Liberal Censorship

>CNN Headline News blurs out a man's Trump for President shirt while explaining how he saved a baby from a hot car.

>CNN Headline News blurs out a man's Trump for President shirt while explaining how he saved a baby from a hot car.

>CNN Headline News blurs out a man's Trump for President shirt while explaining how he saved a baby from a hot car.

>CNN Headline News blurs out a man's Trump for President shirt while explaining how he saved a baby from a hot car.

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I can't believe I share a board with such mongs.




WTF i love trump supporters now

it isn't a fucking link yet

If this is true, Trump needs to see this immediately

Lmfao at the retard that thought that this would be an effective censorship tactic. It's literally just going to propel this guy and his endorsement for Trump into higher levels of fame than if they had just left it alone

Jesus fuck! her face?!?!
Its like its trying to show human emotion but glitched out.

Also, Democracy is over, everyone go home.

Link on the blurred footage please

she reminds me more of Skylar from, Breaking Bad.

The land of the free

More like the land of the Jewcucks

Need video link

Good job, hat.
You are going down with us and you know it.

Nice deflection Jewcuck

Snow Nigger, its not even funny anymore
DHS takes over the elections, it will be like Gerrymandering on crack.

Someone go through the daily share streams to find the time stamp of this.

I know it's not fucking funny, your "unbiased" news is literally blurring out some guy that saved a fucking baby from dying's presidential candidate shirt

You live in banana republic and are bought and paid for by the Jews, then ruin the rest of the world with your Jewified cultural exports. Modern America is a fucking blight on the planet.

I shitpost on a Mongolian rug weaving forum. How much do you think I had to do with any of this. Im fucking boiling right now and can not believe that open insurrection hasn't started.

who cares, it's their network, they can do what they like

unless you're saying the government should control what they do/don't show?

Doesn't fit the narrative.

>cucked americans
i am surprised wild nigger didnt appear on stage starting to face fuck that woman right there

Being intentionally misleading while claiming to be truthful is actually illegal.

>can not believe that open insurrection hasn't started.

you can't believe other people haven't done what you're afraid to do? maybe when you wake up from nap time things will be different.

>blurring out a shirt
every day this place gets so triggered over literally nothing, I swear Trump's campaign has made everyone but me lose about 30 IQ points

show me the relevant statutes on "blurring out shirts to mislead people" or whatever the shit you're even claiming

Why do you think they're blurring the tshirt?

America has been going downhill since 1865. The average age of an empire is about 250 years so 2016 is pretty much bang on for shit to start really going downhill.

Link? I wanna see it.

Is there any proof that's what his shirt said?

Wtf!!!?!? Man I hate CNN now

it doesn't fit their agenda

that doesn't make it illegal

68 days before we become a full on dictatorship and thats the best you got?

If this is true, and his shirt didn't have an obscenity or something, should be good. This has the potential to backfire so hard.


We need to twist their tits over this.

If they admit this, it'll be a silver bullet in Teflon Don's luger.

Only because Obama repealed the propaganda law.

Otherwise it would be, or CNN would at least face a huge backlash.


I can't find a single pro-Trump shirt that looks like that.

Again, proof? Or are you faggots just being reactionaries as usual?

Doesn't mean we can't exploit it.

Someone make a compilation video of CNN's obvious shilling. And don't drop some dumb shit about DA JOOZ in there either like you did with the last viral video that came out of this Mongolian throat singing board

Checked and sad, but true. We really need to get that anglosphere free trade union going and have a renaissance.

Well I personally think it should be illegal to bold anything out on any cable news program, because that by default is altering what reality is.

Screencap - shirt is somewhat visible
Completely visible in link above

cnn is just crap

>save a fucking life
>political views get shit on by dykes


A record number of Americans now dislike Hillary Clinton

yes that's the washington post...

>shirt is somewhat visible

Keep watching, it shows his shirt completely.

only thing I can find on this is in relation to government news agencies which wouldn't cover CNN

2nd shot

Shut up Ben.

I think things need to get worse before they get better, stuff is really getting weird at the moment. Some of the News coming out of America would be too far out to be included in a surreal satire and that's not even hyperbole.

Do you ever get an overwhelming sense of how insane all of this bullshit is? There are so many problems that could be solved so easily but we are crippled by kike bureaucracy.

Makes me sad to think of what America could have been had it stuck to the constitution. Could have been THE intellectual powerhouse of the Anglosphere.

A news program should not have an agenda

r/The_Donald back in Sup Forums

What is their intent in blurring the shirt?
To mislead about the election.

Fuck these CNN assholes. Someone compile this into a single image, with a video url in the image, and post this so we can get it to Trump asap!

Nothing gets people on your side quite like shouting about the kikes in public


>dont mention 'DA JOOZ'


Delete this now, that man is a Clinton supporter.


u dont want an anglosphere
white countries outside of america are cucked as fuck

just aim this at them

CNN isn't a news network in the sense that other countries have news networks, there's like 1 real news network in America and that's C-SPAN, everything else is just jerking off.

I agree in theory, but this is more down to the free market. If people are willing to watch this stupid shit then the government has no right to step in. Though they should not be covered so vehemently under the 1st amendment if they show any measurable bias (such as this).

Anyone who has ever worked around TV media knows that producers will always ask you to NOT wear any branded shirts if you are going to be filmed.

This includes ANY BRAND.



This guy obviously disregarded what the producers told him about wearing blank shirts, and they blurred his shirt because they are not getting paid by the brand/campaign/whatever for advertising.

>If people are willing to watch this stupid shit then the government has no right to step in.
Fucking libertarians I swear. No, you shouldn't be allowed to intentionally mislead the public.

Bullshit, if it said Clinton it'd be on repeat everywhere.

wtf have any news outlets picked this up? Anyone can tell you that was wrong of them.

Posted to /r/the_donald

Trump has done AMA there and browses there. Let's get him to notice it.

Wtf? It's not a brand you moron. And news outlets will often show political slogans and logos because to deliberately not show them would be bias in itself.



fuck off please

this is just retarded. why is it surprising that they don't want some guy pushing his political views on their platform?

>Do you ever get an overwhelming sense of how insane all of this bullshit is?

Yes, I certainly do. The MSM machine has gone in full swing, i've never seen it this bad. I've been watching, following and saturating myself in politics and its history since 08 and this certainly is surreal. They hit Paul the elder with accusations of being tied to a racists newsletter and that alone played a major role in drowning him.

>Makes me sad to think of what America could have been had it stuck to the constitution.

The position of pining for what could be is something I try to avoid but it's undeniable none the less. I would have to revert to your first line and agree wholeheartedly there. We still have room to fall and fall we will.

Is Trump a commercial brand? Some kind of product?


What I described is modus operandi for all TV media. You are always asked to wear a blank shirt with no brands/logos/etc displayed.

>1 post by this ID

Unfortunately, you've fallen so far that we now are.

Then why should I tell my story to CNN for free?

How have they mislead the public in this instance?

Did they say he was a Hillary supporter?

Please provide some type of argument beyond muh feels dey bein mean 2 trump :(((


It is a brand. The Trump campaign pays for ad space, just like any other company. TV media modus operandi is to not give free media real estate to brands that aren't paying.

>And news outlets will often show political slogans and logos because to deliberately not show them would be bias in itself.

Journalism, if they are covering political stories.

This is an unrelated story and this guy obviously disobeyed the producers memo to wear a blank shirt and decided he would use his air time to promote his favorite candidate. The producers did what they would do with any other brand.

No one said the government is responsible for this, dumbfuck shitposter. CNN is responsible. CNN is faggots.

Lol saying "Trump 4 pres" is a brand.

read the first line again a few more times mouth breather

Average Joe people like this love being featured on TV, especially if the story is about them saving a baby like this guy. Come on.

>hurr i'm a clueless idiot


I don't think they wouldn't have a problem with him pushing his views if he supported Clinton..

They fucking blurred out his t-shirt so people couldn't see that some Trump supporters are good people. That'd hurt their narrative.

i think they would

5 seconds in paint

Because their network is almost 100% about politics right now? It isn't merely about someone pushing their political views (which people are constantly doing on the channel), it's about making sure they don't let Trump supporters look good to their braindead audience. Why are you pretending to be retarded solely in this one instance?

then you are retarded

wait my crop was fucked

actual jew here.

you have to move people slowly. inch by inch. you start small and work your way up. putting the "da jooz" shit in something like this A) prevents people who might not yet agree from taking in the information and B) prevents people who already agree from sharing it for fear of being ostracized.

make it palatable.
alternatively-- maybe you are the jews trying to jew and trying to control the flow of information knowing that if you put in da jooz shit it you can say look "da nazis love trump" and limit the flow to an echo chamber.

Literally the post above yours you conniving little rat of a shill.

Thanks for correcting the record.

If we can find evidence of someone wearing a Clinton/Obama shirt on a major news network, that would be great.

>actual jew here.
>now let me tell you goyim how to do things
back in the oven schlomo.

redpill the cucks hard and fast.

>redpill the cucks hard and fast.

oh yea because that's been working so well...

it has, nationalism is rising, brexit passed and we just took over the GOP by force.

what are you, retarded?

ITT: A bunch of clueless faggots who have no idea that TV media modus operandi is to require all people featured to wear blank shirts and blur out any brands/logos/etc that aren't paying for the ad space.

I can tell you 100% without a doubt, the producers told this guy to wear a blank shirt, without any pre-approved words/logos/brands/etc.

There is no value to advertising space if you give it away for free, the Trump campaign literally spends $ millions each month for ad space.

>inb4 but they do stories on politicians all the time

journalism, this is an unrelated story

>inb4 Trump is a politician not a brand

The Trump campaign pays for ad space, it is absolutely a brand.