Atheism is the answer. Religion is for the weak slaves

Atheism is the answer. Religion is for the weak slaves

Very fine idea sir!
*tips fedora and teleports away*

>Very fine idea sir!
>*tips fedora and teleports away*


>i will repeat like a parrot what my prophet richard dawkins says, use my bible which is his book, and blindly believe whatever someone in a white lab coat says without doing my own research. gosh i dont care about religion, thats why i spen every single second talking about it

*pulls out katana*
Pshh, nothing personnel, kid

Atheism is the root of all degeneracy. If the anti-Christ were on earth he'd be gorgeous, charming, and speak very well. All the while he'd be thinking to himself "but you should meet my father below". That's why so many people are brainwashed today. All it takes is a pop star, actor, institution of (((higher learning))) or model to shill their drivel on social media and over the airwaves and millions will follow. They can follow the herd right off the cliff for all I care.

3/10 bait funny picture might imply you're being ironic.

>It's the same memes every fucking thread every fucking year
Very epic!

Or you could just ignore all of it including faggot edgy atheism and live a good life how you see fit.

Because there is no arguing with people who fell for the atheism meme.
Also even Dawkins realized his error.


No it isn't. Now fuck off with your edgy shit.
>t. Atheist

I....dont really follow Dawkins. Like seriously never cared for him and his narcissistic ass. From my own view and being brought up in a catholic environment and going to catholic school I can say that its dangerous, destructive, and buuuuuuullshit. Its called living how one sees fit. I dont need a shitty old book and muh christian morals to be fit in society. Slave.

>I dont need a shitty old book and muh christian morals to be fit in society
Most people do, tho.
And look at most of your atheist peers, they treat atheism like a religion, to which they must convert all the stupid theists. Oh, that includes you as well. Slave.

>Christians aren't as bad as muslims, therfore atheism is an error.
lmao, how many atheists have ever blown anything up?
And why do you think most people voting pro-immigration are Christians?

>Atheism is the answer.
To what?

OP this is God speaking,
STFU or I'm adding 10 more years to your virgin sentence.

Most athiests are more devoted than religious people and don't even realise the irony of how blindly they believe.

Don't listen to him fellow Sup Forumsacks

Atheism ruined my country

>America is the root of all degeneracy.

>i will repeat like a parrot what everyone else says to athists and blindly believe whatever's popular on Sup Forums because my wife's boyfriend says I'm not allowed to think for myself

non autistic people are agnostic

Reminder Agnosticism is the true redpill

agnostic people are just people who haven't looked into the historical evidence for the resurrection of Christ yet.


Literally a way to control the masses. Christians are the ones "turning the other cheek".

Agnostics are wishy washy fucks who can't decided to shit or get off the pot.

you mean the book describing it, finished centuries after the event?

> Catholic
> Referring to the bible for morals

Nice try ignorant fedora. Next time learn something about religion before shitposting.

I'd rather be an agnostic who doesn't care much for religion, then an atheist who is fixated upon it.

Is the swiss JW faggot here by any chance?
>inb4 its me

Good goy. Remember that religion is problematic and the sooner we forget it the sooner we can move on from pesky western civilisation

Lmfao fuck off, you stupid slave. I will laugh as you fucking die and get eaten by parasites as your body decomposes into nothing

You mean an agnostic atheist, faggot. Get your terms right.

How exactly he is a slave?

Slave to the christian cult that forces him to believe in bullshit and give money to their child rape gangs.

Oh sorry, i'm not up to date with all of the special snowflake labels

>you mean the book describing it
sort of.

a creed (1 Corinthians 15:3-7) written within an epistle that is included in the Bible is part of the evidence, but that creed is from an earlier source.

non-christian historians date the central creed in question to the same year it was purported to happen:
>James D. G. Dunn writes: "This tradition, we can be entirely confident, was formulated as tradition within months of Jesus' death."
>Michael Goulder: "Paul 'received' the tradition -- that is, he was taught it at his convesion -- perhaps two years after Jesus' death."
>Ulrich Wilckens: "indubitably goes back to the oldest phase of all in the history of primitive Christianity"
>Gerd Ludemann: "the elements in the tradition are to be dated to the first two years after the crucifixion of Jesus."
>Paul Barnett: "within two or three years of the First easter."
>Richard Burridge and Graham Gould: "from only a few years after Jesus' death."
>Robert Funk and the Jesus Seminar: within "two or three years at most."
>Richard Hays: "within about three years after Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem."
>Alexander Wedderburn: "first half of the 30s."

this creed is only meant to be evidence to show that that's what the Christians believed.
part of the evidence to support the event described in the creed happening is the fact that the people who witnessed it suffered immense persecution, and a lot of them crucifixion themselves for never recanting it.
which is something a person who knows that they're lying is not going to do.

>all of the special snowflake labels
Fuck you christfag atheism is not that new.

I'm not a christian, nice try though, trilby

>this much edge
The memes are true.

The butthurt factor for theistcuck shills is always very high.
Why do religious types always have fragile egos?

who are you talking to debts man?

>lmao, how many atheists have ever blown anything up?
The western civilization. Liberalism is the source of european infertility.

>And why do you think most people voting pro-immigration are Christians?
Oh really?

I do not hate religion per se, but I despise semetic religions whole heartedly

*taps bidora*

>that forces him to believe in bullshit and give money
How does they force him to believe into something? And how they force him to give them money?

>Religions are shit and for stupid people
>Become Atheist
>Getting scared of being a social outcast for "radical" atheist beliefst
>Make Atheism into religion to obtain hugbox
>Religions are Shit and for stupid people, become atheist mate, here read the atheismtower and come to the community center to pray to the great fedora

Every edgy current year atheist ever.

I don't deny he lived and had a major impact. But if you look at history of christianity, you see a lot of adaptability. Even the early christians had to work with incomplete records, passed on by successors of his disciples, which already means some distortions probably have taken place. Add in numerous councils from times, when christianity became institutionalised and you have somethings, that bends the rules to fit the age and local society more often, than it adheres to the original message. Just try to count all relevant chistian churches today and tell me, which one is right. Not mentioning what calls itself Christianity in our beloved Scandinavia and western Europe

>I don't deny he lived
good, Jesus-mythers are a joke.

but my point is that the evidence points to the fact that he rose from the dead, if you're not dogmatically naturalistic when weighing it.

your religious syncretism meandering has nothing to do with that.

>Make Atheism into religion
How stupid are you, bait?

it is though, at least in america.
>religious monuments infront of courthouses displaying Atheistâ„¢ statement of faith
>atheist churches
etc, etc.

At this point there are more atheist fags that want to talk to you about god, than jehovas witnesses....

Doesn't mean they worship a god or gods, faggot.

yes really, also make a distinction between american atheists and atheists outside of america.

I go into work and people are vaping in the back room every fucking fucking time. Then When I go back to get ice for the cups I have to crawl my way through that smoky war zone like it's MGS4

neither does the term 'religion' necessarily.

there are plenty of atheist religions.

>want to talk to you about god
Still doesn't mean they are a religion.

>but my point is that the evidence points to the fact that he rose from the dead

I understand it more as an alegory to his legacy living on, than actual ressurection.

the irony

To all those christcucks out there, you are aware that you worship the God of the jewish tribe, yahweh

>the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
Go fuck yourself amerishart

Jews hate Jesus though.
Jews are promoting atheism.

i'd already given you the barebones argumentation here: ( )

try picking that apart and we'll flesh it out into something more concrete.

If you can worship the idea of a water walking carpenter you can worship the idea of the absence of god.

If you start to give this idea its own practises, rituals, icons, beliefs and start to mission it, it definetely can at least qualify as a cult.

that doesn't mean 'necessarily'

Based Irish bro

Just like you christfags.


>Because there is no arguing with people who fell for the atheism meme.

Then why not just ignore atheists rather than spouting epic memes from 2013? I'm agnostic myself, I just hate overused memes.

>makes comment about memes being the same
>Coming from a frogposter

>Religion is for the weak slavs


>this much edge

Thats the funny thing, some parts of the "atheist community" became so close to resemble a religion that they actually disqualify to call themselves atheists.

But since you are so butthurt about this statement, you are probably one of them.
People always get so angry whilst defending their religion.

Jews hate Jesus so much that they ARE Jesus... woah...

-Early Christians

what do these all have in common?

>This much denial
Atheism is an ideology. No wonder why I am an agnostic who won't join back to being a Christian. And nice implying thinking that I'm the representative of a whole group.

right, what i'm trying to get through to you is that a religion doesn't necessarily need to be theistic in order for it to be a religion, examples:
>scientology, daoism, deism, pandeism, etc.

>But since you are so butthurt about this statement, you are probably one of them.
>People always get so angry whilst defending their religion.
Whatever you say not like you'll get me back to Christianity anytime soon.

>This book says I can't loan to others
>You Jews don't follow my religion
>Here have complete control of my economy

Perfect it all worked out in the end.

No comment

I'm not even a christian... nor a part of any other religion...

surely an intellectual juggernaut atheist such as yourself is not too proud to admit they were shown to be wrong.
let's hear you say it.

>scientology, deism, and pandeism still belive in some divine being(s)
>daoism is more of an philosophical tradition

Which doesn't tell me, if he actually got ressurected. I was talking about his pupils, piecing his teachings together and adding their versions into it, distorting it in some degree

Still doesn't mean your religion is the right religion. If god is truly real then he is not the god from the bible.


Because? i am agnostic but if there is something real iam betting for christ cuckery

The book was written by man. Still an agnostic just saying.

>I was talking about his pupils
i wasn't, i was talking about the eyewitnesses to the events, where the credal statement originated from.

some of which purported to have seen it as a group, which rules out hallucination, since hallucinations are subjective to the individual perceiving them.

they suffered all manner of persecution, torture, and death for not recanting, which (to me, because i consider myself a reasonable person) rules out it being a lie.
so what's left?

>his pupils, piecing his teachings together and adding their versions into it, distorting it in some degree
barely any time had passed between the events and when Paul would've obtained the creed.
that was why i pasted all those quotes from historical scholars earlier dating it to at most a year or two after the event.

that creed showed what the earliest Christians actually believed and died for.

>people in here mostly believe in the memebook called bible
>they believe you can't have a moral without religion
>they got tricked by religious propaganda
>they don't have balls and are afraid of hell
>unable to accept the fact that there is nothing "after" or atleast it won't be bad if they are not mass murder tier
>the modern western society is based on "christian values" and not critical thinking
I still can't believe how stupid the majority of Sup Forums is,people here think they took the redpill.When in reality the ate up the biggest lie,made up by semetic goat fuckers 2000years ago.

Religional Institution like the catholic church/islam/judaism,is just another form of controlling people and making them into dumb,quiet lambs,never question the system.Religion is a huge blue pill.

>Reply to Thread No.87241706
stfu week slave

>they believe you can't have a moral without religion
that's not the argument, it's that without the concept of God, you have nothing to ground morality in objectively.

Agreed... But you can have faith without the institution.



Yes writen by man , but what i discovered researching is that there is something way of with the doctrine , the trinity , the sabath day changed from saturday to sunday ,and many other stuff, and maybe it was political at that time , sabbath day was still in the 10 commandments , this means that every cristian would go to hell from when constantine changed it. There just seems to be something of about it

>Atheism is the answer. Religion is for the weak slaves

you're just reinforcing my point.

there actually are a lot of atheistic philosophers who hold to moral realism/objective morality, but their argumentation is really weak.

(You) dumb faggot.

There is no such thing as an objective moral.
Morality is always subjective to the culture it originated in.
For example, in an Isis training ground beheading nonbelievers would be completely morally acceptable.

we're not even talking about the same thing.

moral realism (objective morality) is the view that moral truths exist regardless of whether or not anyone knows about them.

pointing out that different societies have different perceptions of what those are has nothing to do with it.

epistemology vs ontology

Paul still got the message second hand, how others understood it.

From their point of view sure. That's where the impaling comes to my point of view.

now read the very next verse.

>moral realism (objective morality) is the view that moral truths exist regardless of whether or not anyone knows about them.
So then I don't need to believe in a god to have morals, thanks christfag.
