need to pay minimum wage for legal citizens
>fuck that, i get some illegals who work for 3$/h
look at those stupid legals who got a job stolen by illegals LOL HEHEHEH

>defending exploitation

Fucking shill. "Deserving" and entitlement has nothing to do with it.

The immigrants who "do the jobs we don't want to" mantra is just another way of saying "we don't want to pay you a living wage for shitty work".

Cause we all know that factory workers need to speak English to do a job.

I can just see some 1920's factory owner covetously eying all that cheap labor, telling his employees that if they don't want to compete with mexicans for lower wages, then by golly they're racist! No one in America is more disenfranchised than lower class whites.

eh the foreigners stealing our jobs argument is weak. They aren't stealing our jobs they are using government benefits like community schools, healthcare, and food programs. They are making our poverty problems bigger without trying to help themselves

Because in my country the institution that's supposed to give jobs to unemployed swedes (Arbetsförmedlingen) pays companies to hire these "refugees" instead. To make the workplace more "diverse."

Foreigners may rape your wives and daughters, but maybe if someone with no contacts, money, or ability to speak English can rape your wives and daughters, you deserve to have them raped

Truly stimulates my cerebro-almonds serbospaz. You're saying if we're too weak to race war, we deserve what we get, yeah?

Forgot the part where they are willing to work for next to nothing

someone can steal my virginity
i won't mind

oh, and I guess Serbia has open borders with Africa yeah, they would do a lot of work very cheap?

Could someone explain me what does the C.K means?

cuckold king

Shorthand for CucK

Illegals will work far below minimum wage and live in fetid squalor, and they won't care because that was still better than their shitty homes. In doing so they take jobs away from citizens who would be paid a decent wage.

Cesar Chavez (as a Californian I don't know how big he is in other states but here he's extremely popular and basically idolized as a god for hispanics) was opposed to illegal immigration and his union campaigned to reduce legal immigration because it fucked up wages. Of course you will never hear this in schools.

Also, a lot of farms are running on technology from the 70s. There's no reason to invest in it when you have some illegal ready and willing to work for a buck an hour.

>hire illegals to work for pocket money
>I might pay, if I feel like it
>pretty much just a one step away from slavery
>they can't complain to anyone, call the police etc. or else they will be just deported

Serves those normie legals right; that's what you get for not being a slave.

nice b8. also very easy to refute.
>1 post by this id
sage in all fields

Very simple to refute.

If the natives were payed decently and the overall wages were HIGH lots of people wouldn mind to do low level jobs. Because money isn´t real, it has no value, it´s only speculative, therefore there is enough of it in the world for everyone to have in huge amounts. Immigrants are used to lower the wage level in the native countries. Immigrants accept any wage, we dont.

Yeah, fuck the poor people in our own country. They deserve to be unemployed because they can be priced out by illegals that can undercut laws by working below minimum wage while a poor worker that wants to work a legitimate job cant because they legally can't be paid below a certain wage. Fuck affirmative action laws that also make it so poor whites need not apply.

Don't even get me started on how poor blacks don't deserve jobs either. Maybe they should know better than existing.

Those low skilled workers should learn that in this country we take care of outsiders before we take care of our poor low skilled workers. It's their fault for not being born with the skillset to be a doctor or lawyer in the first place. Poverty, unemployment, crime, and urban decay aren't problems. No sir.

I'm glad a comedian is there to tell us this stuff, they contribute so much to society. That's why they have such low rates of depression, drug use, and suicide. They know that their jobs are actually beneficial to society, and they surely don't have them solely because of their jewish heritage. They got it on skill alone

They can pay these people much less than everyone else that's literally all it boils down to.
Once again Louis CK (the c stands for cuck, k for king) is retarded.

b-b-ut he's wrong, and naive to the imbalances in this world that smaller nations such as US (5% of world's pop) must deal with or never maintain their way of life

This is a pretty lefty argument, I like it, 8/10

That's exactly the fucking problem.

Immigrants are stealing the jobs of low skill legal migrants and minorities.

>this is coming from the guy who's millions of dollars in debt

It's straight up insulting is what it is. It implies that the tens of millions of unemployed americans are unemployed by choice. Like we're too lazy to do hard work. No, we aren't too lazy. For work like that it's usually low wage..because of minimum wage laws they can either hire an American that they have to pay a certain wage or hire an illegal they can pay below min wage.

Flooding the labor pool with low skilled workers only helps the super rich. The poor and middle class are left holding the bag in that situation because it artificially depresses wages.

I thought the left wing claimed to care about the poor. Flooding the labor pool is about the worst thing you can do for poor people

Yeah! Fuck my fellow countrymen!

Why does anyone take that literal cuckold seriously? The only reason he's not a basement dweller is because he had a single mother home and she was too poor for him to do so.

I-is he...

...victim blaming?

>if your job doesn't require university level English, 1M dollars entry fee, and nepotism, you deserve to have illegal immigrants undercut your pay and leave you out to dry
Ids jusd cabidalism :^)

Anyone have the Wu-Tang pic or pasta?

Its Louis Cuck King

Not Cuckold King you fucking cuck

If you are the one in charge of hiring for your business in this society what will you choose?

The white man who wants reasonable pay?

Or the mexican who will work for two cents an hour and having him will give you liberal good points?

ITT OP has never worked with his hands and thinks it's okay to look down on blue collar jobs

He's right. We don't want to do the dirty jobs.

Why don't you fucking goys work for pennies and no other incentives?

they don't even have to work for less they just don't exist for tax purposes. so they net even more

If a got free housing, food stamps, affirmative action, paid no taxes, all their peoples expense i would have nothing to complain about.