Brock Turner

Can we get a real discussion on the Brock Turner case?

Hard to get a narrative when sources like Huffingtonpost, NYT and even Fox read like a soap opera box

What really went down, and is there any case in his defense?


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what do you want to hear? he dindu nuffin he wuz a gud boi?
his defense already did pretty much impossible
he's not going to rot in jail for years, just few month

There's very little talk of the case and what went down, it's 90 percent demonizing and talk about rape culture

What actually happened?

>fuck someone unconscious
>90% of demonizing
>rape culture
poor baby he just loved ribeye steaks
damn feminazis holding white males down with their rape cases
what are other 10% about btw?

links to their fundme's and patreons

well memed my friend
seems like you already figured out "What really went down"
don't get why you needed to create this thread

seems mighty convenient she doesn't remember anything.

this is where i lost interest.

he's drunk, she's drunk. typical clown shit. who cares.

A different perspective? Why are you so emotional?

as far as I know
>him and girl drunk at party
>he fingers her behind a trash container or whatever
>she passes out in the middle of it
>a couple of swedecucks walk up and go
>"oy vey don't you see she's asleep? that's rape now we beat the shit out of you"
>get sued for """""rape"""""
>become a symbol of patriarchal oppression and rape culture

Brock "5 fingers in her" Turner is a god amongst men. Made her finish so hard she passed out

He also put pine needles in her pussy but yeah basically they got caught fooling around outside while she was wasted.

>"Turner’s lenient punishment is the perfect example of what happens when rape culture and white privilege collide."


I just read the article, he fingered an unconscious girl he was with throughout the night

Really the equivalent of rape that deserves 10 years minimum? Sounds more like a blood hunt, and a DA trying to get famous

Hate to say it but the feminists are right on this one.

She had a yeast infection he was just giving her that new car smell

Just correct my shit up

Pinene is a natural disinfectant

Doctor Turner turns no patient away


>he's drunk, she's drunk. typical clown shit. who cares.
Yes, that is what I can't get over.

God I love this martian agriculture and masonry board

Both are degenerates. But the female gets special treatment while the male is lynched.

>He also put pine needles in her pussy
Is this what Americans do when they're "fooling around"? Do you also have to clap after the pine needles are inserted?

What's to even talk about? He fucking raped someone and got let go because he was white.

the way it should be.

This. This isn't another dindu case I honestly think he didn't deserve to get crucified like this. He was drunk, she was drunk, end of story. Both of them are scums of the earth and degenerates though

I don't know if you have Boy Scouts in toothpaste town but here it's a pretty common game while camping to put pine needles up your dick hole then try to piss them back out

you'd sing other song if it was nigger

you're a cucked little libtard with no balls. Sluts deserve to be raped at all times.

Got you
>girl goes to visit her alma matter after being out for a while
>goes to a party with her sister and thinks she can drink a ton
>gets sloppy and makes out with brock despite the fact she has a boyfriend
>brock leaves her to make out with another 2 girls including the girls sister
>girl drinks more then agrees to go back to his dorm while texting her bf how horny she is and how she is gonna make it up to him
>girl cant hold on anymore and they begin making out and heavy petting near the dumpster
>hes drunk as fuck shes drunk hes kissing her body and fingering her
>she fades out of consciousness
>2 swedish cucks yell in their foreign language and run at him while crying
>he hasno idea whats going on so he runsaway
>girl gets told she was raped when she wakes up so the college can get title 9 money.

I'm only saying this cause I'm a law major (aka retarded) and I've never seen a DA who wasn't blatantly fucking evil and uses someone, innocent or not, to get famous and eventually leave and go to public office

actual quote from DA in my county-
>:this position is not for political gain, I have no interest in politics
>*makes name for self by giving life sentences to drunk driving teenagers*
>*becomes congresswomen*

But besides anecdotes I've read many cases where DA's and the powers that be manipulate, lie and use the system to cover their wrongdoings and pursue their agendas, so I truly wanted to know if this case was justified or a planned assassination

>>brock leaves her to make out with another 2 girls including the girls sister

God I wish I could be this based

I see more clearly now, female with a bf, there's a clear reason for her to claim rape, save face and not look like a whore, ruin her social life, put blame everywhere else but where it's due

Who the fuck goes to a frat house without the intention of getting fucked? Not some secret Frat Houses are pussy platters

don't feel like getting a bait image

Fuck off shart
What makes you think I'm a liberal?
> Sluts deserve to be raped at all times.

If it was a nigger, it probably wouldn't have even made it to court

>Sluts deserve to be raped at all times.

Where did you get that from My sister said the same thing, and all I got out of her statement was about pine needles in her hair, and the medical exam involving needles near her genitalia. Does everyone have terrible reading comprehension, or did I miss something?

Tumbler, not even once

>the horrific assault captured the attention of the entire country in June when BuzzFeed published the 23-year-old victim’s impact statement. The survivor read the gut-wrenching letter in court and addressed her attacker face to face.

>The letter is a powerful commentary on sexual assault, victim-blaming and the insidious nature of rape culture.

>“You don’t know me, but you’ve been inside me

>I don't remember it at all, but it hurt my feelings when other people contrived a story on my behalf, which i too believed.

Meh, I just did a quick search on her statement again, and she said that the dude jabbed his fingers in her along with debris and pine needles. Which I would interpret as drunk clumsy nonsense, not some kind of weird fauna fetish, like people make it out to be. But that's just me.

Also, needle comes up 9 times in her statement. Once medically, 7 times about pine needles in her hair, and then the time from above. It clearly wasn't the biggest part of the story.

He admitted to police that he had sexual contact with her.

If he never said a word and got a lawyer he probably would still be doing the doggy paddle

This is me, and I'm not even justifying his actions, its creepy as shit to finger an unconscious girl. But, he was underage to drink, she was in her mid twenties, there's a lot to consider.

>finger girl you know who is passed out behind a dumpster
>get caught by two gay guys biking around at 4am for some reason
>run away
>get caught

If he wasn't white, Sup Forums would have been hollering for a lynching

The two swedes wouldnt have approached a black guy in general user


did he bring the girl to the dumpster or just find her there? Either way violating someone unconscious is pretty fucked up. Instead of teaching men "not to rape" (maybe we should teach them not to murder too) they should teach their daughters not to get wasted and pass out in the streets.

damn sexy bitches laying down everywhere unconscious tempting me to rape them ugh!
wuz not my fault, i'm just a guy with benis