I could really use some cheering up right now.
Can we have a 'Straya thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
Hello darkness my old friend
Wait a few hours. Most of the bogans are asleep.
kiwis are up but we're not entertaining
Hey cunts
too late, i think OP might have ended it all already
You know what to do.
Still here cunts
I heard you started using tactical assault hawks against the local gook menace, well done
off to work
Hello favorite son I trust you are as shit as usual
OP are you still here? I'm moving to Tbilisi on Monday. Don't really know what to expect...
australia was being shit again dad i saw it all
>implying they wouldnt eat that snake
>rook! bird drop snek! verry auspicious! it mean good time to buy more house! *speculates wildly*
Australian music
She looks like she used to be a real gem. Still has it, actually.
Pretty broad question, hombre. I can hint ya' a nice bar for nationalists and right-wingers which I visit on the regular. Where do you move, what part of town?
I'm not sure. I'm coming for the rest of the year to teach. I don't know shit of your language, it looks quite intense. I was told I'm moving "downtown."
What I'm kind of worried about right now is a typhoid vaccine. Is that actually common? I just found out that the US state department recommends it. Also, how safe is the city in general? The US advises to take different routes home and shit. And some people were saying not to advertise that I'm an american... although I've heard quite the opposite as well.
Where are all the Brits?
What happened to Brit/pol/ ???
thats from 6 in the morning to 12.
isn't it like midnight over there
can somebody post this dancing straya webm thank you
fucking kek
Georgia's one of the safest countries around mate. Who the fuck told you about typhoid, I really don't know but I've never heard of any sort of spread. 90s were a wild time but we gucci now, man. You will love it here.
Nobody will stab you for being an american, in fact we like them. Always recognize samachablo and abkhazia as part of Georgia, though. Because they fucking are, and anti-Russia, anti-commie sentiment is strong.
That being said our youth is falling under the cuck spell. Expect to see a lot of trashy liberal kids wherever you're going to teach and in the fancy bits o' town.
It's safe, I guarantee it.
Where you gonna teach?
here you go hans
Ha, alright nice. The pictures look absolutely beautiful. And I don't know what the fuck is up with my university. They've barely given me shit for advice or info. Here is a picture of the place that I'm apparently teaching in. I'm teaching philosophy (intro to ethics courses), so hopefully I get to challenge their preconceived notions of what "justice" is these days...
Everyone says the women are super beautiful there too. But I've also been told that chivalry is still very much alive. Is this true? I'm from commiefornia, and while I'm not a complete dipshit, I'm not particularly used to taking coats off of women's backs and shit.
Also, glad to hear about abkhazia. I picked up Sandro of Chegem by Iskander to try and familiarize myself with the culture a little. Good book so far. But everything else I've learned has been pretty... shallow.
My god thank you for posting that, it was the most funny shit i have ever seen.
I just left the State Uni, studied Psychology for 2 years there. Now switched for IliaUni Archeology.
The dreaded building you're looking at is where TSU students pass their midterms and finals.
Wow man, that's fucking rad.
Basic courtesies are well expected, you know - hold the door, give up your seat on the PT. Nothing major.
TSU is notoriously shitty with its administration though, it's one of the main reasons I just left. They fucking suck, man. Hope they pay well.
Man, I live so close to the library/maglivi complex, too. That's rad.
I got you covered comrade Stalin.
So I'm actually teaching with a California State University. I don't know how much interaction I'll be having with any of the Unis there, since I think I'm actually reporting back home for everything (my syllabus still has to have the CA laws about students with disabilities and shit, it's kind of funny).
The students that are part of this program will actually graduate with a degree from their Georgian university, and one from here too. The three unis there that are working with mine are: Tbilisi State, Ilia State, and Georgian Tech.
It's actually kind of funny... I'm fairly certain you'd be able to find out who I am with the info I've given.
They'd rather fuck koalas than kids
Fairly certain as well.
I did see some spangling new offices during my last finals in Tbilisi State. Hell, we might even cross at Ilia State and not even know.
All that being said, depending on how much of a Sup Forumstard you are, I can point you to a jolly place. We, I mean the inhabitants, are scale 10 out of 10 pollacks. Georgian nationalists, NatSocs, Fascists, Football Ultras, etc.
Best people you will meet in the city.
Countryside is full of excellent people, that I can tell you.
Haha, well... idk. I've been coming to pol for a long time, but I think I'm a bit of the old breed. When it wasn't the collective hivemind it is now. There was a time where there were leftists here too. And anarchists. I used to like those debates. I'm not especially "with" fascism and national socialism... I think people should keep their heads down and mind their own fucking business. But I may not fit in too well.
But whatever, any place you recommend I'd be willing to try. Again, keep in mind I'm coming from California.
Oh! I also bought a carton of Lucky Strikes today. Do you guys have those cigarettes? I was afraid you wouldn't, and I didn't want to go the rest of the year smoking Marlboro lights or some bullshit.
I was also hoping it would be a conversation starter.
>smoking unfiltered
We got Lucky Strikes.
Smoking can be a good convo starter since like 70% of the country smokes.
Try Military Bar. It's run by good lads. Petre Melikishvili St, 11. Can't miss it. Close by all the universities at Chavchavadze Ave., too.
Awesome. Merci.
I'll check it out. And if you see some guy wearing all black (that's all I wear), and he mentions he teaches philosophy... come say hi. I'll buy you a few.
Can do, hombre. Would be swell to say hi. Have a safe flight here!
I'm off to sleep.
If this thread survives until bogans arrive, use as intended lads.
Its 6am
We are just waking up kek
you'll be right, m8
I'd also like a insult US generals like Straya-san does
I want to hear abo stories and I want to hear them now
Skinny wiener.
One of my all time favourite songs came from you lads so thanks for that I suppose.
Good morning :^)
nice cock
most of my interactions with abos have been in Arnhemland, they're a lot better. East Coast abos are drunkards but in Arnhemland they're still connected to their old culture and work
delete this
AUS 06:00
SWE 23:15
>Literally upside down.
So how's the future?
photo i took last year
caught two possums in the same trap. cunts eat all our fruits. we drive them over to the other side of the river and let them loose there
sneks are good they eat the rats etc
cockatoos visiting for a free feed. welfare cunts
and that's all i got
Heres a picture from my windows sample picture folder.
You have my permission to download it and keep it for yourself.
you better not be memeing me m8, i genuinely took those photos
Is that Airlie beach m8?
yeah m8 i live in airlie (photo is not my apartment but i have similar view down the road).
where you at?
Morning. Im awake now
There is a possibility of another abo chimpout today, pic related
Is it true that Abbos never developed an enzyme for processing alcohol so when they drink a bit of cider they're drunk for a week
where at?
Its almost the weekend anyway. All these memories will be long gone by monday.
That would explain alot.
I've never seen a black fella get into spirits. Its always goon or beer.
no, but they develop addictions more than others
spirits are expensive. a bag of goon is what, $10?
Not 100% sure, i'm not from QLD but this screencap was taken by some user in a thread last night on the Kalgoorlie incident
Suspicions it will be in the CBD
Can't really tell anyone on the internet, but I live about an hour south
oh i didn't mean to be specific. I lived in Mackay for awhile, airlie is better. I was wondering if anyone would notice the location from my pic
Anyone have that one where an aussie cunt goes to a popular tv channel pretending to be gay then talks about how gays are abominations and how the jews are influencing our kids?
I can't find it but this link will make you happy
you'll like this one
>releasing them
eat them, pussy
That's actually my dad
based as fuck
I take it back he's just retarded
i can never get tired of watching this.
this is AUS in 4:38, every aspect covered
overkill is better