In all seriousness, Idris Elba would make a perfect James Bond

in all seriousness, Idris Elba would make a perfect James Bond.

he cant play bond

he could play a guy who needs to post bond though.

Bond is isn't a cuck.

Or a nigger.

He's the most hung guy in Hollywood.

Is Bond retarded though? Is that why they have the autistic guy playing him in every movie

well played, user. well played...


He's not white. James Bond is a white man.
Not a tranny, woman or a black man.

>there are probably Bond children out there with single mothers
Sound like a nice premise. Get Brosnan and pit him against his son.

secret agents need to be able to blend in with their surroundings

No, he's not posh enough. He'd make a good eastend gangster, though.

He's got Luther which is probably a bit better than Bond these days anyway. The last couple I saw were gash. Bourne fucked Bond so hard that he's never quite had the same swag since.

not only is this shopped but Idris is a REAL LIFE KEK

look it up, he was raising another mans son for like 12 years lmfao, after he found out he was like "they're still my kid" hahahaha

I like Idris but he isn't lead actor in a blockbuster material and the people constantly asking for a black Bond aren't James Bond fans.

you think kek is a word for cuck? i got news for ya, kek means 'lol'. you havnt been thinking kek = cuck every time you reads it, have you?

don't spoonfeed t_d posters

>Let's replace the current Bond because he's too old with someone the same age
truly perfect

Roger Moore was older than Sean Connery

Guys it's a microphone. He posted about it and laughed it off.

Based Idris was just being humble to keep whitebois from clogging up suicide prevention hotlines worldwide.

Moore should have quit like 3 films before he actually did. It was like watching your grandfather pretend to be James Bond by the end.

I dont think it's believable for blacks to play as spies

ahahaha what if bond was a woman