Are you ready for the 'Lord of the Flies' remake with an all female cast?
Watch as Hollywood hackishly destroys a classic film about the savagery of masculinity that was made from actual literature. You cant just reboot a book to suit some silly feminist agenda.
This is possibly the worst idea for a film I have seen yet. How about something original that makes sense for a female cast?
Anyone else getting tired of this laughable agenda?
Lord of the Flies remake
Other urls found in this thread:
If the movie is just pre-teen girls snidely bitching at each other for 90 minutes I'll take back everything bad I've said about the idea.
Already been done in real life as an experiment to prove girl power!
Back fired horribly, what a surprise
> Taking reality television that seriously.
That's right, it wasn't REAL patriarchy.
You know what though? This isn't Feminazi/SJW/pandering anymore. This is straight up co-opting and cashing in. They think it will sell so they do it. But they're not even selling the movie, they're banking on the hype. They want you to hate this. The hate translates into ticket sales/clicks/streaming later. I was in a meeting. This type of marketing is happening now.
Yep, my finger's ready and rarin' to go.
>The hate translates into ticket sales/clicks/streaming later. I was in a meeting. This type of marketing is happening now.
Literally where. In every single case it was a disaster. marvel comics are dead due to this. Western videogame market is getting trounced by japanese one. Hollywood had a big loss for previous year.
They try to paint it as if TFA was success because of it, but the truth is that if they cast Idris Elba as every single character including the BB-8 it would still be a success.
Just anecdote obviously, but I now skip every single piece of entertainment that does this. At least in four cases, I have been looking to a movie in cinema, but the second they started with this shit, I just noped, didn't even torrent it, and I didn't feel any remorse over it.
it is not racism or whatever, it is a fact that progressive swines cannot write a character to save their lives.
If we have one boy as the protagonist, this can be just like one of my japanese animes.
>This type of marketing is happening now.
Breh, it's been happening for the better part of a decade.
>"Literally where"
>what is every gender-bent reboot lately
we already had this in 2004. it was called mean girls. we don't need mean girls: edgy edition.
None of them have been successful though.
All of them have made more than their budget. That is what is defined as a success by these Hollywood pricks that keep pumping this shit out.
I know you're right, sadly we all lose as movie enthusiasts in this situation.
The absolute state of Hollywood these days....
>hello I do not understand what gross means
ghostbusters killed several careers, all the attempts at clickbait marketing have either backfired or were done on properties that would have never failed in the first place.
>hello I do not understand what budget means
They made more money than they spent. That's all that matters.
Let me guess, sony is behind this?
And every time a feminized reboot flops we get REEEEEEEE patriarchy did this!
Warner Bros
You know they don't get the entire gross, right? As that is what gross means.
and the ghostbusters reboot was so successful that sony, king of bad decision making, killed all plans of making that an extended franchise.
Cool, looking forward to the transgender mulatto version in ten years time
Let's be real here, most of Sup Forums was still in their diapers back in 2004.
Lmao, fucking americucks. Women can't even go camping without male support.
Seems like nothing more than a thin excuse to make a movie with a dozen half-naked little girls running around in various states of peril.
Mean girls is nothing like LotF, you idiot
Not only that, it's a satire of women
>ghostbusters killed several careers
Are you seriously trying to claim that Hollywood actually cares about actors' """""careers""""" above their own profit? Do you think there is a shortage of wannabe actors to step in and fill a slot?
bought my ticket already
wtf i love this movie now
Son, if ghostbusters had made a profit they'd already be making another one. Like they planned.
Old Sup Forums: Sounds hot.
im uniroinically excited for it. It's gonna redpill a lot of people on how tired this gender swap stuff is. Cause its gonna suck and im keen for some grade A flop fest.
>Sup Forums hates this
the absolute state of this board goddamn
Are you saying savagery is exclusive to masculinity? Why can't women be savages too?
Fucking misogynists. Go run back to Sup Forums with your dick between your legs.
It made a profit. They knew from the reaction that it was a one time deal though, there was no way it would spawn a franchise.
>book specifically mentions there being older boys and younger ones
>now its genderbent
>evil group will have warpaint and nude dips in water
Will this be cunnykino?!
That already happened with ghostbusters.
The only ones who think this shit matters are retards in the cali echo chamber.
Son, for the love of fuck, learn what "gross" means.
Just because the gross revenue (of which theaters get at least half stateside, and upwards of 70% foreign) exceeded budget, does not mean the movie was profitable. They cut back massively on marketing after test audience reaction was overwhelmingly negative, but they still lost money on it.
Pedophile sub human
>Inherently peaceful
Can't believe anyone still falls for this meme.
Especially when Clinton open policy was "If Russians enter our airspace in Syria we'll shoot them down."
>they still lost money on it
Do you know what "Hollywood accounting" is?
Why do people keep making this thread? We already decided it'll be hilarious because it'll show women for the passive aggressive shrews they are while angering the "women are perfect and much better than men" crowd.
It's a win/win for us.
>shartmerican sub humanity
Hollywood accounting is when they try to hide profits with padded expenses.
Half the reshoots in ghostbusters were to jam in as much adplacement as possible in order to offset the huge loss they were going to take.
>Being this much of a loser that you associate yourself with an image board
probably because a movie about a dozen half naked little girls running around in various states of peril is holy grail level for old Sup Forums.
you Sup Forums tourists just need to fuck off.
>holy grail for Sup Forums
No Ju for pedophile human waste like you.
Unironically reported this thread to the FBI now.
Hope is stays loyal to the books and we get varying ages.
Mmm, teens, little girls for the evil clan, a chubby girl for piggy, a nerdy one for the protagonist.
>being this much of a normalfag that you don't
Why are you here?
WHAT? WHAT? This shit doesn't make any sense. Lord of the Flies is about toxic masculinity. Do the producers don't known any little girl? Don't they have daughters, sisters, anything? If a bunch of girls got stranded on an island they would create a pretty great society yet Hollywood is going to make them kill each other because MUH FEMINISM. This feminist shit need to stop now. This is the last fucking drop.
Because some lowlife like you can't tell to be not
>that phrasing and grammar
>calls me a lowlife
Go to reddit, you fucking feminist piece of shit.
What are they gonna gossip each other to death?
If these movies are supposed to demonstrate women can be entertaining too, why don't women come up with new IPs instead of leeching of work created by men in the first place?
>reddit unironically is against male on female pedophilia
>with your dick between your legs.
As opposed to? Inside of your rusty vag?
Imagine all those dirty exposed soles
being a hebe is not an insult no matter how much you try to force it
You are sick and everybody hates you PEDOPHILE
99% of people would love to see you dying
T.reddit sex police
Pick only one
I don't understand all the hate for this.
A brief summary of Lord of the Flies
>kill the fatty first
>triggered by superficial bullshit like conches
>turn into sociopaths almost immediately
>get rescued by random man
If anything an all female cast will make it more realistic
Are you retarded? Even the so-called "feminists" are mad about this. But you probably don't care because you created this thread to push YOUR agenda.
source on those stats.
i agree it may be a mental illness in some way but no reason to kill or hate someone.
baka at conservatives that dont understand hebes btw
if you support this feminist trash then you're a feminist too
Did your disgusting sexuality emerge becuase of your non existent social life and virginity or were you always like that?
>calls others triggered
This is your brain on Reddit
it emerged when i saw the light. purity is the most valuable human quality. allow yourself to reimagine existence.
If the movie follows the books plot line and actually shows crazy bitches being crazy it's probably going to be slammed by femisists for not showing girls as perfect little angels.
At least you are such outcast losers that little girls could beat you up and you are no real threat, but always remember you are not human!
All this projection, I could an adonis for all you know
you seem to be very alone fighting this ideology. good luck on your path, may you see the light.
I was lost too before
don't forget that movie productions are a big part of money laundering
I'm fine with this. Women need a red-pilling on how horrid they can really be, we should only really be vocal if it portrays women as running some retarded, successful and unrealistic utopia.
I'm game for this.
>I was in a meeting.
Holy shit!!!! tell us more...
An original concept movie along the same lines would sound hot as (rather degenerately but still) pretty much suggested.
But this is just another example of something being taken because it IS one thing and being twisted to another for no other reason other than... eugh. It's like when they went through a spate of remaking asian films, only this time they're doing it with genders.
Whats the next generation of remakes be like? CGI furries?
OMG. Remaking Shawshank with CGI overweight transgendered house pets.
They will probably cast 18+ actresses instead.