Why didn't he have bodyguards?

Why didn't he have bodyguards?

The north remembers

He doesn't get to bring friends.

Because the plot plan he filed with the Night King listed only him, Vale men, lady Sansa there, and only one other Stark

They died on the plane


Because getting caught was part of his plan?


He had all the Vale guys because after Sansa testified (in front of the Vale commander) that Lysha killed herself in a fit of insane grief, he was still Lord of the Vale.

But then yass queen accused him of the crime again and he was put to death with no defense because slayyy.

He had over 300 confirmed kills.

Because D&D wrote it that way


he did have guards. see?


It's almost as if getting caught was part of his plan.

They also said he was responsible for the death of John Arryn. Royce was clearly not a fan of Baelish, and I think he's pretty justified turning his back on someone who has potentially killed two heads of House Arryn.

Why didn't he have his prostitutes?

If you--who is not at all a politician plotting for his fortune and his life--can see Royce could turn on Baelish, why the fuck does Baelish not have anything on Royce that could prevent that very outcome?

A rephrase of OP's question would be, why doesn't he have any personal men loyal only to him, like other players do?

Also, Royce is also the name of Gillen's political opponent for the mayoralty in the Wire. He won that battle against Royce and climbed the ladder all the way to the governorship.


because that would be logical writing in line with his character which would prevent the (((plot))) moving forward.


Littlefinger should've known something was up. He was too on top of shit not to see it.

I think he just put off Bran as a coincidence with the Chaos is a laddah.

There is no way you would expect a sub-omniscient being to exist, especially when you have seen absolutely zero magic in your life.

On top of this you had Arya who was trained by the faceless men of Braavos. Who are renowned assassins in the world.

They had the tools to fool him, but yeah. It was a bit rushed, and for obvious reasons they are on a limited budget and really got to wrap up the series right now.

why did Baelish even bring Royce?

Robin Arynn was about to have him executed for shit talking Littlefinger. Surely he could've arranged for a more loyal commander.

Shansha has no proof for any of this. The only things she has, at all, are
-an eyewitness testimony for an event that she already testified happened differently in a previous trial for the same goddamn thing
-magic visions from autistic cripple

Finally the dagger bit makes absolutely zero sense at all considering that it was Joffrey who ordered the assassination, and Baelish had made it known that he lost the dagger in a bet to Tyrion.
So what, was Bran just making shit up?

>considering that it was Joffrey who ordered the assassination, and Baelish had made it known that he lost the dagger in a bet to Tyrion.
It was never said to be Joffrey in the show.

But the number one thing that exonerated Littlefinger from that crime is that he wasn't even in Winterfell, or anywhere near it at the time of Bran's death and almost assassination.

That scene should have secured Royce's obedience if not loyalty to Baelish on the pain of the Arryn lord's displeasure. Until it didn't, and young Arryn's mood swings that Baelish could deftly play isn't someone that Royce would fear any longer because...the reason is never shown, tantamount to handwaving.

Bodyguards wouldn't be friends, just hired swords

Big guys don't need body guards.

Uh he dont get to bring bodyguards
They dont have lotta loyalty

>Also, Royce is also the name of Gillen's political opponent for the mayoralty in the Wire.
Holy fuck our meme worlds are colliding.

Nothing will ever peak this though

It still wouldn't make any sense for Bealish to be behind it. As you said he's off in fucking King's Landing. He has no goddamn idea what's happening up there and has no motive to just randomly murder Catelyn's son which would be risking the murder of Catelyn as well.
This isn't something you can even justify because this whole thing came about literally just because of shit writing to appeal to a different audience than the earlier seasons.

I still don't understand, why this story is not a sensation. Too much coincidence, pilot was definetely a baneposter.

>And it was a total success
>So this season we asked ourselves, what if we strayed from genders?

they didn't say that he tried to murder bran, which means he didn't

the average got watcher would never understand false accusations by the good guys

Because Dabid has given in fully to OMG THEN THIS HAPPENS, IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW style of "writing".

Who else writes like that? So I can know to stay away from them.

let's not talk about his death or the episodes leading up to his death

literally the stupidest fucking thing D&D has ever done
gets me mad just thinking about it

What I find funny is that Sansa really developed toughness and balls even though she's always been this innocent little princess who hasn't done any thing.

Getting treated like shit for like four seasons straight does that to some people. Eventually you've had enough and you say "FUCK THIS."

>wouldnt be friends


its fake.

he had some hired guns but unfortunately they had as much loyalty as is generally expected

>she executes her enemies without a fair trial
She is becoming like cersei, is this not obvious you retards?

So she's becoming like the best character in the show. Based D&D.


Like the Vale?

(A couple of extra guards would have accomplished nothing either)

He was completely fine until Bran with his magic powers entered the scene.

Bran could prove everything that anyone accused Littlefinger of and see through all of his plots.

>not a sensation
That's literally where the whole meme magic praise kek thing originated, kiddo.

>didn't he have bodyguards?
Knights of the Veil

No she isn't and no it's not. This was just a very poorly done good guy kills the bad guy moment. Theres no deeper meaning to it cause the show is trash.

Not a lot of loyalty for hired swords

Littlefinger has no friends


They would need a lot of loyalty for a hired sword!

Doushite...? Naze, Shansha-chan...? NANDA YO!?!?!?

No lawyer, no witnesses, what sort of due process is this?

Your guilt has been determined. This is merely a sentencing hearing.

Sansa admitting to helping LF get away with killing he aunt is so retarded. Why would she risk losing the vale as an ally for Jon?


Perhaps all this time she was wondering why someone would kiss a woman before throwing her out the moon door.

Why didn't guest right protect him?
Why didn't he get a fair trial and why did no other noble object to no fair trial?
Why did they make the decision to kill a powerful ally without their King's word on the matter?
Why did no northerner object to their king not being consulted on this matter?
Why would littlefinger ever give the people he sees as looking down him the satisfaction of begging for his life? He isn't a coward.
Why did Arya threaten Sansa if they were working together?
Why did no one ask for evidence of any of these charges?
Why did no one have any fucking reaction at all to this fucking news except Littlefinger? Seriously the whole room was packed and no one but those three said a word it was really fucking strange and surreal.
This scene truly reminded me of the Bane scene from TDKR because like it, this one scene makes no fucking sense at all. In fact the more you watch it the less sense it makes.
Of the many retarded things David and David have done sense going OC this has got to be the most rushed and least thought out scene of them all.

And why would LF admit to having killed her right away? He must have known that admitting it publicly means instant death penalty

If you want the real answer, it's bad writing, but if you want a made up answer, perhaps he wanted to spin in so that according to sansa's testimony, Lysa wanted to hurt her and instead of jumping herself, it was Baelish that pushed her out, but the circumstances still sort of warranted it.

Oh one last thing
>Sansa passes the sentence
>Doesn't swing the sword herself
Her father would be fucking ashamed of her. Honestly he would be ashamed of his whole family. Eddard raised shit kids.

In the books there's a whole storyline about how the lords of the Vale, like Bronze Yohn there who says "Certainly not", form a group called the Lords Declarant, dedicated specifically to removing Lord Baerlish from power. They lay siege to the Eyrie while he's there until Lyn Corbray basically tells them to stop being shitcunts and give the lad a chance, so they give him a year to prove himself.

In the show obviously nobody gives a shit about politics any more so this stuff got thrown out until they realised they'd written themselves into a corner.

>The man that passed the sentence should swing the sword.
She is not a man.

They just risked losing Vale (who knows if the new guy can control the kid).

1. She is not a man
2. Arya is the sword

then why do they act and dress like men?


It's all part of Sansa's plan. Littlebigguy is fake!dead. He'll come back to die for his Sansa.

the pilot was tv bro

he an herod himself and the passengers so we may bask in his eternal shitpost

This. Ned wanted Sansa to be a proper lady, he wouldn't have minded that she didn't carry out the execution herself because that's a man's duty.

The fact that Arya did it probably would disappoint him though since she's become an entirely dishonorable person.

It was Cersei lmao

They killed a guest, how is this any different from Red Wedding?

It's not, it was a setup with arya playing a uglier gremlin version of rose bolton

sometimes when I try to understand a persons post, I play a little game. I assume the worst. Whats the worst reason they could possibly have for saying what they say and posting what they post, and then I ask myself how well does that reason explain what they say and what they post. So tell me, whats the worst thing OP could want.

You think viewers even remember such silly details anymore? No one cares about guest right.

Didn't Baelish violate guest right when he put a knife to Ned's throat when he was a guest in King's Landing?

The Mercenary?

It doesn't work like that, Baelish doesn't own the entire city.

He wasn't a guest, he was trying to commit treason and LF literally told him not to trust him

he doesnt get to bring friends

>And it was a total success
>So this season we asked ourselves, what if we change the show from middle age political drama into a World of Warcraft, the series?

Finger couldn't allow his death, he holds the respect and loyalty of the men. Sparring him kept the men in check and he was in Royce's debt. A puppet master can't just get anyone killed because it's convenient.

it was a meme convergence event

They expect one of them at the wreckage

He was the lord of the Vale . He had the knights of the Vale. They turned on him when he was accused of everything.

>Turn on him based on the words of a cripple and a former Bolton/Lannister whore
>Allow another kingdom to decapitate yours
>Not demand that he be judged in the Eyrie
Yeah totally realistic

Why was he living in Winterfell for two years and just lingering? Is it because he read the script?

They were loyal tard kid and his mom, Sansas aunt. Sansa was the one accusing him. It's not a stretch for them to go with it. They already hated him.

Ok, but last we saw Royce he was surrounded by LF's men and forced to bend the knee. It was implied that the soldiers of the Vale were more dedicated to LF's gold than they were to Royce's title. But then Sansa yaaaas'd and everybody in the Vale just changed thier motivations on the spot.


Character was too good and the show writers do not know how to write

Character was stupid as hell (the show version), but he was played perfectly by CIA.

Sansa also broke stark tradition by pass execution without swinging the sword.

When Jo(h)n comes back, he'll have to do his duty and execute them both.

They were literally holding court. That's were courts come from.

Philp Pullman

is not fake you tiny guy